Monday, January 16, 2017

Trump's team

Trump appoints an Islamophobe, an alleged racist and a defender of torture to key post

Confirmation hearing: Marco Rubio questions Tillerson:

Trump appoints climate change denier to head EPA

Here are five ways President Donald J. Trump could spell doom for the planet.

Human-caused global warming is real! The science is indisputable!



  1. a new bunch of reptiles has taken over the swamp in Washington

    Total control: Republicans now control the presidency,congress,senate,and supreme court. Governments with that much power develope a sense of invulnerability. ..and hubris. The corrupting influence of power is never greater than when that power is unchecked--especially when it is wielded by those of dubious moral character whose main goal in seeking power is not to serve others but to better serve themselves.

    Where will they take the country? Of coarse they will enact laws wch will preferentially further their own interests.

    Beginning down the wrong path:

    First act of new Republican government is to gut ethics committee and give themselves the freedom to disregard all moral accountability. They want the freedom to do what they want without any oversight.

    When they realized that such an action would be perceived as an attempt to give themselves carte blanche permission to be as self-serving,corrupt,and unethical as they wanted, they retracted the proposed legislation. This about turn was not motivated by pangs of conscience but by a belated realization that such an action might be viewed with disapproval and cause a backlash by the people who voted for them to clean up Washington. This can only be achieved by compelling politicians to abide by more (not less)ethical constraints, wch would mean granting the ethics commitee more independence and more power(not less) to investigate and punish ethical violations.

    They also want to gut the EPA!

  2. CIA says Russia meddled in US election

    Russian cyberattack compromised the integrity of the US presidential election. Russian interference undermines the validity of Trump's election.
    New information suggests thst not only did Trump benefit by Russia's involvement,Trump was actually complicit in the Russian cyberattack by coaching them on how to achieve the intended result of sabotaging Hilary Clinton's campaign.
    If this is true it would be treason(he betrayed America by facilitating Russian espionage)...and would certainly invalidate his right to continue in the role of president.
    In one of his campaign speeches Trump explicitly encouraged Russia to hack up dirt on Hilary Clinton. This latest intelligence report suggests that behind the scenes Trump's involvement was much more reprehensible.

    Some men are willing to descend to the deepest depths of hell in pursuit of power. They are not constrained by any moral scruples. >

    Trump rejects findings of his own intelligence agencies.
    Trump rejects/dismisses facts wch do not conform with his political agenda and instructs the intelligence apparatus to collect info wch confirms his bias and furthers his interests.
    An autocrat has no patience for democratic institutions and democratic principles such as free speech and freedom of the press (the media performs a vital public service as a watchdog and in demanding accountability).
    Trump's relationship with both the intelligence community and the media has already soured.
    When a relationship begins on such a tense, adversarial note, it promises to be a very fractious four years in American politics.


    If Americans are not wary they could end up with a leader like Putin himself.

    American philosopher Richard Rorty. His prediction of 20 yrs ago has come true:

    "All the resentment which badly educated Americans feel about having their manners dictated to them by college graduates will find an outlet .. a strongman to vote for."


    1. What news are you consuming?
      Where are you getting your information?

      Constructing and marketing  a virtual alternative reality

      When spectacle trumps substance: welcome to the post-fact era of misinformation,disinformation, and false news...and goodbye "freedom of the press'.

      Trump's open admiration of Putin is in character with Trump's own authoritarian leadership style.
      Putin has a vice-like grip over his press conferences.
      Trump has taken a page out of Putin's play book and is asserting absolute  control over the "free" press. Journalists don't make the rules or control the agenda any more. Trump is a media mogul and knows how to work the media as his marketing tool. The press is used as a public relations  vehicle for getting out his message(telling the public his unquestionable  version of the truth). And those media networks who don't "get with the program"(tow the line) or who attempt to fulfill their public service role of watchdogs, are blackballed and denied access.
      Trump has quickly assumed an antagonistic attitude toward those journalists who ask uncomfortable questions, and refuse to be controlled.
      Trump will decide not only how he answers questions, but whether he will answer,and even if he will allow a question to be asked!
      Henceforth it must be assumed that all reporting by mainstream media outlets will only give favorable, sycophantic coverage to Donald Trump...or they will not be reporting primary source news. Mainstream news organizations will be relegated to the role of regurgitating Trump's lies and propaganda.
      They will only be allowed to report wbat Mr. Trump wants drilled into your head...and nothing else.
      We will need to listen to blacklisted alternative news outlets who still have the courage to speak truth to power.

    2. Excellent discussion on "the dumbing down of America" and the post-truth era paul kennedy jan 23,2017


    3. Information vs Entertainment

      News,Democracy,and Trust in the Digital Age -- Edward Greenspan

      Degradation of the media (financial viability under threat), the rise of false news (less fact-checking/upstart pseudojournalism),the diminution of accountability among powerful interests (meltdown of moral integrity)

      How does the confluence of these events threaten democracy? Informed decision-making is contingent upon trustworthy information

      People are polluting the internet with misinformation and false information in tbe digital era of social media.

