Friday, February 23, 2007

the out-sourcing of "evil"--a political perspective

Deliver us from evil!

Democratically-elected Leftist Regimes taking over South America...much to the chagrin of the American Government.

The U.S. has been trying to justify it's imperialist foreign policy in terms of democratizing the world.
But in the past it has often supported dictators (and turned a blind eye to their human rights violations) when it was in its interests to do so.
And now when democratically-elected governments are coming to power wch oppose American interests , the American administration claims they are not truely democratic.For example,in the case of the democratically elected Hamas party in Palestine , the American government now claims that the advocacy of violence is incompatible with democracy.And "corruption" (see below )it appears is also incompatible with democracy.
 Perhaps everything wch hinders the furtherance of American interests is incompatible with Democracy.The united States thinks that military might dictates what is right*.Therefore it will do what it wants and anyone who defies or stands in it's way will be punished and made a victim of it's wrath.
An "enemy"(adversary)after all is anyone who impedes,obstructs,or opposes the furtherance of one's interests and desires!
Talk about a double standard! They want to keep their cake and eat it too. They do not see their occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan as achieved by violent aggression and maintained by force.They justify their actions as bringing freedom and democracy to the oppressed people of these countries, and cannot understand why they are perceived as "infidel occupiers" like the Christian Crusaders of an earlier time,rather than as "liberators".For the victims of American aggression, GWB is far more appropriately compared to Hitler.
What is right and what is wrong (good and evil) depends on one's point of view. Often whatever hinders the furtherance of our interests/desires we call "evil". Clearly the U.S. foreign policy is not motivated by a desire to liberate the oppressed and to export democratic values(see "in the guise of exporting democracy") ,but to protect their supply of oil.The American economy is dependent on oil for it's energy source.The United States consumes 1/4 of the world's total oil consumption (the total daily world oil consumption is 80 billion barrels /day). In his recent State of the Union address George W. Bush starkly acknowledged that "Americans are addicted to oil!"

*If the only "rule of law" that men are willing to heed and live by is the "law of the jungle" then there is no stopping men from treating each other with the ferocity of jungle beasts.

"I have seen the enemy and they are us"

see "the self-exemption delusion" --blaming everyone else except oneself
see "the enemy as mirror"
(since everything must have an opposite, there must be something in opposition)

 Psycholigists have long been aware of the ego defense mechanism of "projection" whereby we project our inner demons onto others in order to avoid acknowledging and dealing with them within ourselves. We have a deep need to see ourselves as "good" and the "other" as "evil".
The ego seeks to augment/inflate it's self-worth by attributing all it's problems to an external source. That is, it relieves itself of responsibility by blaming others.
Politicians have refined the "blame game" to an art.It is as if they sincerely believe that the best way to solve problems is to villanize and demonize others.

P.Z. You may not wish to have this on your computer.
Remember we live in a Brave New World.
Big Brother is monitoring your every thought!

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld likened Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to Adolf Hitler , reflecting continuing tension in relations between the United States and the Latin American government.
Rumsfeld, asked during a National Press Club appearance Thursday about indications of a deteriorating general relationship between Washington and parts of Latin America, said he believes such a characterization "misses the mark."
"We saw dictatorships there. And then we saw most of those countries, with the exception of Cuba, for the most part move towards democracies," he said. "We also saw corruption in that part of the world. And corruption is something that is corrosive of democracy."
The secretary acknowledged that "we've seen some populist leadership appealing to masses of people in those countries. And elections like Evo Morales in Bolivia take place that clearly are worrisome."
"I mean, we've got Chavez in Venezuela with a lot of oil money," Rumsfeld added. "He's a person who was elected legally just as Adolf Hitler was elected legally and then consolidated power and now is, of course, working closely with Fidel Castro and Mr. Morales and others."
There have been increasing signs of hostility between Washington and Caracas, and on Monday Chavez said Venezuela's intelligence agencies have "infiltrated" a group of military officials from the U.S. Embassy who were allegedly involved in espionage.
Venezuelan authorities, including the vice president, have accused officials at the U.S. Embassy of involvement in a spying case in which Venezuelan naval officers allegedly passed sensitive information to the Pentagon.
It was not the first such charge by Chavez.
He has accused President Bush of backing efforts to overthrow his leftist government, and specifically has charged that the United States supported a short-lived coup in 2002, fomented a devastating strike in 2004 and expelled some American missionaries from Venezuela for alleged links to the CIA.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:49 pm
 subject: "in the name of "national security"

Crackdown on dissent and dissenters: Criticizing the government may be hazardous to your health.
Bush is constructing the infrastructure characteristic of all
authoritarian/police states in wch those who question or criticize government policy are categorized as a threat to national security.Authoritarian regimes use the blanket rationale of "national security" to erode all human rights--despoiling the precious freedoms guaranteerd by the constitution.
This intolerance of dissent means that the entire weight of the state's
security system can come down on your head .If you so much as
express opposition to gov't. policy you will come under suspicion as a potential traitor and terrorist ,and become a target of surveillence.The "patriotism police"
will hunt you down!

