Thursday, November 21, 2019

Would anyone select this person to be their leader?!

Robert Mueller, in his first public statement about his Russia probe, did not exonerate President Trump, instead explaining why his office never considered indicting him for obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so" 
    --Robert Mueller


Trump blackmails Ukraine with Bidens' and Burisma company investigations

U.S. adviser of the National Security Council Tim Morrison confirmed the manipulations with military aid on the half of the American Side
16:15, 1 November 2019
Russia and Europe adviser on the National Security Council Tim Morrison testified in the Congress that U.S. President Donald Trump delayed the military aid for Ukraine demanding the statement about initiating the investigation against Bidens and Ukrainian Burisma company. CNN reported it referring to the informed sources. 
Particularly, Morrison confirmed last week's testimony from Taylor, currently the top US diplomat in Ukraine, about interactions the two had regarding the President's efforts to press for investigations while US aid to Ukraine was held up. 
Related: Biden slams Trump for dismissing Russian election interference
Morrison also said that US Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland also confirmed that Trump would unblock the military aid for Ukraine in case the President of Ukraine or the Prosecutor General would announce the start of the investigation. 

Monday, November 18, 2019

to save the world we have to think beyond ourselves!

*********** "*************
Two roads diverged:

Tribalism vs human solidarity

Competition vs cooperation: blindsided by petty internal bickering

As long as we're fighting/quarreling among ourselves,(warring with each other)
we won't see the real enemy (climate change) coming!!
We may become so preoccupied with ,petty infighting that we are caught off guard.

Tragedy/adversity  brings people together.
Perhaps the ecosystem crises that threatens the planet will unite humanity if we can see this event  as our common enemy requiring cooperation  to achieve a common goal.
Climate change deniers are isolationists--more interested in building walls rather than bridges.
They resist unificatjon/globalization .
.To them subordinating one's personal interests
for the common good is perceived as a threat.
The climate crises is a global calamity that can only be
solved through a unified global response.
If humanity fails to unite (bring an end to war)for the purpose of achieving this common goal
they cannot overcome this threat.
At a time when unity and solidarity among the global community was never more critical ,populist leaders are pulling away from international  cooperation (globalism)
.Putting their own interests ahead of those of humanity could see efforts to address globall problems unravel.
Dealing with climate change  requires  a cooperative effort on the part of the  international community.
In today's world where we are dealing with wars,extremism, hatred,oppression,isolationism ,and's wonderful to see that humanity can set all that aside and work collaborative!y toward  one goal.
.It's a pity that politicians don't seem to be able to work together in the same way.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

the human drive to war

Why do we fight?

In his new book, author and former soldier Mike Martin looks at why we go to war, and how our ancestors have shaped our behaviour towards conflict. We ask him if there’ll ever be a time that humans can put an end to bloodshed.

"Why we fight" --mike martin

the essence of warfare(resolving disagreement through military conflict)

the next level of organization is international law(globalism)

how extreme must conditions be to exclude life?

Scientists Find a Spot Where No Life Can Survive. 

That's Bad News for Alien Hunters.

