Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A dark time for liberal democracy : the democratic system will face a severe test in the next four years

government by the 1%

When billionaires gain public office, don't expect them to enact laws that oppose their interests. They will formulate a narrative  that portrays their interests as identical to the common good.Thus they promulgate the mythology that when the wealthy do well,everyone does well("trickle down effect").
If this were true the gap between yhe rich and the poor would not be widening (income disparity).
The truth is that the rich are getting richer at the expense of the poor who are becoming poorer(this exploitation has also been referred to as the "trickle up effect").
There is no doubt that "deregulation" and  lowering the corporate tax rate will benefit corporations and may stimulate economic activity, but without government policies that ensure an equitable distribution of these  benefits to the general public the acrued profits will end up in the pockets of the wealthy. (Lets not forget who caused the 2008 economic recession, at whose expense the perpetrators were bailed out,and who suffered the most)
Without social,political,and economic equity,democracy is nothing more than a dream. Build a fair economy that benefits everyone and people will stop focusing on the differences that divide them and blaming each other.
A decades-long slide into economic doldrums has been experienced by many Americans who feel left behind (have not shared in the wealth generated by the economy).
When the poor get poorer and lose confidence in the system wch seems rigged against them ("systemic poverty", they don't just vote out those in authority by whom they feel betrayed, they often turn to illegal activity and violence in order to survive.People who feel disrespected and abused commonly act out their anger with displaced aggression.
If people lose trust in tbe integrity of their govt. they will resort to self-help, wch often takes the form of criminal activity. If the law is perceived to exist solely to enforce the rights of the wealthy and privileged, the disenfranchised will not respect tbe law. When people perceive the govt. does not act in service to all, they feel aggrieved,alienated and oppressed,--even betrayed.
When those in public office are blatantly or covertly motivated by self aggrandizement, the people feel justified in engaging in selfish,immoral,and even illegal behaviour(the social order disintegrates into chaos). When people in authority consider themselves above the law (bereft of conscience) and have a spirit of entitlement(the wealthy feel they deserve their wealth)...administrative corruption erodes trust in those entrusted with public power and in the legitimacy of their authority.
The role of govt. should be to uphold the law/constitution and ensure justice for all.

A just society can only exist through the equitable sharing of the wealth generated by the economy. Governments have a moral responsibility for the welfare of all people.

Those entrusted with public power must be held accountable to ensure that power is used for the betterment, improvement and benefit of all.

Capitalism is inherently amoral(Michael Sandel :"What money can't buy: the moral limits of the markets"),
and imparts acceptability to the pursuit of wealth even at the expense of other people. (a strategy for exploitation of labor)

Capitalism as an economic system offers a conceptual framework and the ideological justification for the oppression of the working poor. It gives corporations the power (through lobbying and funding of political candidates) to shape public policy to their own benefit at the expense of the working people.

Capitalism without regulation undermines democracy.

Relationship between capitalism and slavery: 
The main premise of capitalism is freedom to profit from cheap labour. This is code for exploiting the labour class by paying them a minimum non-liveable wage (a slave wage).
This is a form of exploitation (slavery)! Capital should not be allowed to exploit/oppress labour.

A market economy yhat has delivered its benefits to the wealthy 1% (,and the political elites) has failed to benefit everyone.

The underlying principle of democracy is the equality of all. The rise of inequality has eroded this principle and thereby undermined democracy.

Elites are benefiting at the expense of those who work for a living. There is a lack of respect for the dignity of work...and tbe working class who feel neglected,excluded, unappreciated,disempowered,exploited,oppressed.


Donald Trump personifies hypercapitalism....and it is tragiclly ironic that aggrieved voters fed up with political establishment's failure to address the unfair imbalance in wealth in American society placed their hopes in a billionaire
businessman(see "a new bunch of reptiles has taken over the swamp in Washington").
Bernie Sanders ran a campaign wch highlighted the real cause of working class discontent/betrayal, and would have defeated Donald Twit had it not been for the Democrat establishment sabotaging his campaign efforts.
Donald Trump has neither the insight nor the will to fix the real cause of discontent and disfunction in America...and so we see  him diverting attention toward  red herring problem of "the Moslem conspiracy against America" for people to direct their fear and anger against (see "strongman sets up straw man" and "putting Moslems on the invasive species list").
Bernie Sanders was right: the correct and appropriate object of fear and anger should be people like Donald Trump and those he represents whose greed and selfishness has poisoned the world.


  1. Exposed

    Lowering the corporate tax rate is giving public money to corporations...and is therefore "corporate welfare".
    When governments give away taxpayer money to private corporations this is called "stealing" and "exploitation".
    To obscure it with some euphemism(doubletalk) or to fail to call it for what it is, is simply ignorant blindness.
    If the emperor has no robe...lets call it.
    And lets not let "corporate welfare-ism" hide hehind the banner of capitalism.

    1. itz time to call out a system that benefits a few at expense of the many

  2. inequality creates imbalance, unrest, discord, and conflict

    Understanding that inequalities within and between societies is a major cause of conflict should cause governments to design policies to diminish these inequities,to promote harmony, and to maximize social benefits for all.

    "The world is like a machine and we are its parts.
    If one part is injured, the machine cannot run properly.Even if one organ of the body ails,the whole body becomes restless and unbalanced.
    The world is like a body of wch we are parts.
    How can we be happy if we injure any organ?
    If one understands this, he does not injure any living being with thought,speech,or action."

    "If you try to subdue your selfish motives and develope more kindness and compassion for others,ultimately you yourself will benefit more.
    So sometimes I say the "wise selfish person" should practice this way.
    Foolish selfish people are always thinking of themselves,and the result is negative. Wise selfish people think of others,help others as much as they can,and the result is that they too receive benefit."
    --Dalai Lama

    The Dalai Lama also says:"My religion is kindness"

  3. Justin Trudeau gives Donald Trump a not-so-subtle reminder that, "We were both elected on the promise of helping the middle class" (not the 10%...let alone the 1%)!!Delete

  4. The 2008 recession was the result of inadequate regulation.

    The US presidential election has exposed a deep flaw in American society--wealth inequality.Trump owes his election to the promise of redressing this injustice.

    But the policies Trump is enacting will not correct this problem,... but will amplify it!

  5. problem with MERICA is its culture of materialism, individualism, and selfishness: Me! Me! Me! instead of We! We! We!

    1. the problem with American society is not a lack of wealth; its a lack of compassion!
      The corporate culture is cut throat : profit at all costs!

    2. The Triple Evils According to Martin Luther King Jr.

      The Triple Evils of poverty, racism, and war are forms of violence that exist in a vicious cycle. They are interrelated, all-inclusive, and stand as barriers to our living in the "Beloved Community." When we work to remedy one evil, we affect all evils. The issues change in accordance with the political and social climate of our nation and world.

      POVERTY – materialism, unemployment, homelessness, hunger, malnutrition, illiteracy, infant mortality, slums…

      "There is nothing new about poverty. What is new, however, is that we now have the resources to get rid of it. The time has come for an all-out world war against poverty … The well off and the secure have too often become indifferent and oblivious to the poverty and deprivation in their midst. Ultimately a great nation is a compassionate nation. No individual or nation can be great if it does not have a concern for "the least of these..."

      "RACISM – prejudice, apartheid, anti-Semitism, sexism, colonialism, homophobia, ageism, discrimination against differently abled, stereotypes…

      "Racism is a philosophy based on a contempt for life. It is the arrogant assertion that one race is the center of value and object of devotion, before which other races must kneel in submission. It is the absurd dogma that one race is responsible for all the progress of history and alone can assure the progress of the future. Racism is total estrangement. It separates not only bodies, but minds and spirits. Inevitably it descends to inflicting spiritual and physical homicide upon the out-group.

      "WAR – militarism, imperialism, domestic violence, rape, terrorism, media violence, drugs, child abuse…

      "A true revolution of values will lay hands on the world order and say of war- 'This way of settling differences is not just.' This way of burning human beings with napalm, of filling our nation's homes with orphans and widows, of injecting poisonous drugs of hate into the veins of peoples normally humane, of sending men home from dark and bloody battlefields physically handicapped psychologically deranged, cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice and love. A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death."

      from Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community? by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boston: Beacon Press, 1967.


  6. The hidden history of money influencing American politics

  7. Republican revision of Obama "affordable care act" strips healthcare benefits for elderly and poor while helping high income earners.

    "This healthcare bill is a massive transfer of wealth from the middleclass to the wealthy"
    --Borack Obama

  8. Trump administration seeks to dismantle Dodd-Frank banking regulations


  9. Voting against one's own interests.( the Red state paradox)

    Arlie Hochschild, author of "Strangers in Their Own Land."

