Monday, December 17, 2018

Thursday, November 15, 2018

so you don't like the idea of a carbon tax,eh!? Well you'll like the alternative even less!

If human beings do not change their behaviour, climate change will turn paradise into hell.

most destructive wildfires in California history: 9,000 homes destroyed

Climate change viisits Paradise and turns it in to hell!:

these are not "natural disasters" ;
they are the man-made consequences of
climate warming


Unless we take effective action to reduce greenhouse gas emisions, the problem will continue to get Worse!

The days of unrestricted population growth must end. The more humans multiply and the more they consume, the more they deplete the planet's resources and the more waste/pollution thry produce.

We cannot have this many people on the planet living high consumption lifestyles. Current levels of human procreation and consumption are not sustainable. Either we each must consume less or we must reduce the total number of people.

Its simple arithmatic!

planet earth is becoming increasingly inhospitable to life biodiversity decline/ecosystems collapse

Sunday, November 4, 2018

the "consumer culture" is a capitalist con spiracy

"I consume;therefore I am" --Descarte?
> The Consumer Culture was created (and is perpetuated through advertizing) by capitalism whose goal is to get us to borrow,spend,and consume more. The more we consume, tbe greater their profit...and the greater their profit the more tbey can consume The acquisition of more wealth enables ever-higher levels of consumption. Hence the rich have tbe highest level of consumption snd the highest level of waste/pollution production. However this pyramid scheme is based on a fallacy--the false premise that more consumption yields more fulfillment/happiness. This assumption has been proven to be blatantly false, and yet it is so ingrained in society that people continue to believe it to be gospel truth The belief motivates everyone to aspire to acquire more a.d more money/profit/wealth in pursuit of ever higher levels of consumption. Tbis of coarse like every pyramid scheme is not a sustainable paradigm. Those at the bottom of the pyramid are kept on a borrow-spend-work treadmill in a lifelong state of enslavement to debt and work. A.d those at the top in an attempt to gain more profit for themselves exploit ybe labour of those beneath tbem through control of the political syztem(show me a politician who is not promulgating the capitalist dog ma of "growing the economy") Increased consumption results in depleting/despoiling yhe earth of its natural resources,degrading the environment through the production of more waste and pollution, and increased conflict between individuals and nstions competing for finite and dwindling resources results in more violence and wars. We must expose the consumer culture for what it is--a capitalist con job! Tbe real villains in this scenario are tbe fatcat consumers at yhe top of the pyramid who are poisoning the planet.
> They feel they are deserving of (entitled to) their privileged status and their lavish high-consumption lifestyles. They take for granted thst thry will always be surrounded by abundance and have no cause to live frugally. They are self-indulgent and self-obsessed
> We can no longer live lavish, high-consumption lifestyles wch plunder the planet of its resources and generate vast amounts of waste and pollution. For yhe sake of the health of yhe planet and future generstions we must live simply and frugally.
> We need to change our sense of values and our measure of personal success and personal worth. Driving gas guzzlers and taking annual tropical vacations are no longer socially acceptable/enviable symbols of status as our society recognizes thst such lavish lifestyles are raping the planet and are not sustainable.
> People are increasingly rejecting the prevailing culture of consumerism and materialism long promoted and fueled by capitalist propoganda. It is no longer socially acceptable to accumulate more money to buy more material goods since it has been shown that more material possessions do not augment personal happiness or quality of life. (Cbcradio/the current Feb 20,2018 > "Psychology and the good life"--Laurie Santos) The myth of consumerism has been exposed/busted. People who continue to live a high-consumption lifestyle are increasingly stigmatized for being self-indulgent, irresponsible,and unethical. Anyone who is not reducing their carbon footprint is contributing to the problems of climate warming and environmental degradation.
> *****************
> On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 2:54 PM, bill dality >> >> <> wrote: >> >> >> >>

baited by desire: >> >> >> >> The "desire for more" is fueled by the capitalist conspiracy (consumerism).