The Dallol hydrothermal pools are harsh environments.
(Image: © Shutterstock)
Unearthly greens and yellows color the scorching-hot landscape surrounding the Dallol volcano in northern Ethiopia. This alien-like world is filled with hydrothermal pools that are some of the most extreme environments on the planet — and some of them seem to be completely devoid of life, according to a new study.
Different life-forms on our planet have adapted to survive under some pretty harsh conditions, places that are superhot, superacidic or supersalty, to name a few, said study senior author Purificación López-García, the research director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research. 
But can life survive in a single environment that combines all three conditions, such as in the colorful waters of the Dallol hydrothermal region?
To figure out if this extreme environment oversteps the limits for life on our planet, the researchers sampled a number of brines— or pools of water with high concentrations of salt — in the area. Some were extremely hot, salty and acidic, while others were still very hot and salty but weren't too acidic or basic. The scientists analyzed all the genetic material found in the samples to identify any organisms living there. 
Some of the milder pools were chock-full of sodium chloride, a condition that some tiny organisms can withstand; the more extreme environments had high concentrations of magnesium-based salt, which is "deleterious for life," because magnesium breaks down the cell membrane, López-García said.
In these most extreme environments, that were really acidic, hot and contained magnesium salts, the researchers found no DNA and thus no trace of a living organism, the study said. The scientists did detect a small hint of DNA from single-celled organisms called archaea if they "forced the conditions" in those samples, López-García said. That means they took the sample and kept amplifying the DNA — imagine zooming into a picture —  to see if there was a very small quantity that they'd missed. But the researchers hypothesized that this small amount of DNA is likely the result of contamination from a neighboring salt plain, brought from people who visit the area or wind. 
On the other hand, in the less extreme ponds, the researchers found a large diversity of microbes, again mostly archaea. "The diversity of archaea is really very, very large and very surprising," López-García said. Researchers found some archaea that are well known to live in areas of high salt concentration and some that the scientists had no idea could survive in even the relatively less-salty ponds.
Their findings suggest that there is a gradient of extreme environments, some of which harbor life and others that don't and might serve as a bit of a caution in the search for life elsewhere in the cosmos, she added. "There is this idea … that says any planet with liquid water on the surface is habitable," she said. But as the lifeless pools of Ethiopia may suggest, water "might be a necessary condition, but it is far from sufficient."
What's more, using electron microscopes, the researchers also detected the presence of biomorphs or "mineral precipitates that can mimic tiny cells" in samples taken from both the lifeless pools and those found to harbor life, López-García said. "If you go to Mars or to fossil environments and you see little, rounded things, you might be tempted to say that these are microfossils, but they might not be."
Proving that life doesn't exist
There were some weaknesses in this study, John Hallsworth, a lecturer at The Institute for Global Food Security at Queen's University Belfast in Northern Ireland wrote in an accompanying commentary published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution. For example, the researchers' DNA analysis couldn't determine if the detected organisms were alive or active, and it's unclear if their measurements of the water factors such as pH were done accurately, he wrote. 
Even so, the team "managed to characterize the geochemistry and microbial diversity of a large number of brines that span a wide range of physicochemical conditions, revealing the extensive diversity of the archaeal communities present," Hallsworth wrote.
What's more, a couple of months ago, another group of researchers came up with the opposite conclusion after they, too, sampled the waters in the Dallol area. In the most extreme ponds of the area, those researchers found that archaea were "thriving," and various types of analysis suggested that these microorganisms didn't originate from any type of contamination, said Felipe Gómez, a biochemist at Spain's Center of Astrobiology and the lead author of that study, which was published in May in the journal Scientific Reports
"Given the risk of detecting any type of contamination, microbiologists that work in extreme environments take many precautions to avoid it," he said. "In our work, we sampled in completely aseptic conditions," or those free from contamination. It's unclear why there is a discrepancy between the studies, and though "they claim that they do not see what we report," that doesn't mean the older findings are incorrect, he said. "More work needs to be done."
But this older paper is "weak" because the researchers only found traces of one type of archaea that's similar to archaea living in the neighboring salt plain, and didn't do enough to prevent contamination, López-García said.  
"Dispersal is active in the area," so this trace of archaea could have been carried in by the wind or tourists, similar to how her team also discovered traces of archaea but hypothesized that they were contaminants from the neighboring salt plain, she said.
The new findings were published on Oct. 28 in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Originally published on Live Science.

emergence and evolution of. biological life forms in the universe

Subject: probability of advanced life forms may depend on age of habitable exoplanets

When evaluating the habitable exoplanets for potentially advanced civilizations we should be taking into consideration the age of the solar system they are a part of.
The older the sun around wch a habitable exoplanet is orbiting the longer the time life has had to evolve to a more complex state of organization.
We already know that it took 4.5 billion years(the age of our solar system) for life on earth to reach its current stage of developement.
We can therefore speculate (assuming that evolution has followed a similar time sequence throughout the universe) that organisms or life forms more advanced than humans could only exist on exoplanits that are a part of  a solar  system that is older than our own.
Exoplanits that are a part of  a solar  system that is younger than our own
would  presumably not had time to have evolved life beyond a primitive stage of developement.


It is no doubt an. oversimplification to assume that yhe time it took for life to emerge on planet earth and the. subsequent rate of evolution toward ever more. complex biologiical organisms would  be the same everywhere throughout the univrrse.
Planetary systems more hospitable to life would have seen the emergence. of single-celled creatures sooner than ocurred on earth and their rate of mutation and natursl selection may have proceeded more rapidlly ,uninterupted by numerous extinction events.


Descriptions from the book of Genesis and the Big Bang theory share remarkable similarities in everything  springing forth from nothingness. Darwin's theory of evolution is compelling yet, it doesn't account for what started the spark of life-- the transformation of inanimate matter into the first vibrant living creature. 
The essential requirements for life are "finely tuned" in our universe,  including stars providing energy and the right atoms, a suitable habitat like the Earth, and a recipe for assembling and sustaining life.
 The odds are very close to zero that this situation ocurred spontaneously with any degree of frequency.

Perhaps even primitive forms of life are extremely rare elsewhere in the universe?


Sunday, November 10, 2019

What matters in the end!

