If human beings do not change their behaviour, climate change will turn paradise into hell.
most destructive wildfires in California history: 9,000 homes destroyed
Climate change viisits Paradise and turns it in to hell!:
these are not "natural disasters" ;
they are the man-made consequences of
climate warming
Unless we take effective action to reduce greenhouse gas emisions, the problem will continue to get Worse!
The days of unrestricted population growth must end. The more humans multiply and the more they consume, the more they deplete the planet's resources and the more waste/pollution thry produce.
We cannot have this many people on the planet living high consumption lifestyles. Current levels of human procreation and consumption are not sustainable. Either we each must consume less or we must reduce the total number of people.
Its simple arithmatic!
planet earth is becoming increasingly inhospitable to life
Cbc.ca/day6 biodiversity decline/ecosystems collapse
In the meantime Cjina revokes its one baby policy and the US pulls out of the Paris Agreement.
Deletein one generation (1950 to 2020) the human population has gone from 2.5 billion to 7.5 billion (a threefold increase)
at the current rate of population growth the global population will reach 10 billion by 2050
new scientific(US govt.) report on the economic effects of climate change
what good is short term prosperity if it is at the cost of immense suffering for future generations of inhabitants on the planet!
This is shortsighted and selfish!
...and Trump's response was:
Delete"I don't believe it!"!!
If grownups think only about themselves they will be gone before the negative effects of their actions become fully manifest.
Deletethe greedsters cant exploit the planet's resources and walk away with the profits:
DeleteSupreme Court rules thst polluters cannot walk away from cleaning up their environmental messes by declaring bankruptcy.
Deletestudents walk out of school in fight for the planet's future
scientists are not alarmists. Thry don't scream from the rooftops ;, so when they do, as they are doing now...we better listen!
Deletedecarbonize ...or else!!
ReplyDeleteClimate change is nature's tax on pollution!!
Deleteimpassioned plea by UN Secretary General in Poland
ReplyDeleteKATOWICE, POLAND – Nations facing imminent environmental disaster called Monday on rich polluters to help them back from the brink, as the U.N. warned the world’s plan to avoid climate catastrophe was “way off course.
Deleteno unity or political will among global political leaders to solve climate change crisis
climate change is a global problem and its solution requires international unification and cooperation of all humanity (nations and individuals) toward the common goal.
internationl community comes to an agreement in Poland on figbting climate change.
Now its time to walk the talk.
Now the real work begins
Delete58 per cent of all food produced in Canada – 35.5 million tonnes – is lost or wasted, according to a new report:
If this wastefullness could be reduced, we would have to produce less food...and we would proportionally reduce the emmisions generated in food production.
less wasteful consumption means more efficient use of resources--it means for example, changing cars less often, repairing instead of throwing out broken appliances, etc. ( not just buying less).
less consumption means less demand, less production, and less work places (fewer jobs)...but also less taxes ; and governments are always loathe to reduce their tax revenue.
Reducing consumer demand and slowing economic growth are not politically expedient.
Hence politicians are reluctant to advocate "reduced consumption" as a solution for mitigating climate change.
Deleteno unity or political will among global political leaders to solve climate change crisis
change or be changed
ReplyDeleteCan the dysfunctional human family come together and avoid doom by subordinating selfish sibling interests to achieve a common goal?
Whether "cooperation" can outweigh "competition" will determine if the outcome is salvation or ruin.
Can the idealistic words be implemented in action wch will be effective in avoiding catastrophe....or is it already too late? Perhaps the challenge of climate change will accomplish a "bringing together" of mankind that no other threat has managed to accomplish.
The overcoming (or not) of that challenge is perhaps nature's way of testing to see if we are worthy to survive and pass on to the next level in our evolvement. ..or not!
the key to living on a spaceship is cooperation ---cooperating to achieve a common goal.
DeleteIf humans cannot live cooperatively on spaceship earth they won't get very far
Global warming requires a global solution.
DeleteIt will require all nations to unite and cooperate to achieve one common goal.
The world that is coming will challenge humanity as it has never been challenged before!!
changing behaviour is challenging,but not insurmountable
DeleteWe need to change our behavior to solve global warming.
DeleteWe can change.
We must change!!
blindsided by mother nature : sometimes people need a bit of a nudge to change their behaviour. Corvid-19 is providing that nudge!
DeleteNo one foresaw that a virus would depopulate the planet and impose an unexpected solution to climate change and global ecological disaster
when a cancer cell grows out of control it can end up killing its host. ...or the host can mobilize its immune system, identify the cancer as a foreign invader and destroy it.
ReplyDeleteNature is telling us that we have to reduce our e xpa nsion/growth and our footprint on the p!anet.
DeleteGreta Thunberg speaks:
DeleteDavid Attenborough warns of collapse of civilization!
David Attenborough's speach in Poland:
Allowimg corporations to buy "carbon offsets" essentially enables them to exempt themselves from the carbon tax, and allows them to go on polluting with impunity. They simply add the carbon offsets to the cost of doing business and pass that cost on to their customers.
ReplyDeleteIts a way of bypassing the carbon tax and renders it toothless and ineffective.