Thursday, December 26, 2013

Let there be Light!

Physicists create light out of nothing!

Physicists devise method to make virtual photons stick around in reality. Virtual photons "materialize" out of empty space and usually quickly disappear
Not only did they coax tbese photons (wch were created in pairs!) out of
notbing (a vacuum is defined as a space that is empty) , but they made them stick around!
Apparrently so-called "empty space" is not so empty after all.
In fact it is teaming with undetectable/hidden energy ("dark energy") ... just waiting for us to grab it.
The darkness is full of light !

And apparently this "dark energy" somehow fuels the accelerating expansion of the universe.
see "dark energy" recognized with Nobel Prize in physics :

This finding gives credence to the possibility that the entire universe
(all yhe livht that makes up tbe universe)
similarly emerged/exploded out of "nothing".
If a pair of photons can be created(brought into existence) out of nothing...why not a universe (that is made of light) !


  1. The darkness is not completely devoid of light.

    The photons did not appear out of "nothing"
    Actually this only proves that an absolute vacuum does not exizt , and so-called "empty space" is not totally empty or contentless.
    The photons "materialized" out of tbe residual energy wch occupies "not-so-empty-space".
    It does not prove that ligbt can be created out of notbing;rather it proves that "nothing"(contentless space)does not exist.
    There is no such thing as "notbing"!
    "Notbing" just like "space" itself is a purely abstract idea (a creation of tbe human mind) wch does not exist in nature and has no experiential referent.

    By the way, If the law of the conservation of mass/energy is true, then not even God could create light out of notbing.

    1. Yes, what we observe as darkness is in fact not completely devoid of light.
      When tbe Hubble telescope was pointed at a point of apparent darkness, it recorded the "deep field" image of thousands of galaxies wch had not been previouly observable.

    2. Where all other telescopes saw nothing but darkness,
      Hubble saw billions of previously invisible galactic light sources.

    3. Makes you wonder how much else is out there hiding in plain sight!

      see "how much do we really see?"

    4. the light shone in the darkness and the darkness knew it not
      --John 1,1 .

  2. God has absolute power!
    So if there is such a law, He made it and He can it or allow an exception to it.
    God can do anything He wants!

    Besides you have failed to take into consideration human comparative ignoran.ce. There. may be a bigger law that we humans are not yet aware of that supercedes your "law of conservaation of mass/energy".We dont know.

    What we do know is tbat wbaT we know is just an infinktesdmal fraction of what there is to be known.!

    1. What we know is infinitesimal because what remains to be known is limitless!

    2. We would be truely humbled i
      f we but knew by how much
      the domain of our ignorance
      exceeds our understanding

    3. It is when we come up againstthe limits of our u.derst.dinga.d our incapacity to grasp the infinite. that we postulate the existence of a "higber power" to under stand what we cannot
      otherwize explain.

  3. Lightning was also once a mysterious force and now electricity powers nearly everything on the planet.
    It's going to be same in the future,we're going to learn about these new energy sources and we're going to plug into them.

  4. "The time will come when diligent research over long periods will bring to light things which now lie hidden. A single lifetime, even though entirely devoted to the sky, would not be enough for the investigation of so vast a subject... And so this knowledge will be unfolded only through long successive ages. There will come a time when our descendants will be amazed that we did not know things that are so plain to them... Many discoveries are reserved for ages still to come, when memory of us will have been effaced.
    --Seneca, Natural Questions

  5. Only a blind man can easily define what light is. When you do not know, you are bold. Ignorance is always bold; knowledge hesitates. And the more you know, the more you feel that the ground underneath is dissolving. The more you know, the more you feel how ignorant you are.

    Osho, The Book of Secrets

    To say with certaimty that a thing is impossible
    one would have to have infinite knowledge.
    Since we do not have infinite knowledge
    we must conclude that nothing is impossible