Marketing is so pervasive in our lives that we are not even aware of its subliminal influence upon us. No one wants to admit they are susceptible to marketing hype. But really...would marketers spend all that money if their advertizing strategies didn't work!? >> >> >> >> > > Perhaps the greatest secret to happiness is to know wben you have enough ,and to be grateful for all that we do have. (gratitude is the mother of joy) >> >> >> >> > It is tragically ironic that all marketing continually focuses our attention on what we don't have (and therefore distracts/blinds us from all tbat we are blessed with)and continually encourages us to want more. We are bombarded with advertizing that tries to make us believe that we need every new product in order to be happy. >> >> Actually the surest formula for unhappiness is to continuously focus on what we don't have(therrby becoming blind to all that we have )and therefore to be in a perpetual state of craving/deficiency. (wch condition continually robs us of any feeling of contentment,gratitude,happiness) ---and keeps us ever running on a treadmill chasing after the proverbial "carrot"...but never reaching its false promise of fulfillment. > >> >> >> >> To disregard all that one has and to obsessively and continuously focus on all that one doesn't have is a surest way to make oneslf feel inadequate,miserable and even depressed. >> >> >> >> By cultivating an attitude of gratitude we can find happiness within ourselves and among the people who are dear to us.
> We don't need all that external "stuff"!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Spoiled rich girl gives new meaning to the phrase "no work ethic"

As billions of people suffer economic adversity along with the negative effects of climate change, an entitled attitude is no longer socially acceptable.
People who grow up not knowing scarcity,hardship, poverty. ..feel they are deserving of (entitled to) their privileged status and their lavish high-consumption lifestyles. They take for granted thst thry will always be surrounded by abundance and have no cause to live frugally.
They are self-indulgent, self-obsessed, and morally irresponsible.

We can no longer live extravagant , high-consumption lifestyles wch plunder the planet of its resources and generate vast amounts of waste and pollution.
For yhe sake of the health of yhe planet and future generstions we must live simply and frugally.

Rebellion against consumerism and materialism:

Minimalist living (living with less):
"Man should live like a dog--everything else is excess"--Diogenes

For yhe sake of the health of yhe planet and future generations we must live simply and frugally. Everytjing we do affects the world we leave to our children.

Houses have become spaces for storing stuff/possessions as much as for living. Material objects(materialism) do not enhance our sense of fulfillment and meaning (quality of life). The consumerist myth that you can buy happiness by buying more "stuff" has been exposed as  illusory. We need to change our sense of values and our measure of personal success and personal worth.

Cultural shift: the new reality

We need to transform our way of transport, our way of life, and our way of thinking! We need far-reachi.g changes in all aspects of society.
Carbon-emitting behavior has a cost and must be punished.
Driving gas guzzlers and taking annual tropical vacations are no longer socially acceptable/enviable symbols of status as our society recognizes thst such extravagant lifestyles are raping the planet and are not sustainable. . Anyone persisting in such a socially unacceptible lifestyle may not be overtly judged/shamed but will be perceived as morally irresponsible. Anyone who damages the health of the planet will be looked upon with social disapproval just as anyone who damages their own health by smoking is seen today..
We must all become responsible stewards of the earth. Anyone who is not reducing their carbon footprint is contributing to the problem.
Bernie Sanders was right: the correct and appropriate object of fear and anger should be people like Donald Trump and those he represents (the 1%) whose greed and selfishness has poisoned the planet.
By deriving our fulfillment internally we can live simple, fulfilling lives with minimal external resources.
Advocating a simple minimalist lifestyle within the prevailing consumerist culture is neither popular nor politically expedient. Carbon taxes and austerity are punitive and politically unpopular.(Consuming less  slows the economy and kills jobs)
But real leadership is not just about telling people whst they want to hear. It is about having the courage to do what needs to be done. Politicians must have the courage to do what is necesssry to reduce CO2 emissions.
The cost of inaction will be catastrophic!


