Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Arrest warrants sought for Israeli, Hamas leaders over alleged war crimes

International Criminal Court says those who advance their interests through the use of  force must be held accountable and brought to justice :

ICC seeking arrest warrants for Israeli, Hamas leaders a sign of strong international legal order, lawyer says

The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) is seeking arrest warrants for leaders of both Israel and Hamas. Geoffrey Nice, who led the ICC war crimes prosecution against former Serbian leader Slobodan Milošević, tells As It Happens guest host Peter Armstrong this proves 'the international legal order is not dead' and 'that it is fearless of interference by great powers.'

Aired: May 20, 2024 on cbcradio/aih

World Criminal Court condemns Israel's treatment of Palestine:



  1. War is a form of genocide whereby. each side seeks to destroy the other!

  2. Both sides have committed atrocities...and both are blameworthy!


  4. War is a criminal act...and perpetrators must be. held accountable for their war crimes.!

  5. There is hope in people expressing moral outrage at the atrocities of war.
    The massacre of children and innocent civilians can not be excused as so much "collateral damage "!

  6. GENEVA Report On Civilian Deaths In Armed Conflicts

  7. 90% of wartime casualties are civilians!

    CH: Sudan. Congo. Ukraine. Burkina Faso. Haiti. There was no shortage of crises for the UN's human rights chief to address in his global update today. But he began by focusing squarely on the situation in Gaza and the West Bank. Volker Türk says that contributed hugely to a 72 per cent increase in the number of civilian deaths in armed conflict in 2023. And he says far too many illegal human rights abuses are occurring there. Here's some of what the high commissioner for human rights told the UN Human Rights Council today in Geneva.


    VOLKER TÜRK: I'm appalled by the disregard for international human rights and international humanitarian law by parties to the conflict in Gaza. There has been unconscionable death and suffering. More than 120,000 people in Gaza -- overwhelmingly, women and children -- have been killed or injured since 7th October as a result of the intensive Israeli offensives. Since Israel escalated its operation into Rafah in early May, almost 1 million Palestinians have been forcibly displaced yet again, while aid delivery and humanitarian access deteriorated further. The situation in the West Bank -- including East Jerusalem -- is dramatically deteriorating. As of 15th of June, 528 Palestinians -- 133 of them children -- had been killed by Israeli security forces and/or settlers since October. In many cases, raising serious concerns of unlawful killings. In the same period, 23 Israelis have been killed in the West Bank and Israel in clashes with or attacks by Palestinians -- including eight members of the Israeli security forces. Israel's relentless strikes in Gaza are causing immense suffering and widespread destruction. The arbitrary denial and obstruction of humanitarian aid have continued. And Israel continues to detain arbitrarily thousands of Palestinians. This must end. Palestinian armed groups continue to hold many hostages. And in some cases, in densely populated areas, putting them and Palestinian civilians at further risk. These hostages must be released. The patterns we have documented raise serious concerns about the commission of war crimes and other atrocity crimes. I call for the binding decisions of the Security Council and of the International Court of Justice to be respected. The occupation must end, accountability must be served, and the internationally agreed two-state solution must become a reality. I'm extremely worried about the escalating situation between Lebanon and Israel. Already, 401 people have reportedly been killed in Lebanon -- including paramedics and journalists. Over 90,000 people have been displaced in Lebanon, and over 60,000 have been displaced in Israel, with 25 Israeli fatalities. Thousands of buildings have been destroyed. I reiterate my call for a cessation of hostilities, and for actors with influence to take all possible measures to avert a full-scale war.

  9. ICJ says Israel's occupation of Palestine is illegal!:

  10. No refuge for innocent civilian bystanders/collaterals:

    Civilians indiscriminately massacred in Israel's pursuit of Hamas
    Israeli airstrikes target Hamas militants regardless of civilians. In the coarse of. hunting down members of Hamas. , 40,000. innocent Palestinians have been killed!
    Schools,hospitals,refugee camps targeted in violation of the Geneva Convention
    Each civilian massacre event has the effect of swelling the recruitment ranks of Hamas and ensuring that Palestinian hatred of Israelis will extend into future generations!

  11. Destruction of Gaza water wells deepe mmm s Palestinian misery:

  12. Israeli forces continue to obstruct humanitarian aid to Gaza!

  13. Every day Palestinians are being killed ,and their human rights are being violated with impunity!

  14. The US held off sanctioning this Israeli army unit despite evidence of abuses. Now its forces are shaping the fight in Gaza

  15. “Nothing is more important than empathy for another human being’s suffering.
    Nothing, not career, not wealth, not intelligence, certainly not status.
    We have to feel for one another if we’re going to survive with dignity.”
    – Audrey Hepburn
