Thursday, April 15, 2021

Gene-modifying technology--the good ,the bad and the unpredictable!

The Code Breaker: gene editing and. The future of the human race
-- Walter Isacson

Gene-modification technollogy is "" out of. the bag" "...and like all technology has constructive and destructive potential. The negative ramifications are horrendous!
Now that chemistry has given us understanding of the genetic code at the heart of every cell, we can use our unde rd standing of molecules to alter genes and genomes and consequently synthesize whole designer biological organisms with enhanced predetermined and specifically targeted characteristics.

We have only to see the results of the ability to synthesize molecules wc h have not existed in nature. Such designer molecules have revolutionized our lives through all the miracles of chemistry (e.g. pharmaceutical medicines )...but this technology has also polluted the environment with toxic molecules that threaten life on the planet.
The negative consequences (most of wc h are unforeseeable) of creating and releasing synthetic genetically modifi ed organisms into the environment will be far ,far worse than the consequences of creating and disseminating synthetic chemicals!
The use of designer mRNA for the creation of the Cov Sars2 vaccines is an example of good use of this technology. The mRNA vaccines are saving many lives ,and are a vital tool for freeing us from this global pandemic.
However human beings should utilize this technology with extreme caution and restraint!
The genomes of existing biological organisms represent millions of years of trial-and-error evolution,. We should not meddle lightly with what nature has taken millions of years to perfect.
Gene-editing technology is already being used rampantly without adequate ethical consideration and regulation (there are thousands of examples) ...and I fear it will end up 
b iting us in the butt!

Francoise E. Baylis (Q20090252).
Baylis, F. (2019). Altered Inheritance: CRISPR and the Ethics of Human Genome Editing. Harvard University Press. ISBN 9780674976719.


  1. Reminds me of H.G. Wells "The island of Dr. Moreau"



  2. the research community, ...

    China’s CRISPR twins might have had their brains ...…

    2019-02-21 · The brains of two genetically edited girls born in China last year may have been changed in ways that enhance cognition and …

    Author: Antonio Regalado
    China’s CRISPR babies: Read exclusive excerpts from ……

    2019-12-03 · China’s CRISPR babies: Read exclusive excerpts from the unseen original research He Jiankui’s manuscript shows how he …

    Author: Antonio Regalado
    This researcher sparked alarm by saying he made ... - ……

    2018-11-26 · The researcher, He Jiankui of Shenzhen, said he altered embryos for seven couples during fertility treatments, with one

  3. Engineered pathogens and synthetic biology(genetically modified organisms)
    We have the technology to make viruses that are more dangerous than exist in nature....wch can then escape into the natural world
    Creating artificial life forms(exotic variants of life) in the lab risks disaster far beyond the story of Frankenstein In manipulating genes we should be as careful as tapping nuclear energy.Mishaps can endanger all natural life that has been perfected through millions of years of evolution!

  4. As Gods: A Moral History of the Genetic Age: Cobb, …
    Reviews: 1
    Format: Hardcover
    Author: Matthew Cobb

    The thrilling and terrifying history of genetic engineering In 2018, scientists manipulated the DNA of human babies for the first time. As biologist and historian Matthew Cobb shows in As Gods, this achievement was one many scientists have feared from the start of the genetic age. Four times in the last fifty years, geneticists, frightened by their own technology, have called a temporary halt to their experiments.


  6. We can use stem cells to make embryos!
    How far should we go?!
