Sunday, June 10, 2018
G-6 plus 1
Trump, shocks U.S. allies over the weekend when he used a meeting of the Group of 7 industrialized economies in Canada to alienate America's closest friends in the West.
Lashing out over trade practices, he lobbed insults at the G-7 host, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
He left early, and as he flew to Singapore, he tweeted that he was yanking the U.S. out of the traditional group statement.
One Magnificent Photo Sums Up Donald Trump's G-7 Visit
Perhaps no other photo is in more need of a thorough caption than the one released Saturday by the office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel from the Group of Seven's annual meeting in Quebec. Tense and confrontational, it appears to sum up President Donald Trump's entire trip, which highlighted divisions among the global powers. The image dramatically depicts the German leader in an assertive pose, planting both hands firmly on a crisp tablecloth as she addresses President Donald Trump, who is seated before her with his arms crossed wearing a dispassionate expression.
G7 leaders scramble to find common ground after Donald Trump throws summit into chaos
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Hacking democracies:

The integrity of democratic electoral process is vulnerable to the marketing strategies employed in the consumer marketplace.
Dirty politics:
allegations of corruption,fraud,cheating, ...and rigging of elections
The sheeple are gullible/suggestible and easily manipulated/influenced by marketing techniques.
Capturing votes in an election campaign is no different than persuading people to buy a brand of soap/soup!
How AI algorithms sway election results:
(cyberbots and cyberwarfare)
It wasn't just the Russians who meddled in the 2016 US presid3ntial election.
Other corporate "sabateurs-for-hire" also had a hand in corrupting the election process.
Whistleblower Christopher Wylie told the U.K.'s Guardian, which broke Wylie's confession that he used the illegally harvested private information of more than 50 million Facebook users for a Bannon-run company called Cambridge Analytica to target voters on behalf of Donald Trump's 2016 U.S. election campaign.
Facebook's Cambridge Analytica scandal, in which the personal data of millions of Americans was allegedly misused by a consulting firm working for Donald Trump's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, is renewing calls for a tech sector code of ethics.
When does persuading others in the course of pursueing one's own interests become unethical?
Is anytjing "off limits" in selling a political candidate to the public?
Or is everything fair game in love and political warfare?
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Blue Dot
What kind of world are we shaping for ourselves?
The choices we make today will determine our tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
America vs the rest of the world
The institutionalization of Trumpism (implementing policies and consolidating power)
Trump's policies are isolationist,selfish, competitive,and protectionist in extreme. Trump is taking America to the limits of "individualism" (self-absorbed culture)and turning it into an island. Extreme individualism says its acceptable to act with selfish disrespect toward others (exploiting others in pursuit of one's own goals) . Single-minded focus on one's own interests/desires makes it difficult to form lasting cooperative (mutually beneficial)relationships with others. Without the social supports of community, isolated individuals suffer anxiety, aloneness, depression. True fulfillment comes from looking after not just one's own interests but also caring for the needs and interests of others.
Trump's top-down leadership style: his authoritarian managerial skills are not compatible with running a democracy. (not a team player; not receptive to input from advisors) He is consolidating power in the executive branch while ignoring constitutional checks and balances ,and the oversight function of congress. (by invoking his powers as Commander in Chief he is able to bypass all such safeguards)
Trump exemplifies the politics of fear and division.
Trump's policies are isolationist,selfish, competitive,and protectionist in extreme. Under Trump's leadership, the USA is increasingly isolating itself from the rest of the world:
UN General Assembly condemns US unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel
the nations of the world proceed with commitment to mitigate climate change despite US withdrawal from the Paris Accord.
The US seeks to renegotiate all its trade agreements in its own favour without consideration for the interests of its trading partners.
The US seeks to drastically restrict immigration and build a wall to barricade itself against the migrant hoards.
US reduces its contribution to the operating budget of the UN.
************************** If it is truely Donald Trump's intention to achieve "greatness" for America,... this is not the path to greatness. How about the wealthiest country in the world showing some magnanity! What happened to "noblesse oblige" and "giving back "? Relationships mean giving and not just taking.
In the meantime China seeks to further its interests by moving in the opposite direction : pushes for free trade, globalization, and multinationalism/multilateralism. China takes the longview by increasing investment in foreign aid, (investing in the infrastructure of other countries)and is winning a lot of influence and goodwill globally.
...and Canada takes the moral highroad and seems like a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. Canada embraces the ideology that a civilized and just society does not ignore the suffering of downtrodden people
We are about to witness a tumultuous period in human history. We will all be caught up in the apocalyptic drama as these opposing forces and competing ideologies play themselves out on the world stage. If any good comes from the Trump fiasco, its that its put the focus on whats wrong with American society and what needs fixing. Hopefully this will motivate a transformation and create a new healthier social order.
My bet is that America will find itself on the wrong side of history. History will show that the best way forward for humanity is to tear down divisions/barriers and to embrace inclusivity. Clearly humanity is moving on and leaving America behind. History will show that the best adaptation was in building bridges¤(cooperation,inclusivity) ;not walls (competition, exclusivity) !
These two distinct approaches are perhaps best exemplified by the Dalai Lama's description of two kinds of selfishness: (see Dalai Lama's definition of true/prudent "selfishness")
"If you try to subdue your selfish motives and develope more kindness and compassion for others,ultimately you yourself will benefit more. So sometimes I say the "wise selfish person" should practice this way. Foolish selfish people are always thinking of themselves,and the result is negative. Wise selfish people think of others,help others as much as they can,and the result is that they too receive benefit." --Dalai Lama
"If you just want to Walk Fast, Walk Alone! But if you want to Walk Far, WalkTogether!" --Steve Jobs
¤ "building bridges" means building mutually- beneficial relationships based on what we share in common. Relationships mean giving and not just taking.
****************** Listen to comedian Ron James: v=ahRVKC0rBMk&sns=em v=x3OueiVvvsE&sns=em