Transcending the illusion of materiality.
Einstein said that matter and energy are not two separate entities,but the same thing : matter-energy is a single substance.
Why then do we perceive our bodies and all external objects as material(matter), and not as energy? How can one substance be perceived /experienced in two seemingly different contradictory ways if they have one inherent reality?! Why are our senses not capable of seeing the energy content of matter...thereby creating an ethos/bias of materialism?
Time to replace the out-dated word "spirit" with its modern meaning "energy".
For most people the word "spirit" does not convey any meaningful experiential information.
The antiquated language of the sciptures makes it seem that spirituality has lost all relevance to modern man.It is time to exchange the worn-out meaning of "spirit" for "energy.The word "energy" is a modernization of tbe word "spirit". Energy produces form (through progressive degrees of organizational complexity) for the sole purpose of affording it(energy/spirit/life) expression.The life that is within always seeks a fuller outward expression.
The world of manifest forms(the so-called material world) we perceive with our senses is illusory.It is not what it appears to be. All that appears to the senses as matter is in actuality (composed of )energy.Matter is but an outward mask that hides the Truth wch is Light. Just as the cause is antecedent to the effect, energy is antecedent to matter. Energy cannot be perceived by our outward-directed senses.We are educated to believe that nothing is real beyond what we can perceive with our ordinary senses. Is there another way of knowing that does not depend on our exterioceptive senses?
Throughout history there have been reports of people(saints and mystics) who using an inward-directed method of perception have experienced themselves as energy. This experience has been described as enlightenment,oneness,God-consciousness,etc. This experience is at the heart of all religions.This experience is a change of awareness of himself as a material being into a consciousness that he is a spiritual being (created in the image and likeness of God" ,whose nature is spirit,energy,light.) The body is radiant and pure spiritual substance,and it will show forth this condition when the thought of its materiality is withdrawn and gives place to the truth that flesh in its true state is the radiant light of God--the light wch was in the beginning and out of wch all things were formed("in the beginning was the Word", and it was made into flesh/matter). That wch makes the body appear to be something else is the clouded mentality(false belief in materiality) that imposes itself between the flesh and its true source.The thoughts with wch we are incorrectly identified must be discarded in order to merge with pure awareness. Spirit/energy is the life force thst gives rise to the emanations of thought and expresses itself through the actions of the body. (moves the body) Energy is the vital force of yhe universe animating all space and all manifest forms(so-called material objects) Life is that process of the inner force working itself outward into outward form. A true master expends and expresses his life in service to others (giving from the source within).Life is a matter of giving from inside outward. He can only give out harmonious thoughts,feelings, actions. Love is a cohesive/binding force that keeps all things in harmonious relationship with the source.
This "spiritual awakening" is considered the highest human attainment.(one does not need to attain;one is)( one does not need to become, but simply to be what one already is)."Heaven" is not a place to get to, but just realizing(awakening to)the state you are already in. It is an experience of the primordial energy of wch all composite material objects are constituted. Knowledge of this energy(the spirit of God) comes through becoming so still that one feels it vibrating within oneself. Power is awakened through communion with this energy. Because of our materialist bias, the validity of this experience is not widely accepted in the West. But in Eastern cultures this energy is the primary antecedent reality and the material realm of the senses (Maya) is by comparison illusory(secondary, less real,).
In this age of materialism this state of awareness(awareness of oneself as a spiritual being or a body of light ) is most often regarded as a fantasy, or an achievement beyond our reach (unknowable/unattainable). Most people have had fleeting glimpses of this experience.But in modern civilization there is a pervasive denial of this experience and no conceptual context in wch it can be understood(other than an outdated religious belief system whose inner meaning has largely been misunderstood ,corrupted,and lost.) Empiricists deny the validity of an alternative reality not accessible to our ordinary senses. We are so addicted to looking outside ourselves that the idea of looking inward to find reality seems absurd (nonsensical). The idea that there is some other reality besides this one is terrifying. This makes it very difficult to take this teaching to heart and to find the motivation to actualize it.
But the countless who have attained enlightenment have said it is a profoundly meaningful/fulfilling experience -- an experience available to all and through practice attainable by all. All the mystical paths of the world tell us that there is an enormous reservoir of power within us. The immeasurable power and force that invigorates and moves throughout yhe universe moves also within man.
When the veil between energy and matter is shattered the two become one, and we realize they were never separate/different;they were always one and the same.To the enlightened Master there is no materiial universe/reality.The visible universe is to him the manifestation of spirit and is therefore spiritual in essence and governed by the law of Spirit.
The experience of enlightenment is real. It is the experience of knowing the energy wch is deathless (cannot be created or destroyed)and eternally pure,and wch is the essence of who we are(our true nature). False beliefs/thoughts, selfish desires and negative emotions obscure our ability to see our intrinsic nature and the true nature of reality.
This sequence of progressively deepening states of consciousness does not only happen when we die, but occurs everyday unnoticed as we fall asleep! It is said that this experience occurs daily to everyone, (as well as at the time of death)... corresponding to the period after falling asleep and before dreaming (REM sleep) begins +,but it goes unnoticed (without our conscious awareness) except to a trained practitioner. Trained practitioners (adepts) are able to maintain unbroken awareness through the different phases of sleep and dreaming.
A man who almost drowned at yhe age of fourteen describes his near-death experience: "As I reached the source of the Light, I could see in. I cannot begin to describe the feelings evoked by what I saw. It was an infinite world of calm,and love,and energy,and beauty.It was as if human reality was insignificant compared to this.And yet it urged the importance of life at the same time as it solicited death as a means to a different, better life. It was all being,all beauty,all meaning for all existence. It was all the energy of the universe forever in one place." --"Closer to the Light" by Melvin Morse, page 120
For most people who only perceive the physical reality of material form the dissolution of the body at death is oblivion(the end,nothingness),for they have not experienced any other reality. To the extent one is able to relinguish one's identification with and attachment to the body and adopt a broader identity with the whole universe("I am co-extensive with the universe"), one loses one's fear of death(the death of the body is not total oblivion). The attainment of "eternal life" is not a matter of preserving life in the body forever, but rather of transcending our restrictive identification with the body and embracing a more enduring(non-perishable) identity.If the life within the body is energy, energy does not die. The energy that occupies and gives life to the body is an individualized form of the universal energy--the same energy/light of wch the entire universe is made.By the time of the death of the temporary mortal body("the temple of the living God") the master has disidentified himself with it and sees it as an encumbrance from wch he yearns to be liberated.He is no longer limited or defined by the body. He has tranferred his identity from "the temple" to "the living God". He has adopted a broader, more all-encompassing identity such as "the universe" ,or the energy wch is co-extensive with the universe and wch never dies.*
Time is just a mental construct--a fabrication of the human mind. Some highly realized people have directly experienced the raw primordial formless energy wch is the intrinsic essence of everything.
A higher Reality is here and now. ..if we can dispel ignorance and enter into it!
"In the beginning was light and light became the life of man." Even materialistic scientists claim that light is the foundation and the essence of all manifest form (matter).Therefore man's body is not just a body of material flesh, but a body of light wch includes the flesh, for light/energy sustains the flesh in exactly the same sense that oxygen and hydrogen sustain water. Take oxygen and hydrogen out of water and there is no water.Similarly if you took the light out of the body/matter, the body would be no more! "The light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world " is within you. That Light is our birthright and we must move toward it overcoming the lower senses wch hold us back and away from It. Merge with the Light and be purified. Power is awakened through communion with this energy.
The inner esoteric message of the Holy Boks has never been more relevent.