diversity out of unity
E Unum, Pluribus
There is more to light than meets the eye.
Most light (electromagnetic radiation spectrum) is invisible to the human eye.(Visible light makes up less than one ten-billionth of the entire electromagnetic radiation spectrum)
Physiological effects of light:
Sunlight is key to the emergence of life in the universe.
the effects of light on biological clocks are well documented, It affects both our mood states and our physical health.Our inner biorhyths are attuned to the rhythms of day and night(light and darkness) as well as seasonal occilations in sunlight.
Light also regulates our physiology and biochemistry extensively and has an important effect on our mood.
The divinity of Light:
God is the eternal light that pervades the universe!
Every culture reveres light/rainbow as a symbol of hope and deliverance.It strikes a chord deep within our psyche.
What is the universe made of?
What is the nature of matter?
Light is the smallest, most elemental constituent of the universe--the substance of wch all elementary particles (quarks) are made?
Light is the elemental substance of wch the universe is made.
If light is a primary/elemental concept then we cannot get to a deeper ,more basic truth.
We cannot ask what was before light?
We cannot ask what is light made of?
A quantum of light (photon)is by definition an indivisible unit of energy.
The universe is light's kaleidiscopic self-manifestation.
The universe is a phantasmagora of light!
Light is the one and only Reality.
What words can describe it's beauty, power and glory!
If the universe is made of light and we are made in it's image (i.e.,of the same substance) then we are beings of light. Light is the essence of who we are!
We ourselves and all the diversity of forms wch surround us are made of light!We have to look past the form and experience that out of wch all form is made to escape from the bondage to materiality.
When this energy assumes human form (the Word made flesh) it acquires awareness and becomes subject to desire.
Light is the only thing wch is eternal.
This knowledge/gnosis frees one from bondage to materiality (the illusion of matteriality is shattered!)and gives one the realization that we are integrally a part of (one with) the whole/universe!
Yes,..."from dust unto dust",..but more importantly, "from light unto light"!
I came to the exact same realization while sitting in the park. It was a beautiful spot near the water, suddenly it dawned on me. It's so simple!! Great post.
ReplyDeleteOkay,if matter is made of light/energy,...what is light made of/from??!!
ReplyDeleteThat's a great question!
ReplyDeleteWhen you find the answer,..please do share it!
What is light? Light is the energy of love. God is love and light. So are we. We are all one, all created in love and light by the divine love and light - which is us.
ReplyDeleteRecommended reading on this topic:
The Akashic Light: Religion's Common Thread by T. Lee Baumann, M.D.
love brings life into the world/universe!
DeleteWithout love there would be no life!!!
Emily's blog titled "Building Bridges of Oneness" is at :
Light is the purest and most elemental form of energy!
ReplyDeleteI don't think anyone knows what light is made of.
All the school books define "energy" as the capacity to do work.
But it can also be said to be "the mysterious everything"!
Light is the Supreme Reality!
"While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light."
ReplyDeleteThese things spake Jesus
John 12:36
Why do you attribute divinity to light?
ReplyDeleteBecuz its so perfect, so elemental (the origin of everything that exists).... and without it nothing would exist!
ReplyDeleteLight is the real thing!!
Light is the foundation upon wch the entire univrrse
Everything that exists depends for its existence upon light.
It itself depends on nothing else.
Thrrefore light is the fundamental reality behind and beneath
all that exists!
In praise of light:
ReplyDeleteLIGHT energy absorbed by plants through the miracle of "photosynthezis" is stored/sequestered in molecules as chemical bond energy wch fuels and sustains life within all living creatures.
Without light there could be no life!
Shine! Shine! Shine!
ReplyDeleteFaithful Lover
ReplyDeleteThe moon came to me last night
With a sweet question.She said,"The sun has been my faithful loverFor millions of years.
Whenever I offer my body to himBrilliant light pours from his heart.
Thousands then notice my happinessAnd delight in pointingToward my beauty.
Hafiz,Is it true that our destiny Is to turn into Light Itself?"
And I replied,Dear moon,Now that your love is maturing,We need to sit togetherClose like this more oftenSo I might instruct youHow to becomeWho youAre! ____
ReplyDeleteLaughing At the Word Two
Only That Illumined One
Who keeps Seducing the formless into form
Had the charm to win my Heart.
