Tuesday, August 11, 2020

human beings are capable of compassion,generosity,and kindness

The man who gave the shoes off his feet to this homeless girl.
Good                                                           deeds

This motorcyclist who stopped to help an old woman pass safely.
Good                                                           deeds


This barber, who offers haircuts for the price of a single hug.
Good                                                           deeds

 Consolation knows no color
Good                                                           deeds

The police officer who handcuffed himself to a woman to make sure she knew she'd have to take him with her.
Good                                                           deeds

The many people who helped make this boy's dream come true.
Good                                                           deeds

This dog owner who mourned by giving.
Good                                                           deeds
(Still mopping up
tears over that one....)

This store employee who gives extra service.
Good                                                           deeds

Theperson who decided to put new tires on a stranger's car just because he needed it.
Good                                                           deeds

  The crowd who decided a fan should be able to watch the show, no matter what.
Good                                                           deeds

This dry cleaning place that helps the unemployed for
Good                                                           deeds

These kids helping an injured member of their rival team to score.
Good                                                           deeds

The man who played for fun and gave his winnings
Good                                                           deeds

This man who missed his train helping this older lady with her bags.
Good                                                           deeds

 This man who gave something to a homeless man no one gives - something to occupy his mind.
Good                                                           deeds

And Dan, a man who, twice a week, buys coffee for every patient, nurse and doctor at local cancer centers.
Good                                                           deeds

 The people at the animal hospital, knowing how hard it is to say goodbye.
Good                                                           deeds

 This man who gave his umbrella away so this cat could have a dry night.
Good                                                           deeds

The paramedics.
Good                                                           deeds

"Kindness lasts forever!"

Here is a great email to brighten your day.

Virus-free. www.avast.com

1 comment:

  1. https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02FfeStp32UqqicFnmLjEZ9RqPUetZtZiLFmHh2NHpHDN7vW1rjzg3KFeMkFpbHC3rl&id=100064677761133&post_id=100064677761133_pfbid02FfeStp32UqqicFnmLjEZ9RqPUetZtZiLFmHh2NHpHDN7vW1rjzg3KFeMkFpbHC3rl&mibextid=Nif5oz