    Five years ago, sociologist Arlie Hochschild left the friendly confines of left-wing Berkeley, California, and ventured into the heart of Tea Party country, to Louisiana, a state with strong support for the right wing of the Republican Party.

    "At the end of the day, it's not that they love Trump, it's that they don't see anything else speaking to their needs."
    - Arlie Hochschild


    Voting against one's own interests.( the Red state paradox)

    The story of mouseland by Tommy Douglas in 1944 v=GqgOvzUeiAA&sns=em

    Now if you think it strange that mice should elect a government made up of cats, you just look at the history of America for last 50 years and maybe you'll see that they weren't any stupider than we are.
    Now I'm not saying anything against the cats. They were nice fellows. They conducted their government with dignity. They passed good laws--that is, laws that were good for cats. But the laws that were good for cats weren't very good for mice.

    "Because they were cats. ..they looked after cats and not mice"

    1. Donald Trumps tax reform bill is the biggest act of thievery in the history of America -- --Bernie Sanders


  10. government by the 1%

    "When billionaires gain public office, don't expect them to enact laws that oppose their interests. They will formulate a narrative  that portrays their interests as identical to the common good."

  11. wealth inequality undermines our sense of fairness wch makes people resort to breaking the law (criminal behavior) to accumulate wealth and gain economic relief. They will not abide by societal norms and rules...and tbat noncompliance results in a degradation of trust in social institutions and a disintegration of the social order. (just imagine what would happen if traffic rules were disregarded!) Corruption in politics and the abuse of power promotes distrust in political leaders and the political process itself

    When one group of people is allowed to get rich at the expense of another (one group is starved out of the economy). When the economy does not work to benefit everyone,the economically-deprived perceive a systemic bias in the economic system and have lost trust in the impartiality of the justice system. Only the broken people understand yhe meaning of justice...precisely because they have been victims of injustice.

    Predatory capitalism: capitalism is slavery with a modern twist. Capitalism views the work force as a commodity rather than as human beings. We need strong unions to protect workers rights. capitalists see labour/laborers as a means to one's own enrichment

    Without regulation and state oversight, capitalism is unaccountable rule by the wealthy in wch workers are no more than slaves to be exploited for ones own profit.

    Capitalists love taking advantage of low labour costs in other countries (such as China and Mexico) The less they can. pay their workers the more profit tbey can keep for tbemselves.

    If we are to build a just society we must not tolerate tbe victimization/dehumanization of groups of people.

    extreme inequality is unhealthy (results in societal instability). It damages the entire social fabric. It erodes equality of opportunity. "Different reward for same effort" is inherently unfair. Levels of wealth are not justly earned. Most of the 1% get their wealth through political connections. Economic inequality translates into political inequality. The rich have disproportionate influence in elections. political decisions(policy choices) are made on behalf of the wealthy and of large corporations who fund campaigns.

    For the elite, inequality morphs into entitlement. They feel above the law. They are more selfisb and more immoral. Those with greater wealth don't care about others. ******************** loopholes are written into law to incentivize entrepreneurship.

    plugging loopholes in the corporate tax laws reforming the tax system to make it equitable for all

    loopholes in the taxlaws give unfair advantage to the wealthy by allowing them to incorporate (to receive private corporate status and its associated tax breaks) People who can afford to incorporate qualify for tax breaks. Existing tax laws disproportionately benefit the wealthy. (tax labor more than capital) Whats needed is a "Robin Hood economy" where the wealthy pay more! "universal basic income" supported by higber corporate taxes. Governments must have a "poverty-reduction strategy" so no one is left behind


    capitalists see labour/laborers as a means to one's own enrichment Capitalists love taking advantage of low labour costs in other countries (such as China and Mexico) The less they can. pay their workers the more profit tbey can keep for tbemselves. Without regulation and state oversight, capitalism is unaccountable rule by the wealthy in wch workers are no more than slaves to be exploited for ones own profit.

    1. wealth inequality /UN agency report/Oxfam

      Oxfam presents new evidence that the gap between rich and poor is growing ever wider and is undermining poverty eradication. This report delves into the causes of the inequality crisis and looks at the concrete solutions that can overcome it.


    A Thousand Small Sanities: The Moral Adventure of Liberalism by Adam Gopnik – review