Do you know Steve Jobs ,CEO and maker of iPad...iPhone etc.
He died a billionaire and here are his last words from his sick bed:

Steve Jobs' last words:


To my friends.

"I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others' eyes, my life is an epitome of success.
However, aside from work, I have little joy. In the end, wealth is only a fact of life that I am accustomed to.
At this moment, lying on the sick bed and recalling my whole life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth that I took so much pride in, have paled and become meaningless in the face of impending death.
You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear the sickness for you.
Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – "Life".
When a person goes into the operating room, he will realize that there is one book that he has yet to finish reading – "Book of Healthy Life".
Whichever stage in life we are at right now, with time, we will face the day when the curtain comes down.
Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends...
Treat yourself well. Cherish others.
As we grow older, and hence wiser, we slowly realize that wearing a $300. or $30.00 watch - - -  - - - - they both tell the same time...
Whether we carry a $300 or $30.00 wallet/handbag - - - - - - - the amount of money inside is the same;
Whether we drink a bottle of $300 or $10 wine - - - - - - - - - - - -  the hangover is the same;
Whether the house we live in is 300 or 3000 sq. ft. - - - - - - - - loneliness is the same.
You will realize, your true inner happiness does not come from the material things of this world.
Whether you fly first or economy class, if the plane goes down - - - - - - --you go down with it...
Therefore..I hope you realize, when you have mates, buddies and old friends, brothers and sisters, who you chat with, laugh with, talk with,
have sing songs with, talk about north-south-east-west or heaven & earth,.... That is true happiness!!
Five Undeniable Facts of Life :
1. Don't educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be Happy. So when they grow up they will know the value of things not the price.
2. Best awarded words in London ... "Eat your food as your medicines. Otherwise you have to eat medicines as your food."
3. The One who loves you will never leave you for another because even if there are 100 reasons to give up he or she will find one reason to hold on.
4. There is a big difference between a human being and being human. Only a few really understand it.
5. You are loved when you are born. You will be loved when you die.  In between, You have to manage!
NOTE: If you just want to Walk Fast, Walk Alone! But if you want to Walk Far, Walk Together!
Six Best Doctors in the World
1. Sunlight
2. Rest
3. Exercise
4. Diet
5. Self Confidence and
6. Friends
Maintain them in all stages of Life and enjoy healthy life.

Sent with Smiles, Affection and Love !! "

Friday, November 8, 2019

Homage to an ordinary hero

Where Did The Country Go Wrong

He was getting old and paunchy
And his hair was falling fast, 
And he sat around the Legion, 
Telling stories of the past. 
Of a war that he once fought in 
And the deeds that he had done, 
In his exploits with his buddies; 
They were heroes, every one. 
And 'tho sometimes to his neighbors 
His tales became a joke, 
All his buddies listened quietly 
For they knew where of he spoke. 
But we'll hear his tales no longer, 
For ol' Joe has passed away, 
And the world's a little poorer 
For a Veteran diedtoday . 
He won't be mourned by many, 
Just his children and his wife. 
For he lived an ordinary, 
Very quiet sort of life. 
He held a job and raised a family, 
Going quietly on his way; 
And the world won't note his passing, 
'Tho a Veteran died                                         today . 
When politicians leave this earth, 
Their bodies lie in state, 
While thousands note their passing, 
And proclaim that they were great. 
Papers tell of their life stories 
From the time that they were young, 
But the passing of a Veteran 
Goes unnoticed, and unsung. 
Is the greatest contribution 
To the welfare of our land, 
Some jerk who breaks his promise 
And cons his fellow man? 
Or the ordinary fellow 
Who in times of war and strife, 
Goes off to serve his country 
And offers up his life? 
The politician's stipend 
And the style in which he lives, 
Are often disproportionate, 
To the service that he gives. 
While the ordinary Veteran, 
Who offered up his all, 
Is paid off with a medal 
And perhaps a pension, small. 
It is not the politicians 
With their compromise and ploys, 
Who won for us the freedom 
That our country now enjoys. 
Should you find yourself in danger, 
With your enemies at hand, 
Would you really want some cop-out, 
With his ever-waffling stand? 
Or would you want a Veteran 
His home, his country, his kin, 
Just a common Veteran, 
Who would fight until the end. 
He was just a common Veteran, 
And his ranks are growing thin, 
But his presence should remind us 
We may need his likes again. 
For when countries are in conflict, 
We find the Veteran's part, 
Is to clean up all the troubles 
That the politicians start.
If we cannot do him honor 
While he's here to hear the praise, 
Then at least let's give him homage 
At the ending of his days.
Perhaps just a simple headline 
In the paper that might say: