George Monbiot on capitalism and the environment :
:'A transformational vision for the next economy': Naomi Klein on the Green New Deal SimonAudio/status/ 1176119804404613126?s=17
The Problem is Capitalism
– George Monbiot
Capitalism's failures arise from two of its defining elements. The first is perpetual growth.
Economic growth is the aggregate effect of the quest to accumulate capital and extract profit.
Capitalism collapses without growth, yet perpetual growth on a finite planet leads inexorably to environmental calamity.
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How rethinking capitalism may save the planet:
Posted: Nov 19, 2019 12:00 AM ET | Last Updated: November 19
If the earth is to survive catastrophic climate change, the economies of the world can't continue to grow infinitely. Maintaining the status quo makes ecological viability impossible. Mathematician and philosopher David Schweickart asks whether there is another way forward for capitalism, one in which the choice isn't between the economy and life itself.
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Naomi Klein's "This changes everything" states that addressing climate change requires a fundamental change in our economy.
The capitalist model of unlmited economic growth is not sustainable
To continue to be oblivious
(out of sight;out of mind)
to these facts is to give up hope.
We each have to shoulder the blame and address the cause of the consuming less.
Unless we change our behaviour and learn to consume less,
climate change will continue to get worse!
Naomi Klein's "This changes everything" states that addressing climate change requires a fundamental change in our economy.
The capitalist model of unlmited economic growth is not sustainable
To continue to be oblivious
(out of sight;out of mind)
to these facts is to give up hope.
We each have to shoulder the blame and address the cause of the consuming less.
Unless we change our behaviour and learn to consume less,
climate change will continue to get worse!
Naomi Klein’s book, "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate"
:'A transformational vision for the next economy': Naomi Klein on the Green New Deal
we can rise to the existential challenge of the climate crisis if we are willing to change our politica l and economic sysrtrms wch are producing it,making it clear that the battle for a greener world is a fight for our lives. thecurrent/the-current-for- september-17-2019-1.5286346/a- transformational-vision-for- the-next-economy-naomi-klein- on-the-green-new-deal-1. 5286814?fbclid= IwAR2dVaoXjWuL7xdzvhhl72zD1J9a mUkQ6jEzaRnLQACkdHBk9S8pe_ vPcBs
Linda McQuige : the sport and prey of capitalism: how the rich are stealing Canada's public wealth
The Sport and Prey of Capitalists: How the Rich Are ...
2019-08-31 ·
In The Sport and Prey of Capitalists, Linda McQuaig challenges the dogma of privatization, which has defined our political era. She argues that now more than ever, as we grapple with climate change and income inequality, we need to expand, not shrink, our public sphere.
by Linda McQuaig
The wealth that the economy creates must deliver benefit to everyone...not just a few!!
ReplyDeletethe experience of widespread global suffering will wake people up.
Covid-19 is a minor blip compared to the far greater challenge of climate change!
Climate change poses a far greater menace and will cause far greater human suffering than the Covid-19 pandemic
Capitalism and the consumer culture is the cause of climate change and global ecosystem collapse.
We have to come up with new ways of thinking and living in the world.The old ways of living are no longer sustainable.
Is there an alternative to the present dystopia we have created?
Our behaviour has had an immense impact on the natural world we live in. We created a world that is now hostile to all life.
Floods, fires, and extreme weather events bring to awareness our dependence upon nature
the catastrophic consequences of climate change are causing a shift in human consciousness and change in human behaviour.
This transformation can be described as a shift from globalized indifference to globalized empathy and oneness.
We have to think of the kind of future we want, and reorganize our behaviour to achieve the future we intend. This will require a transformation (structural change)in our political,economic, social systems and institutions
2020-01-27 · Giridharadas calls on people to join organizations, membership lists and movements that work toward building cross-racial, cross-class coalitions of people — with a goal to create a future that...
Should the world’s problems be solved by unelected elites? Surely these are decisions we all need to be part of. Anand Giridharadas argues if we don’t trust the institutions we have for fixing the world, then it's time to build better institutions — from the bottom up. *Originally aired on January 27, 2020.
Download How elite do-gooders 'fixing' the world are part of the problem: Anand Giridharadas
ReplyDeleteGone are the days when capitalists in their greed for profit could pollute the envvironmennt,deceive consumers, and engage in other unethical behaviour with impunity (without cost)
"Values" by Mark Carney (Carney's formula for reforming Capitalism)!
ReplyDeleteHuman values vs market values :
We have moved from a market economy to a market society . Society values the accumulation of wealth above all other values.
Financial value/profit vs human wellbeing. We need to realign financial growth with human wellbeing. Markets prioritize financial. values above human and social values. We must reverse this prioritization.
Many determinants of human wellbeing and happiness cannot be priced or commodified/monetized
Decisions are made by market values rather than moral values.Market values have infiltrated all aspects of society.(commercialization)
Conservatism emphasizes/prioritizes individual selfish traits above collective altruistic values. Markets are not inherently moral.You cannot legislate/impose virtue from outside. .Morality has to come from within.
Capitalism cannot curb its addiction to unrestricted growth. Society is placing more value on socially responsible behaviour, sustainability and net zero carbon emission. (electrify everything and greening the production of electricity). Environmental values can no longer be disconnected from financial pursuits. .It is no longer possible to pursue profit at all costs! (Unbridled capitalism) ..Corporations must have a transition plan for reducing their carbon footprint and reaching the net zero target if they are to deliver what society values. Governments must mandate all companies to reveal their net zero plan and incentivize investment in clean energy and green economic activity.(e.g. carbon pricing and environmental regulation)
Individuals acting in their own interests cannot be allowed to undermine the interests of the common good
The goal of all marketing is to stimulate consumption and spending
The food industry engineers products designed to increase. consumption and increase sales/profits.
Advertising is riddled with deceptive and fraudulent informstion (lies). Misinformation propagated in. the service of selling a product or an ideology results in immense harm.
The food industry is increasingly viewed with distrust.
The primary purpose of the food industry is not to produce healthy,nutritious food; it is to produce profit! Private corporations always prioritize profits over people! The provision of a product/service is secondary to making a profit. The profit imperative takes precedence over the health and safety of the consumer.
20 gigantic corporations control the world's food supply. These agribusiness ocorporations have industrialized food production,
Sustainable food system must be regenerative. (regenerative farming means recycling water and nutrients back into food)
Purely market-based systems do not address inequalities and injustice.
The maximization of profit cannot be the only guiding value of corporations. The profit imperative must be balanced by a moral/social imperative!
There is a reason why fire and police protection services are not out- sourced to "for- profit" ,private enterprise companies
The pandemic has forced confront the question of what we truelly value. We have chosen to prioritize human health and safety above economic wealth.
In a fairer economy there must be a broader sharing of the gains of economic activity.
This frenzied unregulated activity of humans has destabilirzed the global climate and fueled mass species extinction ,and ecosystem collapse.
ReplyDeleteIn his book The Democracy of Suffering, philosopher Todd Dufresne proposes a list of 13 major features of the Anthropocene condition — such as the rise in social inequality, the return of existential angst, and a revolutionary shift in human consciousness. (McGill-Queens University Press/Lakehead University)
Wednesday, June 16 / Thursday, June 17/ Friday, June 18
Todd Dufresne is a philosopher at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Building on his book The Democracy of Suffering (2019), he's written three lectures specially for IDEAS, entitled: Climate Change and the Unborn Future: Capitalism, Philosophy, and Pandemic Politics. The first two lectures will be followed by a conversation with host, Nahlah Ayed. And the third, he'll be joined by two others to challenge, elaborate and clarify his overall argument: that the way we live needs a stem-to-stern overhaul and a new philosophy of the Anthropocene to go with it.
from cbcradio/ideas aired June 17,2021