Friday, September 21, 2018

"Trump too well placed to go away quietly "

"Trump too well placed to go away quietly " by j.m. Opal
Originally published in

"How long until he's impeached?"
Canadians watching the political dumpster fire down south are right to pose this question. One week its potential pay-offs to Donald Trump's other women; we see little kids taken from their parents along the border, a clear breach of basic humanity.Now we hear members of his own administration are trying to thwart him. Yet he endures. From a historical perspective however, the reason Trump remains is simple: he occupies the best political ground, namely the meeting point of three reactionary forces in America.

The tycoons.
They,ve been around since yhe late 1800s, when they turned the Repunlican Party into the political tool of Robber Baron capitalists. They define liberty as the unconstrained pursuit of wealth and rage against any restraints upon it. They oppose taxes,regulations, and unions.

'Blood and soil'
White nationalists, whose origins trace back to the early 1800s, believe white families make up the real "nation" within the wider and more diverse United States. They too have become more organized snd angry over the past 50 years, first in reaction to the Civil Rights revolution and then to immigration from Mexico. They hate media. Such ideas are often associated with Americans of lesser means and education, with cut-off jeans snd non-ironic mustaches.But 'blood and soil' prejudices against non-white people also thrive on leafy college campuses and exclusive country clubs. White nationalism is a cluster of feelings and beliefs that often lay dormant before being called to action by various dog whistles: "hard-working Americans" and "the silent majority" versus "welfare queens" and "illegals".

The chosen people
The last and most important dimension of the modern right is religious, especially as practiced by white evangelical Protestants. Their roots stretch back to the colonial period, when Puritans from southeastern England and Presbyterians from northern Ireland conquored parts of North America from indigenous people they saw as "heathen". Ever since, one of the most powerful themes in American culture has been yhat of thr Godly settler in a fallen world, beset by demonic foes and blessed by a terrible yet perfect deity. In this narrative Americans are the "Chosen People" who must purge the world of evil. These groups--the tycoons, white nationalists, and evangelicals--all yearn for a harsh world in which thry have someon to kick around. But they don't have the same kicking order in mind.

A Mogul Unites Them
The business right usually wants free trade, while white nationalists demand protectionism. The later are increasingly antiSemitic whereas evangelical Protestants would sooner vote for Benjamin Netanyahu than Hillary Clinton. None of them can decide whrther the US should ignore or bully the rest of the world. Individually these groups cannot win. It was Trump, the "blue-collar billionaire" who couldn't bear the sight of Borack Obama in the White House, who united these forces of yhe right in 2016.He believes in them all, if only because thry all believe in him. And he's delivered: deregulation and taxcuts;muslim bans;tariffs; federal judges who are hostile to abortion,gay rights,and a secular public sphere.Put amother way, the realestate mogul now holds the best location of all, the center of a Venn diagram whose circles cover a huge swath of the American political landscape. Moving him won't be easy. And he won't move quietly.

Friday, July 27, 2018

What does Trump consider "greatness"!?

