credit : Anonymous Namaste
In The Matrix, when Morpheus tells Neo that "many are not ready to unplug from the system," he is speaking to a profound truth about human nature and the nature of reality, which reflects both the story's fictional world and the real-life metaphysical condition of society. The "system" in The Matrix is a metaphor for the Illusion—an artificial construct designed to control and subdue humanity by giving them a false sense of reality, much like how many live today trapped in the illusions of society, unable or unwilling to see beyond the veil of lies, manipulation, and control.
Morpheus understands that, for many, the comfort of the system is preferable to the unsettling and often painful process of awakening to truth. People have become conditioned, through years—sometimes generations—of indoctrination, to accept the world as it is presented to them. To unplug from this system is to face a harsh, sometimes unbearable, reality that everything they thought was real is, in fact, a lie. This requires courage, a willingness to embrace discomfort, and most importantly, the readiness to let go of what one thought to be the truth.
Morpheus also knew that those still plugged into the system are often its most ardent defenders. Why? Because the system has become their identity. Their sense of self, their beliefs, their values—all are tied to the illusions and constructs of that system. To threaten it is to threaten everything they hold dear. For many, it is easier to defend the system (and to go on living their superficial lives)than to confront the possibility that they have been deceived.
Defending the System: A Psychological Reaction
When Morpheus says that "many will fight to protect it," he's speaking to a psychological truth: cognitive dissonance. When presented with information that contradicts deeply held beliefs, people experience discomfort. Instead of questioning the belief or the system itself, they will often reject the new information to protect their ego and sense of security. This is why people who are still plugged into the system will vehemently defend it, even when evidence suggests that it is corrupt, failing, or based on lies (false premises)
For those who are not ready to break free , the system represents safety, order, and familiarity. It's the comfortable prison of the mind, and to face the truth would mean losing not only this sense of safety but also their role within the system. The Illusion provides them with structure and predictability, and they will fight to preserve it, even at the cost of their freedom and truth.
Clinging to the Illusion in Today’s World
In today’s world, this concept is strikingly relevant. The system can represent various elements of modern society—political ideologies (e.g. populism) , economic structures (e.g. capitalism), societal norms, and even religious dogma (e.g. sectarianism), Those who cling to the system often do so out of fear, ignorance, or a desire for control. The system, through media, education, and government institutions, programs people from an early age to accept it as reality. It offers a narrative: if you work hard, follow the rules, and accept your place within it, you will succeed, be happy, and fulfilled. But we know this is not true for everyone.
The awakening process requires breaking away from these narratives and questioning the very foundation of what is accepted as truth. This is the essence of Hermeticism—the practice of questioning the surface to find the deeper truths hidden beneath. However, those who cling to the system will often ridicule, attack, or ostracize anyone who dares question its authority. Why? Because to question it is to question the very fabric of their own reality.
Unplugging: A Difficult but Necessary Process
Unplugging from the system, much like in The Matrix, is a metaphor for waking up from the collective dream that has been sold to the masses. It's about peeling back the layers of illusion to see the world as it truly is, rather than how we’ve been told to see it. Yet, this process is not easy. It involves dismantling years of conditioning and societal programming. It means facing uncomfortable truths about the world and, more importantly, about ourselves.
For those ready to unplug, the journey is one of liberation—of freedom from the mental and spiritual bondage that the system imposes. But for many others, the fear of the unknown, the discomfort of confronting deep-seated beliefs, and the pain of letting go of long-held illusions are too overwhelming.
The Nature of the Matrix as a Metaphor for Control
In the context of Hermetics, the system represents more than just societal control—it represents the materialistic, limited, and external focus that keeps people trapped in ignorance of their true nature as divine consciousness. The systems that shape our experience are invisible,,intractable...and taken for granted. The system fosters division, fear, and separation. It teaches people to focus on external validation, material success, and power over others. But in truth, as Hermetics teaches, we are all connected, and the real power lies in knowing and mastering the self.
To unplug from the system means to transcend these lower, ego-driven desires and awaken to the deeper spiritual truths that govern the universe. It’s about recognizing that the external world is but a reflection of the internal state. When we unplug, we reclaim our sovereignty and align ourselves with the higher principles of wisdom, truth, and love.
But those who cling to the system remain blind to this truth, often because the system rewards conformity and punishes deviation. They see anyone who unplugs as a threat, not because those individuals are dangerous, but because they challenge the false security the system provides.
Defending the Illusion: The Role of Fear
The strongest weapon of the system is fear—fear of the unknown, fear of losing status, fear of being wrong. This fear causes people to defend the illusion vehemently. They project this fear outward, attacking anyone who threatens to disrupt the illusion they’ve built their lives upon. This is why Morpheus says they will fight to protect it. They are not fighting for the system because they believe in it—they fight because they fear what lies beyond it. They fear the truth.
In Hermetic philosophy, fear is rooted in ignorance, and the antidote to fear is knowledge—gnosis, the direct personal experience of truth. When one begins to see beyond the Illusion, the fear starts to dissolve. The system’s control weakens because its power lies in keeping people in the dark, disconnected from their true essence. Those who cling to it do so not because the system serves them, but because they do not know who they are without it.
(They know no other truth/reality other than the world view/belief system that the system provides.Deprived of. the safety and familiarity of this world view makes them feel like a fish out of water (without any solid ground to stand on)---as though their very life is threatrned.)
Moving Beyond the System
For those who have unplugged or are in the process of doing so, it is crucial to remember that not everyone is ready. Much like Neo, we must navigate the world with the awareness that many are still prisoners of their own minds, held captive by the Illusion. But the task is not to force anyone to awaken; rather, it is to continue living in truth, as beacons of light, planting seeds for those who are ready to see beyond the veil.
Morpheus’s words hold an eternal truth: many are not ready to unplug because they are not ready to face the chaos of the real world, where their perceptions, beliefs, and identities must be reexamined and. reconfigured .. And those who cling to the system(the false reality) will continue to defend it until they find the courage to look beyond it.
Credit toAnju Saini:
ReplyDeleteBreaking through to a new reality
"The world we perceive is just an illusion, a mental prison that prevents us from discovering our true potential."
This film is a mirror to humanity, a call for spiritual awakening and the release of our invisible chains,
It is based on ancient metaphysical concepts, from Plato ( cave myth), to Hindu Sanskrit texts ( bhagavad gita.. isopanishads ... ) on illusion (Māyā), to dive into an adventure that goes beyond mere fiction.
The matrix is full of esoteric symbols and subliminal messages. From the start, the choice between the red pill and the blue pill is an initial test. This choice symbolizes free will in the face of willful ignorance (the blue pill) or painful acceptance of the truth (the red pill). It is an initiation to higher knowledge, where the individual renounces his certainties/preconceptions to embrace a broader reality.
1️⃣. The initial doubt: Like Neo, the insider begins to feel that something is wrong. Doubt is the beginning of spiritual awakening. Carl Jung said, "Man does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the shadow conscious." "This doubt is a call to explore your shadow and confront your limiting beliefs.
2️⃣. Confronting the truth: The insider discovers that the material world is just a facade. In the Matrix, this illusion is materialized by the matrix itself, a program designed to keep humanity in check.
3️⃣. Symbolic death: When Neo is "unplugged" from the matrix, he suffers a symbolic death. This is an essential step of any initiation: dying to the old self in order to be reborn to a higher state of consciousness. Joseph Campbell, in The Hero with a Thousand and One Faces, explains: "Initiation is a descent into the unknown, where the old world is destroyed so that the new can emerge." "
4️⃣. Mastering the real: Neo learns to manipulate the rules of the matrix. This is the ultimate stage of initiation, where the individual realizes that his conscience creates his reality.
The matrix represents a collective illusion that imprisons us She is the projection that technology and others' ideas create around us. She is the world that others create to enslave us. It symbolizes beliefs, fears, and social conditioning that prevent us from reaching our full potential. Gnostic philosophers were already describing this concept when talking about the Demiurge, a being that holds souls captive in the material world.
Look around you. Everything is MATRIX. This is a reality created by someone or a group of people to keep you a slave.
Stepping out of the matrix means breaking these illusions. Here's how the initiation process helps us get there:
👉 Knowledge of self: As Socrates affirms: "Know yourself and you will know the universe and the gods. "Understanding that we are creators of reality is the first step towards liberation.
👉 The transcendence of fear: Morpheus explains that the matrix works by exploiting fear. Transcending this emotion, the inner becomes free.
👉 The awakening of consciousness: Stepping out of the matrix means realizing that we are not our thoughts, bodies or beliefs. We are infinite consciences As Eckhart Tolle explains in The Power of the Present Moment: "True freedom lies in the realization that you are not your mental." "
In a cult scene, Morpheus says to Neo (I paraphrase): "The matrix is everywhere." She is all around us. Even now in this room You see it when you look out the window or turn on the TV. You can smell it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay taxes. This is the world that has been put in front of your eyes to prevent you from seeing the truth. "
The truth is that we also live in a matrix. Not a computer simulation, but a mental and spiritual matrix shaped by people who master our fears, beliefs, and conditioning.
Thomas Merton on the Apocalypse:
"Enlightenment for a wave in the ocean is the moment the wave realizes its the water"