Thursday, August 4, 2011

robbing the poor to feed the rich--the American way

Subject: the "Great American Fraud"

Joe Public gets screwed again!


From: bill dality
To: "aaa_

Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 10:56 AM

Subject: Democrats capitulate on debt legislation

"Too little; too late!"

US politicians temporarily avert economic disaster by agreeing to a compromise plan to address? the "debt crisis" .

 Necessary tax increases delayed again ...and the debt continues to grow(like a ticking time bomb)!

The tough decisions are kicked into the future.
The cuts in government services/spending will mostly affect the middle class and the poor.
There is no equitably-shared sacrifice here!
There are no increased taxes on the wealthy and on big corporation.
The banksters  got bailouts (instead of prison sentences),and the top 1% of wealthiest Americans (the billionaires) still are not required to pay their fair share.
Why should the working class exclusively bear the cost of paying down the debt?!

How long will the people tolerate such injustice and betrayal!

To a great extent, the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy are responsible for America's  enormous debt, and extending them sure won't help!

As long as the "debt ceiling" keeps rising and new money keeps coming in ..."the Ponzi scheme" keeps turning.

But the facade is cracking--when creditors lose confidence,  the inevitable crash will occur ... 

and the "Great American Fraud" will be over!


From: bill dality
To: ""
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 10:59 AM

Subject: the party is over(the money's been spent)!
 It's time to pay the bill!

Playing "chicken" with default

The global economy is being held captive by Washington politics.
US politicians are so embroiled in partisan squabbling , they can't see past their own self-serving party interests. They can't get their act together.
There is no credible plan to pay off the 14 trillion dollar debt!
All this places into serious doubt the willingness of Washington politicians(leaders?)
to subordinate their selfish party interests to make the necessary decisions to reduce the debt and put the country's financial house in order.
There is no willingness  to resolve the underlying problem wch is "too much debt"!
Raising the debt ceiling merely delays the inevitable ...and allows the US gov't. to go deeper into debt!


 "Working for the Yankee dollah!"

From: bill dality
To: "aaa_>
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2011 10:55 AM

      Junk Dollar --the immanent devaluation of the US dollar


From: Bill dality
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 12:50:32 PM

Subject: advance warning!

The tipping point!

Global debt crisis

Raising the "debt ceiling" is a temporary, short term, stop-gap measure .
It allows the US to continue spending while deferring payment....thereby increasing it's debt!
It by no means addresses the need to pay off it's crushing debt load and put the country's fiscal house in order!

(You cannot pay off a debt by going deeper into debt!)
This can only be done by cutting spending/services and increasing taxes.
Decreasing consumer and government spending will have a depressing effect on the national economy ,and will precipitate a global recession.

The next generation will face a bleak future  of high taxes and reduced services, low pay, squeezed standard of living, and no pensions at retirement !

As for Canada not being affected:
The US is Canada's biggest trade partner.
70% of all Canada's exports go to the US.
When the US goes down ,it will  take everyone with it! (just as it did in 2008)

(no state is an island --the economies of all countries are interconnected!)


From: bill dality
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 11:35:38 AM

Subject: what will the new world look like?
 (a shift in consciousness)

When we have shaken off the culturally entrenched delusion that money can buy happiness,
and that one's accumulated wealth is an accurate measure of one's life's success,;
When we have re-aligned our values and our priorities (and the economy undergoes a structural reshaping and a change in direction) ...what will the new world  look like?!
What will life be like in the "no-growth era"?


enriching private corporations through tax breaks and public subsidies

  The bailout of failing private (financial) corporations with public money is a violation of "free market" principles .
The use of taxpayer money to shore up failed financial institutions is socialism par excelence!
Government takeover of the banking system is a form of expropriation and nationalization--the very opposite of privatization and deregulation.
When billionaire banksters become welfare recipients and enrich themselves on the backs of the working class , the public understandably becomes  enraged with both the bankers and politicians (who are accomplices in this crime) ,and demands retribution against those who by their greed and irresponsible behavior  have precipitated the global economic meltdown.
The pain of the  recession must be shared more equitably.
The rich who benefited disproportionally during the boom times must now pay their fair share!

If human behavior did not require "regulation" (if they could regulate their own behavior)...there would be no need for laws or police (or law makers!!)!
The financial sectors cry for deregulation is a cry for placing the fox in charge of the chicken coop.
Without enforcable regulations they can do as they please, and are answerable to no one
Deregulation means doing away with the rule of law...and we've just seen what happens when the "rule of law" does not exist!