The sun has set on America’s greatness

DAVID BOND Jul 23, 2018 The Daily Courier,Kelowna, B.C.,Canada

Many people believe that the current state of affairs stemming from the actions and words of Donald Trump are just an aberration and that the traditional “normal” state will return once he leaves the White House.
I disagree.I think we face a difficult period ahead while we, the U.S. and the rest of the world work at finding a framework that they can tolerate for a decade or more.While Trump campaigned to “Make America Great Again” the simple truth is the sun has set on American greatness.
In part, the fault for this decline lies in the actions taken by Trump himself. At the recent G-7 meeting and the NATO heads of state meeting, Trump trashed America’s allies and subsequently in Helsinki refused to condemn Russia for the well-documented case of direct interference in the U.S. political system.These events effectively ended any trust that democratic nations still had in the word of the U.S. and gave heart to dictators around the globe. It would appear that these despots have nothing to fear from the world’s richest and strongest democracy. Trump has nothing but praise for the likes of Putin, Erdogan of Turkey and Duterte of the Philippines.
Trust is the central ingredient in the operation of a worldwide system founded on the rule of law and renunciation of the use of force to settle disagreements. Trump in both his actions and words has destroyed a belief that the U.S. can be trusted to adhere to existing treaties, be it the nuclear deal with Iran, or the Paris Accord on climate change, or the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership the development of which was led by the U.S. and which would have benefited the U.S. above all.And Trump’s most recent application of tariffs on both allies and China, justified on the basis of ensuring national security is just an obvious example of attempted economic bullying to obtain concessions on trade treaties.Were that not bad enough, his impact upon his own country is equally catastrophic. With the appointment of arch-conservative Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, it is obvious that the cultural wars of the past 40 years will be re-litigated in cases affecting abortion, civil rights, same-sex marriage, limits on voting rights, etc. That, in turn, will yield endless and escalating social turmoil.
Moreover, the inability of Congress to take decisive action on critical legislation from immigration to fiscal rectitude means additional stress on the political fabric of the nation. Issues that should be dealt with in the legislature wind up being settled by the courts.
A fish rots from the head. The president’s chronic inability to speak the truth, his denigration of major law enforcement institutions and non-recognition of the legitimacy of the rule of law and his paranoid tendency to demonize anybody who voices a disagreement with him is attacking the fundamentals of the nation’s social and moral values.With the ossification of the governing process, the U.S. economy will show increasing stress, which will be felt not only domestically but by the rest of the world. What is today the world’s biggest economy will likely stop growing and be superseded by China.That nation, with its decidedly different set of values and system of governance, will not be pushing for global democracy, rule of law and tolerance of diverse opinions.The United States may complain long and loud at the changing world of international governance and trade, but few will listen sympathetically since they brought this mess upon themselves.As is usually the case under such circumstances, Americans will search for scapegoats to assign blame and will fix on anything and anyone but themselves. Canada is sure to be one of the targets, if only because we are next door.
And, the whole world will be a harsher place with reduced co-operation, more belligerent behaviour and a greater risk of war.

--David Bond is a retired bank economist who resides in Kelowna.

What Russia 'Has' On Trump REVEALED



Dear friends,

It's now shockingly clear that Donald Trump is Putin's poodle.

The Shocking Truth about Trump

But we need the world to understand why, before it's too late...

Trump's businesses went bankrupt so many times in the 1990s that many legitimate banks wouldn't lend to him anymore. He turned to Russian oligarchs -- Putin's ruling clique -- to bankroll his projects, and launder their dirty money for them. This was, and continues to be, a huge part of his business. He's a Russian money launderer.

"We don't rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia."
Donald Trump JR, 2014

This isn't speculation or hyperbole. There's mountains of evidence. Trump's former election campaign Chairman, Paul Manafort, has deep ties to Russian oligarchs, and is currently in jail awaiting trial on, among other charges, money laundering!

Here are 5 more top facts everyone should know about Trump's long collusion with Russian organised criminals -- forward this email and share it on Facebook -- we all deserve to know the truth:


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Trump's main financial backer for the Trump Tower Toronto was a Russian-Canadian billionaire who got the money by selling a massive steel mill in Ukraine for nearly a billion dollars. $100 million of that money was paid to a Kremlin-backed fixer, likely as a bribe to VERY high Russian officials. The Chairman of the Bank who financed the deal? Vladimir Putin.



Trump bought his home in Palm Beach, Florida for $41 million. A few years later, with no real increase in the value -- he sold it for $95 million -- the most expensive home in America at the time! Why? A major Russian oligarch bought it -- we don't know yet why he effectively 'gave' Trump $54 million. But it's classic money laundering practice.



Trump's real estate deals were often fuelled by Russian money, typically passed through shady shell companies. 77% of Trump Soho apartments were bought with cash by such mysterious companies. At least 13 people with links to Russian oligarchs or mobsters lived in Trump properties, including one of Russia's top mobsters. One even ran a high-stakes illegal gambling ring in the apartment right below Trump's!