Torture, Secrecy, and the Bush Administration
By Scott Horton

We have a duty to posterity, and that is to bear witness to these events. We must document them carefully. We must act to avoid the destruction of valuable evidence-and recognize, as we have already seen, that it is in the character of those who commit crimes to destroy the evidence of their misdeeds. In this way we lay the path for the justice which will in good time be meted out to those who betrayed a nation's trust.

see the movie "Rendition"  directed by Gavin Hood and starring  Meryl Streep

Joined: 17 Nov 2005
Posts: 32
Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:40 pm

Perhaps the one event that would bolster Bush’s approval rating (apart from the capture of Bin Ladin )more than anything would be another terrorist attack of the proportions of 911.And so one has to wonder as to how much of a political and public relations component there is in the recent arrests of alleged terrorists in Canada and Britain.The arrests are being conveniently presented as a vindication of all of Bush’s policies.Would it surprise anyone if the charges were unsupportable by evidence or dismissed on grounds of entrapment?!

The greater Canada's involvement in the American-led invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, the greater the risk that Canada (perceived as an American ally and collaborator)will be a target of retaliation by those who see the occupation of Afghanistan by foreigners as unjustified.It is a sacred duty to resist occupation of one's homeland by a foregn military force.The resistance movement (referred to by American military and media as “the insurgency”)will only grow-- both within the occupied countries and within the countries of the occupiers.
The justification given by those recently accused of planning a terrorist attack in Canada was to force Harper to recall Canadian troops from Afghanistan.(this is to explicate and not to condone such retaliation as morally justifiable)
The world has become a tiny place ,and war can no longer be
confined to a particular geographic region without felt
repercussions throughout the planet.Globalization has changed the rules of war.
The "killing ground" may no longer be in some distant land --out of sight and mind,...but may very well be in one's own backyard!
In war, atrocities are perpetrated by both sides.
War is the use of force to settle a dispute ,and as such it legitimizes/sanctions the use of force/violence as a means of solving conflict.
It teaches that violence is an acceptable means of achieving one's goals and desires
In so doing it devalues life and desensitizes us to violence.If we truely seek to reduce crime and violence,condoning the use of military force as an acceptable means of advancing/protecting one's interests/desires/goals is clearly counterproductive.

There are three main factions in Iraq--the Kurds, Sunnis and the
Shiites--who have been at each others throats for generations. Only
a strong authoritarian leader like Saddam who was willing to use
force to keep these factions from tearing each other apart could
maintain civil order.With the strong effective leader deposed and the
Americans having dismantled the Iraqi army , insisting on a democratic system ,and failing to provide the forces to maintain social order the country has degenerated into lawless anarchy .
Islamic(Shiite) extremists/fundamentalists control Iran.
Saddam's presence effectively contained Iranian westward influence and ambition.
The vacuum created by Saddam's deposition now allows a westward surge/spread of Iranian(Moslem Fundamentalist) hegemony (empowering of Iran).
The American effort to construct a democratic Iraq is being sabotaged by all factions (who do not perceive American motives as honourable).
It simply isn’t working.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 8:33 am
Post subject: the violation of human rights is incompatible with democracy

Control of information is power

Information control:governing from behind a wall of deception:
When President Bush authorizes wiretapes and torture without court
approval he places himself above the law .Such Human rights violations
in the name of "the war on terror" cannot be justified. Such behavior is not only subversive of democracy, it is the essence of dictatorship.
When a leader fabricates evidence(falsifies information)to justify
his actions (the war in Iraq is premised upon lies, deception, and disinformation),he is not only being dishonest and deceitful (intent to mislead and deceive)...he undermines the legitemacy of his leadership.

"Politics is the rule of the few over the many!"
"Democracy is the art of telling people what they want to hear so as to win their approval and their vote...and then doing what you want."


  1. America moves toward a police state:

    Law expert Stephen Miller and Dan Johnson, founder of PANDA (People Against the National Defense Act),

    discused the controversial NDAA and other issues impacting freedom."
    We are heading toward the last stand for America as we are close to the edge a police state," warned Johnson.

    The NDAA has been enacted for the last 48 years to provide funding for the military but the latest iteration is the most dangerous, as it authorizes the indefinite detention of American citizens without charge or trial,

    America has actually been under a declared state of national emergency since 1933, which means the Constitution is no longer in effect,

    Johnson spoke about Section 1022 of the NDAA, which authorizes the President to waive the military custody requirement of the act. The waiver does nothing to quell the powers granted under the NDAA, he said, noting that the powerful elite are reluctant to give up any of their powers. The younger generation is not easily fooled so the elite are moving quickly to further their agenda of consolidating their power.

  2. $40 million "Torture Report" released, but
    the majority of the 6,000-page  torture report remains classified.
    Scathing rebuke of torture("enhanced interrogation techniques") practiced by CIA under Bush regime:

  3. 9-11 was a gift to the surveillance agencies because it allowed them greater powers and resources:

    Silenced: The War on Whistleblowers - The Passionate Eye - CBC

    If you don't buy into the gov't. policy and story line you are not just a dissident but an enemy of the state--a traitor.