Only a Perfect One
Who is always Laughing at the word Two
Can make you know Of Love.
We are the localized embodiment of the universe conscious of itself.
ReplyDelete"We are the local embodiment of a Cosmos grown to self-awareness. We have begun to contemplate our origins: starstuff pondering the stars; organized assemblages of ten billion billion billion atoms considering the evolution of atoms; tracing the long journey by which, here at least, consciousness arose. Our loyalties are to the species and the planet. We speak for Earth. Our obligation to survive is owed not just to ourselves but also to that Cosmos, ancient and vast, from which we spring."
— Carl Sagan, Cosmos, 1980
Einstein said that matter and energy are the same thing.
ReplyDeleteWhy then do we perceive our bodies and all external objects as material(matter), and not as energy.
Why are our senses not capable of seeing the energy content of matter...thereby creating an ethos of materialism?
Energy cannot be perceived by our outward-directed senses.
We are educated to believe that nothing is real beyond what we can perceive with our ordinary senses.
But throughout history there have been reports of people who using an inward-directed method of perception have experienced themselves as energy.
This experience has been described as enlightenment,oneness,God-consciousness,etc.
It has been understood as an experience of the primordial energy of wch all composite material objects are constituted.
Because of our materialist bias, the validity of this experience is not widely accepted in the West.
But in some Eastern cultures this energy is the greater antecedent reality and the material realm of the senses (Maya) is by comparison illusory.
all diversity rests upon an underlying
Physical matter is just the densest form of light/energy (condensed energy)
ReplyDeleteHuman beings are not static material bodies.
They are dynamic beings of light who each moment mold the energy that continuously flows through them, and give outward expression to it through their thoughts,intentions,speech and actions.
The light/energy that flows through us is universal energy.
We give particular shape/form to that light by what we think ,feel, speak,act ,and how we live our life.
We give expression to the life force within us by how we live our life.
We create different forms of thought,feeling,speech,and action when we change our consciiousness.
Conflicting intentions create turbulence in the flow of that light/energy through a person... wch may be experienced as anguish,stress,imbalance.
In a highly integrated whole personality, energy flows in a highly focused single beam --a phase-coherent beam of light! (Light that is not at odds with itself)
Experiencing oneself as pure and perfect energy. dispels the illusion of materiality foisted upon us by our outwardly focused senses.
DeleteCanadian physicists create, contain, and successfully stabilize atoms of antimatter
They made an anti-hydrogen atom consisting of a positive electron and a negative proton.
Previously atoms of antimatter were too unstable to be studied.They dematerialized in a burst of energy upon contact with ordinary matter.
Cooling the antimatter and suspending it in a magnetic field may allow a number of atoms of antimatter to be collected.
Trouble is, the input energy needed to create the antimatter may be greater than the output energy released upon its annihilation.
In nuclear fusion and fission reactions only a portion of the energy content of matter is released. ..but In matter-antimatter reactions 100% of the energy content of both entities is released.Presumably an antimatter/matter explosion would result in the release of. 100% of the total energy stored in both particles!!!!
Knowing the mass of a hydrogen atom (1.67 X 10-27 kilograms) it is easy to calculate the energy liberated when two hydrogen atoms annihilate(dematerialize)using the equation E = mc^2. (where E=1.67 X 10-27 kilograms X ( 300,000 km/sec) ^2
Don't know how much damage the annihilation of two hydrogen atoms would do. Haven't done the calculation!
But yeah if you were able to make a gram of the stuff, you better keep it away from any regular matter! They better have back-up power to keep the confining magnetic field active in case of power failure....or they could produce an explosion that would make Fukoshima (and even Hiroshima) seem like a hicup!
If we could figure out how to release the enormous energy stored in matter in a controlled manner, we would have access to an unlimited supply of energy.
How many anti-hydrogen atoms did they create?
ReplyDeleteIf you brought two ordinary hydrogen atoms into contact with one anti-hydrogen atom, what would happen to the odd atom?
ReplyDeleteRUMI Says:
"Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world. The forms may change, yet the essence remains the same. Every wonderful sight will vanish, every sweet word will fade, but do not be disheartened. The source they come from is eternal, growing, branching out, giving new life and new joy. Why do you weep? The source is within you and this whole world is springing up from it."