"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets"
Donald Trump JR, 2008



Trump's financial broker and "Senior Advisor" was a Russian convicted felon named Felix Sater, widely known as a mafia figure who once stabbed someone in the face with a broken margarita glass, requiring over 100 stitches. Sater helped set up shell companies, and arranged funding for Trump's projects, including plans for Trump Tower Moscow. He's also part of Putin's inner circle. Here's one email he wrote to Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen in November, 2015:

"Michael I arranged for Ivanka to sit in Putins private chair at his desk and office in the Kremlin. I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected. We both know no one else knows how to pull this off without stupidity or greed getting in the way. I know how to play it and we will get this done. Buddy our boy can become President of the USA and we can engineer it. I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will."

New York Times, August 27, 2017



Trump's other main business is casinos -- which are classic money laundering vehicles. One of his casinos was 100 times found in violation of federal rules protecting against money laundering, and paid the largest fine ever levied against a casino for having "willfully violated" anti-money laundering rules. Trump has a legal obligation to do "due diligence" for all his businesses to prevent laundering. His senior executive's comment on this was "Donald doesn't do diligence".


The Big Picture

Putin is a former KGB officer who has used chemical weapons, assassinated people in other countries, invaded the Ukraine, occupied Crimea, shot down the MH17 airliner with almost 300 passengers on board, aided a murderous regime in Syria, condoned the beating and torture of gays, stolen up to $200 billion from his own people, hacked foreign elections and launched what NATO calls the largest hybrid warfare campaign in history to undermine western liberal democracies. He is also widely believed to have ordered the murder of Russian journalists and critics, and bombed hundreds of Russian civilians to fake a terrorist attack and justify a war in Chechnya.

Yet when asked at their press conference if Trump had any criticism of Putin, he had none, and ridiculed US law enforcement for investigating Russian attacks on US democracy!

Why? Trump has been working for Putin's corrupt inner circle for almost 20 years. And it's that corrupt circle that promises to make him rich for the next 20 (he's refused, in violation of all ethics, to divest from his businesses as President).

Trump *may* be a Russian intelligence asset, he *may* have colluded with Putin to sabotage the US election. But what is clear is that he is a corrupt Russian money launderer, in the pocket of a KGB dictator. The whole world needs to know this, and rally together to prevent the damage this corrupt alliance threatens. Share this email with everyone...


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With hope,

Ricken, Emma, Rewan, Joseph, Morgan, Spyro, Flora and the whole Avaaz team

PS -- scroll down for a TON of credible, trustworthy, fact-checked sources for everything in this email. Avaaz isn't one of those absurd troll publications that slings lies for profit -- we're a nonprofit, and every time we make an error anywhere, we publish the correction on our accuracy page, linked from the front of our website.

PPS -- if Trump the 'organized criminal money launderer' sounds like a stretch to you, consider it just the tip of the iceberg of Trump's known corruption:

  • His 'charitable foundation' is likely to be shut down for multiple examples of fraud.
  • Trump 'University' scammed legions of vulnerable people out of their money.
  • He had an affair with a pornstar and paid her to keep quiet -- she says she was also threatened with physical violence.
  • His ex-wife attested in court documents that he brutally raped her while tearing out her hair after he didn't like the hair replacement doctor she recommended.
  • He bragged, on tape, about sexually assaulting multiple women.
  • Hundreds of people hired by Trump say he simply decided not to pay them for their work -- including dishwashers, painters and waiters, some of whom were making minimum wage.
  • He has been sued, and forced to pay out settlements, over a hundred times.

Trump is not a devil -- he's a human being, and like all people he has positive qualities and legitimate views. But anyone who denies that he is deeply corrupt, isn't looking at the facts. To understand Trump, and protect our world from him, we need to understand his corruption.



