Wednesday, February 13, 2008

argument for Vegetarianism

I'm Watching You! (click on image to activate)


While there is some karma from eating plants, the Vegetarian Philosophy of Sant Mat is that there is much much more negative karma incurred by eating animals, more complex forms of life with a greater number of elements. A Western approach might be to observe that if one eats animals, those creatures that have faces, more developed nervous systems, in other words, can feel pain, have some intelligence, and senses, have a greater level of awareness than plants, this causes more suffering and cruelty in the world. Sant Mat also teaches that eating meat causes NEEDLESS , suffering, and , as we have all we need to survive with the plant-based diet. Furthermore, when we eat meat and do not partake of a sufficient quantity of plant-based foods, we are increasing the amount of our own eventual suffering and disease. There is the revenge of the animals in the form of added cholesterol and saturated fat. Plus, these days there are countless studies about the many protective effects and health-benefits of the plant-based diet.

This online booklet is very helpful:
"Why I Don't Eat Faces: A Neuroethical Argument for Vegetarianism" :
Also:Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease by Dr Dean Ornish (Jan 13, 1992)

http://articles. animalconcerns. org/ar-voices/ archive/faces. html


  1. "Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances of survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet" --Albert Einstein


  3. The health benefits of a plant-based diet:
    An Incredible Lecture: How to Avoid Death emailid=13235&source=mobile_share*

    Also watch: "forks over knives"

  4. We should take care of animals;not eat them!

  5. tissue culture technology can be used to produce lab-grown meat!

    Meat grown in labs is a big deal!
    Not only does it eliminate the cruelty associated with using animals for food, raising animals takes a huge amount of energy and space, and is environmentally destructive and unsustainable.

    Whoever makes an appetizing cost- effective product by this method will be on tbe way to joining tbe billionaires club.

  6. Meat eaters beware: more evidence that meat consumption associated with health risks:

    Red And Processed Meats Tied To Cancer, Says WHO

    WHO says that red meat is “probably carcinogenic to humans:” Forbes&utm_source=TWITTER&utm_ medium=social&utm_channel= Business&linkId=18266191 > > Processed meats rank alongside smoking as cancer causes – WHO

  7. In the case of cured or processed meat, its not so much the meat thats bad for health
    as the fat,the salt,and the additives/preservatives.
    Yhey'll kill you with a heart attack before you have a chance to get cancer!


  8. Vegetarians live longer:

  9. domestication of animals is enslavement of animals

    Domestication of animals is exploitation--using them as resources for our own benefit.
    We have enslaved them in order to use them as food,clothing,transportation,labour,affection (pets),etc.
