Thursday, February 22, 2007

I'm Watching You!

Subject: what goes around comes's the law of the universe!As you sow ,so also shall you reap!

Just between you , me and anyone else who might be listening:

According to the principle of reciprocity,the gifts that you give will come back to you.This also means that The harm that you do will return unto you!
Violent acts generate retaliatory violence.

In Eastern culture the idea of Karma encourages people to behave in an ethical and kind manner (lest it come back to bite them on the butt...if they treat people wrong)

Feel free to disagree with my babble...just keep it positive and constructive! Take what's good/helpful for you from this book and leave the rest?

1 comment:

  1. You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequence of your choice!