Trump's Russian Laundromat (The New Republic)

Everything We Know About Russia and President Trump (Committee to Investigate Russia)

Secret Money: How Trump Made Millions Selling Condos To Unknown Buyers (Buzzfeed News)

Trump's Russian connections (Financial Times)

Dirty money: Trump and the Kazakh connection (Financial Times)

Trump's oldest son said a decade ago that a lot of the family's assets came from Russia (Business Insider)

Sales of Trump properties suggestive of money-laundering - researcher (Reuters)

Tower of secrets: the Russian money behind a Donald Trump skyscraper (Financial Times)

Trump Tower Toronto Was 'Investment Scheme And Conspiracy': Lawsuit (Huffington Post)

If Trump Is Laundering Russian Money, Here's How It Works (Wired)

Trump's casino was a money laundering concern shortly after it opened (CNN)

Donald Trump and the mansion that no one wanted. Then came a Russian fertilizer king (Miami Herald)

Everything you want to know about Donald Trump's bankruptcies (CNN)

Canada's highest court upholds ruling that Donald Trump did mislead investors (The Independent)

Russian elite invested nearly $100 million in Trump buildings (Reuters)

Why did a Russian pay $95M to buy Trump's Palm Beach mansion? (The Seattle Times)

The Russia investigation and Donald Trump: a timeline from on-the-record sources (updated) (Politifact)

Here are 10 critics of Vladimir Putin who died violently or in suspicious ways (Washington Post)

A Brief History of Attempted Russian Assassinations by Poison (Foreign Policy)

International Criminal Court: Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine Is A 'Crime,' Not A Civil War (Forbes)

Donald Trump's Worst Deal: The President helped build a hotel in Azerbaijan that appears to be a corrupt operation engineered by oligarchs tied to Iran's Revolutionary Guard (The New Yorker)

Trump's Business of Corruption (The New Yorker)

Trump lawyer 'paid by Ukraine' to arrange White House talks (BBC)

After becoming President, Trump has sold millions in real estate in secret deals (Newsweek)

Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob? (Politico)

Russian lawyer from infamous Trump Tower meeting admits to being an informant for the Kremlin: Report (CNBC)


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Sunday, June 10, 2018

G-6 plus 1

  Trump, shocks U.S. allies over the weekend when he used a meeting of the Group of 7 industrialized economies in Canada to alienate America's closest friends in the West.
Lashing out over trade practices, he lobbed insults at the G-7 host, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
He left early, and as he flew to Singapore, he tweeted that he was yanking the U.S. out of the traditional group statement.

One Magnificent Photo Sums Up Donald Trump's G-7 Visit

Perhaps no other photo is in more need of a thorough caption than the one released Saturday by the office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel from the Group of Seven's annual meeting in Quebec. Tense and confrontational, it appears to sum up President Donald Trump's entire trip, which highlighted divisions among the global powers. The image dramatically depicts the German leader in an assertive pose, planting both hands firmly on a crisp tablecloth as she addresses President Donald Trump, who is seated before her with his arms crossed wearing a dispassionate expression.

G7 leaders scramble to find common ground after Donald Trump throws summit into chaos

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Hacking democracies:

The integrity of democratic electoral process is vulnerable to the  marketing strategies employed in the consumer marketplace.

Dirty politics:
allegations of corruption,fraud,cheating, ...and rigging of elections

The sheeple are gullible/suggestible and easily manipulated/influenced by  marketing techniques. 
Capturing votes in an election campaign is no different than persuading people to buy a brand of soap/soup!

How AI algorithms sway election results:
(cyberbots and cyberwarfare)

It wasn't just the Russians who meddled in  the 2016 US presid3ntial election.
Other corporate "sabateurs-for-hire" also had a hand in corrupting the election process.

Whistleblower Christopher Wylie told the U.K.'s Guardian, which broke Wylie's confession that he used the illegally harvested private information of more than 50 million Facebook users for a Bannon-run company called Cambridge Analytica to target voters on behalf of Donald Trump's 2016 U.S. election campaign.

Facebook's Cambridge Analytica scandal, in which the personal data of millions of Americans was allegedly misused by a consulting firm working for Donald Trump's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, is renewing calls for a tech sector code of ethics.

