Sunday, February 25, 2007

What we do to the earth we do to ourselves...... for the earth is mother to us all

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 9:54 am
Post subject: Climate warming is not a political issue;it's a moral issue!


Subject:The chickens are coming home to roost.
(Playing Chicken with Mother Nature/reaping the consequences of conspicuous consumption)

Climate warming has the potential of causing an immense amount of human suffering and death!
The U.S. is the worst polluter on the planet(it produces 25% of the total global greenhouse gas emmissions), yet it refused to sign the
Kyoto Agreement.Some say that the record number and intensity of
hurricanes this year(and the increased frequency of extreme weather events) is the punishment of God,but in fact it is simply the inexorable consequence of our own actions.
The leaders of the "developed" nations with capitalist economies are
so fixated on "growth" and so paranoid of any measures that might
slow growth that their "economies of greed" have become a cancer
upon the earth--ravaging it's resources and destroying it's
ecology--at the expense of all living creatures.
The rate of species extinction is increasing. Creatures that have taken millions of years to evolve are disappearing in one lifetime.One-third of 600 species of frogs are endangered. One-quarter of all mammalian species are also threatened due to habitat destruction, pollution and climate warming.The capacity of the planet to sustain complex life forms is diminishing--a result of man's stewardship and dominion of the earth.The earth,our mother and life-support,has been ravaged and poisoned by man's greed and lust.
In every case that the United States has had the opportunity to take the moral high ground (to be a force for good) it has failed to do so. Is it any wonder that it is despised for it's decadance, hypocrisy, and moral weakness!Animosity toward the United States has never been stronger(peoples of vastly divergent beliefs are uniting in their opposition to the United States:why do they hate us?why have we alienated/antagonized the world?),and demoralization in America has never been higher. Americans are afraid of what they have allowed their country to become!
If the richest nation on the planet (wch has the greatest greenhouse gas emissions and the enormous military budget of 600 billion dollars per year)(The proliferation of weapons takes food away from the hungry and homes away from the homeless...and more weapons means more death!)refuses to accept it's moral responsibility for what's happening to the planet's ecosystems and refuses to restrain it's desires/greed, what hope is there for the impoverished nations of the world whose people merely struggle to survive!? The people least responsible for climate warming are the one's who are going to be most harmed by it.
As long as countries and companies(corporate profiteers) can continue to profit from polluting with impunity (while avoiding the costs/consequences),pollution will continue.
And with war having become immensely profitable to the military-industrial complex(war enriches the defense industries) we can only expect to see more of it.Does anyone doubt that the military-industrial complex has taken over the American government, or that government policy is dictated by corporate interests?
Politicians have not the wisdom to see that all things come from the earth,and if we destroy the environment there will be no economy,for it is the earth that
sustains us and upon wch we are dependent for not just our livelihoods but our lives... and the lives of all future generations.
Rampant growth at the cost of environmental degradation is like sawing off the branch we are roosting on!
It is in man's self-interest to preserve and protect the environment.The environment is the world in wch we live!
The earth groans with the pressure of the demands placed upon
it,and yet human leaders are blind to the impending disaster wch
must inevitably result if we do not change our course/behavior.And
those who still place their trust in politicians have been
brainwashed into believing that the sky is not falling in.--and any
voice to the contrary is merely an apocalyptic voice of doom.
Where are the political leaders who are willing to acknowledge and embrace the fact that we have a serious problem,who have the courage to fight for the earth,and who have the vision to plan a change of course before it is too late. If we do not stand and make our voice heard ,we betray not only ourselves but all future generations!
If we do not act to correct the situation ,we betray not only our children ,but all life on this planet wch is our home.

Isaac Newton predicted that the period of Tribulation would begin
in 2060. I suggest it is already upon us!

The Messenger/aka "Chicken Little".


Deadly Effects of Future U.S. Heat Waves Predicted
Sara Goudarzi
Special to LiveScience Tue Nov 15, 3:00 PM ET

In 2003, a summer heat wave killed between 22,000 and 35,000 people
in five European countries. Temperatures soared to 104 degrees
Fahrenheit in Paris, and London recorded its first triple-digit
Fahrenheit temperature in history.

If a similar heat wave struck the United States, the results would
be disastrous, a new study suggests.
Researchers looked at what would happen if a comparable
extreme-heat event settled on five major U.S. cities, learning that
not only would the country experience massive blackouts, but
thousands of people could die. In New York alone, the number of
deaths would increase to nearly 3,000 in a single summer.
"That would literally double the number of excess deaths over the
next hottest summer in the last 40 years in New York," said study
leader Laurence Kalkstein, senior research fellow at the University
of Delaware's Center for Climatic Research.

History shows that heat waves are deadlier than hurricanes or
tornadoes. And studies have indicated that extreme weather events
will become more common with global warming.
The warming is underway. With temperatures up to 30 percent higher
than the seasonal average over the past few decades in most of
Europe, the summer of 2003 was one of the hottest in centuries.
Scientists expect 2005 to set a modern record for the warmest
average global temperature. Leading computer models show continued
warming for at least several decades, even if greenhouse gas
emissions are curbed, with only wild schemes proposed to put the
brakes on.
Urban areas are particularly vulnerable, because dark asphalt and
rooftops absorb more solar radiation than natural landscapes,
raising nighttime temperatures by as much as five degrees,
according to NASA studies.
In order to see the effects of extreme heat events on the United
States, the researchers developed s to simulate scenarios
analogous to that of Europe's for heat-sensitive urban areas.
"We tried to take the Paris heat wave in 2003 and transpose it onto
the climate of five different cities," Kalkstein said. The cities:
Detroit, New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Washington, D.C.
The results were not cool.
In the nation's capital, there were 11 days with temperatures at or
above 105 degrees in the virtual scenario. St. Louis reached an
all-time maximum of 116. New York and Philadelphia each broke
all-time highs for four days. In Detroit the mercury set all-time
records twice.
The total simulated excess deaths were more than five times the
historical summer average, with New York and St. Louis showing the
highest numbers. This the researchers attribute to size and city
"New York is much bigger and clearly will have more deaths than
cities like Washington and Detroit," Kalkstein said. "The second
thing is that [a place such as] New York is a very sensitive city
with a lot of high-rises and buildings that are sensitive to
extreme heat."
Plan for it
Better planning and simple innovations in architecture could
effectively reduce mortality rates should things heat up.
There are many things that can be done immediately, Kalkstein told
Cities could provide air-conditioned shelters and cut down on the
use of black asphalt in favor of lighter-colored materials. More
heat-absorbing trees and gardens could dot urban areas. Cities
could work to provide better public transportation, decrease
traffic congestion and minimize commutes. Property owners could be
encouraged to paint roofs white and build roof gardens.

The study is part of a recently released report titled Climate
Change Futures, a project of the Center for Health and the Global
Environment at Harvard Medical School.
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Dire Future if Fossil Fuel Use Not Curbed, Scientists Say


for everything you never wanted to know about climate change:
