Robert Mueller, in his first public statement about his Russia probe, did not exonerate President Trump, instead explaining why his office never considered indicting him for obstruction of justice.
--Robert Mueller"If we had confidence the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so"
Trump blackmails Ukraine with Bidens' and Burisma company investigations
U.S. adviser of the National Security Council Tim Morrison confirmed the manipulations with military aid on the half of the American Side16:15, 1 November 2019
Russia and Europe adviser on the National Security Council Tim Morrison testified in the Congress that U.S. President Donald Trump delayed the military aid for Ukraine demanding the statement about initiating the investigation against Bidens and Ukrainian Burisma company. CNN reported it referring to the informed sources.Particularly, Morrison confirmed last week's testimony from Taylor, currently the top US diplomat in Ukraine, about interactions the two had regarding the President's efforts to press for investigations while US aid to Ukraine was held up.Related: Biden slams Trump for dismissing Russian election interferenceMorrison also said that US Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland also confirmed that Trump would unblock the military aid for Ukraine in case the President of Ukraine or the Prosecutor General would announce the start of the investigation.
with this post you've put yourself in the crosshairs of millions of Trump supporters
ReplyDeleteIf Donald Trump gets reelected to another term it will be the worst thing that could happen not only to America but to the whole of humanity.
ReplyDeletemore dirt on Trump: the Steele dossier:
Fusion GPS
Guests: Glenn Simpson, Peter Fritscher
LL: I'm Laura Lynch, and you're listening to The Current.
The president has engaged in abuse of power, undermining our national security and jeopardizing the integrity of our elections. His actions are in defiance of the vision of our founders and the oath of office that he takes to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Today, I am asking our chairman to proceed with articles of impeachment.
LL: That was U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi yesterday calling on the House Judiciary Committee to drop articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump. The impeachment scandal centres around President Trump allegedly holding up military aid to Ukraine in an effort to coerce its government to investigate Democratic rival Joe Biden. It's not the first time Donald Trump has been accused of looking for foreign help to win an election. Earlier this year, a special counsel, Robert Mueller, reported on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and contacts between Russian operatives and the Trump campaign. Peter Fritsch and Glenn Simpson's investigation into Trump's Russian connections hangs over both scandals. They're the founders of Fusion GPS and their new book is called Crime in Progress: inside the Steel Dossier and the Fusion G.P.S. investigation of Donald Trump. They're in our Washington, D.C. studio. Hello.
GLENN SIMPSON: Great to be with you.
PETER FRITSCH: Good morning.
LL: Glenn Simpson, I'm going to start with you. What is your reaction to what you been hearing in the impeachment hearings?
GLENN SIMPSON: The general reaction is that this is of a piece with everything else that we've seen and done since we first came across Donald Trump in September of 2015 and started looking into his business career. You can draw a line from the Ukraine episode directly back to Russia's involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
LL: Peter, first same question to you.
PETER FRITSCH: I mean, Donald Trump does not like a fair fight and he's never won a fair fight in his life. He's a privileged kid from the outer boroughs of New York City who cuts corners and has cut corners in every aspect of his life. What he did in 2016 negotiating to build the Trump Tower, Moscow while running for president. Lying about it, covering it up, is of a piece has gone said with what we're seeing play out in the House of Representatives and in hearings on Capitol Hill today.
GLENN SIMPSON: And I know when you played Nancy Pelosi's statement there, I mean, the thing that's really foremost in my mind and I'm sure Peter's, too, is it does appear that he, Donald Trump, getting ready to cheat in the next presidential election and has laid the groundwork to do that and is likely to do that if he isn't stopped.
LL: All right. We will get to more about. But I'm also wondering, Peter Fritsch, should these articles of impeachment just focus on the Ukrainian issue or should they go wider and look at some of the issues raised in the Mueller report?
PETER FRITSCH: I mean, we're former journalists. That's a little bit beyond our pay grade or our area of expertise. You know, that said, there is a lot that we looked at during our investigation in 2015 16 that has not been treated by the Mueller report, the ex Street Journal, would be valuable in pulling apart and looking at that record.
ReplyDeleteTrump embodies all the qualities that people would want to avoid in a leader
In a civilized rational society it would be unthinkable for such an unscrupulous person to become a leader
Logic requires one to conclude that America is .netjher civilized nor rational.!
Judge Napolitano urges Republicans to impeach Trump:
Mr President "You're fired"!
ReplyDelete: President Trump has become the third US President in history to be impeached.
The House passed both articles of impeachment: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
Trump is a cheater--its a character trait
ReplyDeleteTrump cheated on his wife/wives, probably cheated on his taxes (wch he refuses to disclose),cheated on Trump University(paid $25. million to settle three lawsuits,cheated on his Trump Foundation(had to pay $2. million fine),welcomed Russian interference in the 2016 election,blackmailed Ukraine to get dirt on rival Joe Biden and then obstructed congress's investigation into this incident.
Will he get away with it, or will he face justice in 2020?
cheating is nothing new.
DeleteAmerica is all about cheating!
sign-stealing scheme gives Houston Astros sufficient advantage to win the 2017 Wo r ld Series
"Cheaters always win ; cheating is the story of America"
by J.M. Fenster
As long as the system rewards bad behaviour people will try to get away with it!
DeleteHow Trump has changed America:
ReplyDeletelisten to segment on Trump stacks judicial system by appointing conservative judges to appeal couurts,etc.:
Trump orders assasination of second most powerful person in Iranian government.
ReplyDeletethis is a distraction tactic--an attempt by Trump to divert attention from his impeachment and his declining domestic popularity
Millions of innocent people will die if this incident triggers an outright war, ...and it will have multigenerational consequences
ReplyDeleteRetreat from the brink of war:
ReplyDeleteIn response to Kassim Soulimani's assassination Iran fires 15 missiles at US bases in Iraq with minimum damage.
More likely Iran took extreme care not to provoke a full scale US assault on Iranian military installations and nuclear development sites.
A more accurate and more damaging response would have given Trump the excuse/justification to launch an all out attack on Iran.
By tempering its response,Iran ensures that its limited military capability is preserved and it can survive to fight another day.
Trump mocked the words of Jesus Christ at a national prayer breakfast
ReplyDeletebarbara. streisand addreses Trump in new song:
Barbra Streisand - Don't Lie to Me (Official Lyric Video)
Republican Steve Schmidt:
ReplyDeleteJohn Bolton: Trump sought Xi's help with re-election
Details from the new book by the president's ex-national security adviser include damning accusations.
ReplyDeleteNeil Young’s most recent Fireside Session featured a new rendition of his 2006 song “Lookin’ for a Leader” that lambasted President Trump and urged people to vote against him in the 2020 election. He’s now calling the song “Looking for a Leader 2020” and he’s released it onto streaming services; he’s also posted a standalone video on the Neil Young Archives.
ReplyDeleteNY Times exposes Trump's tax avoidance,
Investigation shows years of tax avoidance by Donald Trump – The New York Times
Donald Trump paid just $750 (£590) in federal income taxes in 2016 – the year he was elected, according to The New York Times.
An investigation by the newspaper also claimed that he didn’t pay any income tax at all in 10 of the 15 years before he became president.
The claims come just weeks before a divisive election, with early voting already under way.
It is also claimed that his tax bill also came to just $750 in 2017 during his first year in office.
When asked about the report in his daily briefing, Mr Trump said: “It’s totally fake news, made up, fake. Actually I paid tax.”
Mr Trump insisted his tax details would be released when the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) finishes its audit.
“They’ve been under audit for some time,” Mr Trump added. “The IRS treat me very badly.”
A lawyer for the Trump Organisation told the newspaper that “most, if not all, of the facts appear to be inaccurate”.
In a statement, he said the president “has paid tens of millions of dollars in personal taxes to the federal government, including paying millions in personal taxes since announcing his candidacy in 2015”.
The NY Times report claims Mr Trump was able to minimise his tax bill by reporting heavy losses across his business empire.
It said he claimed $47.4m (£37.1m) in losses in 2018, despite saying he had income of at least $434.9m (£340.7m) in a financial disclosure that year.
The US president’s consistent refusal to release his taxes has been a departure from standard practice for presidential candidates.
He is currently in a legal battle with New York City prosecutors and congressional Democrats who are seeking to obtain his returns.
During a presidential debate against Hillary Clinton in 2016, Mrs Clinton said that perhaps Mr Trump was not releasing his tax returns because he had paid nothing in federal taxes.
Mr Trump interrupted her to say: “That makes me smart.”
The myth and reality of Donald Trump's wealth
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump bills himself as a self-made billionaire. But after a decade of painstaking reporting, Susanne Craig has built a compelling case that the former U.S. president's long-running image as a savvy dealmaker is all just an illusion. The Canadian investigative journalist at The New York Times joins Chattopadhyay to talk about her findings, as collected in the new book Lucky Loser, and how ideas about Trump's wealth play out among American voters.
The Sunday Magazine22:31
The myth and reality of Donald Trump's wealth