When does persuading others in the course of pursueing one's own interests become unethical?
Is anytjing "off limits" in selling a political candidate to the public?
Or is everything fair game in love and political warfare?

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Blue Dot

What kind of world are we shaping for ourselves?
The choices we make today will determine our tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

America vs the rest of the world

Two roads diverged....

the USA vs the rest of the world : two different responses to the pressing issues of our time: wch path will have the better outcome for humanity?

The institutionalization of Trumpism (implementing policies and consolidating power)

Trump's policies are isolationist,selfish, competitive,and protectionist in extreme. Trump is taking America to the limits of "individualism" (self-absorbed culture)and turning it into an island. Extreme individualism says its acceptable to act with selfish disrespect toward others (exploiting others in pursuit of one's own goals) . Single-minded focus on one's own interests/desires makes it difficult to form lasting cooperative (mutually beneficial)relationships with others. Without the social supports of community, isolated individuals suffer anxiety, aloneness, depression. True fulfillment comes from looking after not just one's own interests but also caring for the needs and interests of others.

Trump's top-down leadership style: his authoritarian managerial skills are not compatible with running a democracy. (not a team player; not receptive to input from advisors) He is consolidating power in the executive branch while ignoring constitutional checks and balances ,and the oversight function of congress. (by invoking his powers as Commander in Chief he is able to bypass all such safeguards)

Trump exemplifies the politics of fear and division.

Trump's policies are isolationist,selfish, competitive,and protectionist in extreme. Under Trump's leadership, the USA is increasingly isolating itself from the rest of the world:

UN General Assembly condemns US unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel

the nations of the world proceed with commitment to mitigate climate change despite US withdrawal from the Paris Accord.

The US seeks to renegotiate all its trade agreements in its own favour without consideration for the interests of its trading partners.

The US seeks to drastically restrict immigration and build a wall to barricade itself against the migrant hoards.

US reduces its contribution to the operating budget of the UN.

************************** If it is truely Donald Trump's intention to achieve "greatness" for America,... this is not the path to greatness. How about the wealthiest country in the world showing some magnanity! What happened to "noblesse oblige" and "giving back "? Relationships mean giving and not just taking.

In the meantime China seeks to further its interests by moving in the opposite direction : pushes for free trade, globalization, and multinationalism/multilateralism. China takes the longview by increasing investment in foreign aid, (investing in the infrastructure of other countries)and is winning a lot of influence and goodwill globally.

...and Canada takes the moral highroad and seems like a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. Canada embraces the ideology that a civilized and just society does not ignore the suffering of downtrodden people

We are about to witness a tumultuous period in human history. We will all be caught up in the apocalyptic drama as these opposing forces and competing ideologies play themselves out on the world stage. If any good comes from the Trump fiasco, its that its put the focus on whats wrong with American society and what needs fixing. Hopefully this will motivate a transformation and create a new healthier social order.

My bet is that America will find itself on the wrong side of history. History will show that the best way forward for humanity is to tear down divisions/barriers and to embrace inclusivity. Clearly humanity is moving on and leaving America behind. History will show that the best adaptation was in building bridges¤(cooperation,inclusivity) ;not walls (competition, exclusivity) !

These two distinct approaches are perhaps best exemplified by the Dalai Lama's description of two kinds of selfishness: (see Dalai Lama's definition of true/prudent "selfishness")

"If you try to subdue your selfish motives and develope more kindness and compassion for others,ultimately you yourself will benefit more. So sometimes I say the "wise selfish person" should practice this way. Foolish selfish people are always thinking of themselves,and the result is negative. Wise selfish people think of others,help others as much as they can,and the result is that they too receive benefit." --Dalai Lama

"If you just want to Walk Fast, Walk Alone! But if you want to Walk Far, WalkTogether!" --Steve Jobs

¤ "building bridges" means building mutually- beneficial relationships based on what we share in common. Relationships mean giving and not just taking.

****************** Listen to comedian Ron James: v=ahRVKC0rBMk&sns=em v=x3OueiVvvsE&sns=em