In their minds "regulation" is socialism ,because it constrains their freedom of behavior.
The libertarian impulse in America regards all government action as an encroachment upon individual freedom.
Government regulations  simply get in the way of unmitigated greed-- so they can act without any consideration for the public good --and this is just what is happening in the US now.
Any infringement on a corporation's "right to profit" (even at the expense of the public good)
is denounced and vilified as "socialism".

If  "regulation" (of individual and corporate behaviour) is not the role of government,..  what might that be?!

In, Lament for a Nation, Grant states
"Yet what is socialism if it is not the use of government
to restrain greed in the name of the social good"



  1. The Dream is Dead; Long Live the Dream!

  2. Capitalism is inherently undemocratic!

    Foreclose the banks!
    Expropriate and nationalize the oil corporations!
    No more bailouts and tax breaks to Big Business.
    No more taxpayer money to these corporate welfare bums!

  3. We,the sheeple!

    "If God didn't want them sheered,He would not have made them sheep!"

    --the villain
    "the Magnificent Seven"

  4. Spending what you don't have ...places one in servitude to a lender

    In our culture (and our consumption-driven economy)buying on credit (incurring debt) is encouraged and rationalized as "growing the economy"
    The banks want you to be in (their) debt.

    "Until you are your own master,someone else is your master!"

    1. America on the binge!

      Ross Perot has compared the Washington establishment to a bunch of fiscal drunks,
      Perot is still waiting for America to undergo an intervention, before it finds itself owned by a new global power.
      Its like the guy who's drinking—sooner or later, he;s got to put a cork on the bottle, right?

    2. Money by any other still payment!

         Money has different names!

      In temple or church it's called donation.In school it's fee.In marriage it's called dowry.In divorce alimony.When you owe someone it's debt.When you pay the government it's tax.In court it's fines.Civil servant retirees it's pension.Employer to workers it's salary.Master to subordinates it's wages.To children it's allowance.When you borrow from bank it's loan.When you offer after a good service it's tips.To kidnappers it's ransom.Illegally received in the name of service it's bribe.
      The question is "when a husband gives to his wife, what do we call it?"

      ANSWER:Money given to your wife is called DUTY, and every man has to do his duty because wives are not DUTY FREE.   

    3. It certainly is ironic:

      The Bank of Canada issues warnings about citizens' debt load, while simultaneously lowering the interest rate further in the hope tbat cheaper money will encourage people to stimulate the economy by spending more!

      You can't have your cake and eat it too!

      The purpose of lowering the interest rate is to incentivize people to incur more debt. ...
      ...wch sets them up for another bust!

    4. Canadian household debt may no longer be sustainable:

  5. Maybe if people didn't buy into the "consumer culture" hoax ,they would stop borrowing money and the banks would go bankrupt!


  7. "Regulation" is the only mechanism that political governance has for controlling corporate behavior.
    But in a corporate state, corporation lobbyists shape public policy and resist regulation wch restricts the ability to pursue personal and corporate enrichment above all other consideration or value.

    1. JPMorgan sued for fraud over mortgage securities.

      New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on Monday filed a lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM) for fraud over faulty mortgage-backed securities packaged and sold by the former Bear Stearns.

    2. The purpose of laws is to regulate individual and corporate behaviour!
      But laws are futile if they are not enforced!

    3. Having a justice system in wch people have no trust
      is equivalent to having no justice system!

    4. Freedom from "regulation"

      freedom from govt. regulation is the definition of "anarchy"

      Without laws to regulate behavior, individuals and corporations would be free to pollute the environment and exploit others in pursuit of profits the expense of and without consideration for the interests and freedom of everyone else!

    5. "J.p.morgan chase" pays fine of 9 billion
      for massive fraud against ordinary Americans


    6. Busted!

      Wells Fargo Fined $185 Million for fake
      customer accouunts

      Elizabeth Warren questions Wells Fargo CEO:

  8. the two faces of America where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer:

    Subject: American extravagance

    Study shows Americans discard 165 billion worth of food annually:


  9. Robbing the poor to feed the rich:

    America is a cuntry where yhe middle class pays more
    so the millionaires can pay less!

    Economists even have a cute phraze for it.
    It's called "the trickle up effect"!

  10. Outlawing slavery has merely driven it underground .
    Labour is still exploited through usury and the purchase of labor for unlivable wages!

  11. You have to be an "independent" politician to say this!

    This is powerful!

    How did this guy get elected?
    ...and why has he not been silenced!?

    Watch Vermont Senator Berni Sanders "tell it like it is!"