      The blurring of the boundary between the media's public service role as watchdog(and provider of reliable, truthful information) and its entertainment role

    4. Canadian news industry at crisis point, suggests new report

    5. Journalism under threat as never before

      politicization of information

      Trump has declared political dissent will not be tolerated:
      "The media are the enemy of the people".
      Trump denies access to media deemed "unfriendly".
      Media outlets not willing to parrot Trump's message are called "fake news" ,and are denied ability to ask questions and even to attend press conferences/briefings (CNN,BBC, NY Times--blackballed).
      Only rightwing media (Trump-recruited media) who serve as Trump PR agents are given access to power.
      This de facto "censorship" and denial of press freedom is characteristic of autocratic regimes like China and Russia, but not of liberal democracies.
      This is very worrisome for American democracy.

      A strong free press has an essential public service function in a  democracy in order to keep government accountable and transparent.
      The media has a responsibility to provide accurate information to the public.

    6. shady Russian intelligence operative met with team Trump

    7. Trump says he can do no wrong; grants himself immunity from prosecution

    8. paul manafort (former manager of Trump presidential campaign) charged with conspiracy against the USA

      Paul Manafort arrested:
      Trump's former campaign manager pleads not guilty

    9. Luke Harding is a Guardian foreign correspondent who has reported from Delhi, Berlin and Moscow and covered wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. His book Collusion: How Russia Helped Trump Win the White House is published by Guardian Faber on 16 November 2017

      the "Steele dossier" documents a longterm conspiracy between Russia and the 2016 Trump presidential campaign

      These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia -BuzzFeed › kenbensinger

    10. michael flynn guilty of lying to the FBI about Russian-gate .

  3. You make it sound like the world is coming to an end.

  4. Be afraid!
    Trump's choice of "advisors" is terrifying.

    1. Donald Trump depicted as the malevolent Joker from Batman: v=pauJXxG4J1w&feature=youtube_gdata_player

      Donald Trump accidentally quoted Bain, the Batman villain, during his Inaugural speech.

    2. Steve Bannon appointed to re on National Security Council:

      Bruce Miroff, political science professor,Albany,NY interviewed on by Audrey McKinnon

      January 30, 2017 Season 2017, Episode 30027809744:22White House;

    3.   Lawrence douglas on steve bannon

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. One of the first actions of the Trump administration: The climate change section of the whitehouse website were deleted. This signals policy directions :environmental regulations will be rescinded.

    1. US withdraws from Paris Agreement on climate change.

      Trump pulls US out of Paris Accord

    2. U.S. Lashed As 'Main Threat' To Global Environment

  7. Trump emasculates EPA

  8. Governor of California says he will fight Trump's backward agenda:

  9. Trump fires attorney general (and alienates entire justice department) for advising against executive order banning entry into US from 7 Moslem countries


  10. America in chaos under Trump leadership

    Chaos continues in Washington: shades of Watergate and Iran-Contra

    Michael Flynn "You're fired!"

    Michael Flynn (Trump's National Security Advisor) fired for sharing privileged/insider information with Russian ambassador about revoking Obama sanctions against Russia.

    Is Trump a Russian "mole" working to bring down America from the inside?
    Interaction of Trump team members(campaign aides) with Russian intelligence agents during the electoral campaign may have verged on collusion/treason.

    The Russian connection:Is Russia blackmailing Donald Trump?

    Did Russia Spy on Donald Trump When He Visited Moscow?

    Intelligence experts say he would have been an obvious target.

    DEC. 14, 2016 6:00 A

    Intelligence report  says RUSSIA received
    "compromising personal and financial information" about the incoming president.


      Michael Flynn says be's willing to tell al l in excbange for immunity from prosecution

    2. you're fired!

      Donald Trump fires FBI Director James Cuomi while FBI investigates Russian collusion with Trump during presidential election.
      When the president is under investigation for his Russian ties, he fires the chief investigator.
      That smells of a cover up!


      Comey asked for more money and manpower to conduct Russian investigation. ..then he gets axed!



       President Donald Trump's unexpected firing of FBI Director James Comey has drawn comparisons to the Watergate scandal, but one former presidential ethics lawyer says this situation is much worse

    5. Trump threatens Comey not to leak private conversations:

    6. "How the Right lost its mind" --Charles Sykes
      Why choosing a gameshow host to lead the country was not a good idea.

  11. Jesus said, "Grapes are not harvested from thorns, nor are figs gathered from thistles, for they do not produce fruit.
    A good man brings forth good from his storehouse; an evil man brings forth evil things from his evil storehouse, which is in his heart, and says evil things.
    For out of the abundance of the heart he brings forth evil things."

  12. melting of permafrost may be an irreversible tipping point:


  13. Trump administration cuts NIH budget
    by 5.8 billion dollars

  14. polar icecaps melting:

    Liquid water streaming across Antarctica:

  15. Antarctica melting faster than originally thought:

    1. Over 15,000 scientists signed an open letter published in BioScience warning humanity that we need to change our behaviours in order to protect the planet. (NOAA)

  16. clearly Trump embraces the White Supremacist movement and ideology.Trump is a racist.

    He has brought white supremacists into the halls of power including Steve Bannon. White supremacy is the core tenet of his presidency. This is manifest in his immigration policies and his attitude toward minorities : "We are going to take our country back" This means "we will enact policies wch preferentially funnel resources into the white population versus minority groups". He has created an environment that emboldens the white supremacists.

  17. Trump's pardon of Joe Arpaio undermines trust in justice system and "rule of law"

    Arizona Newspaper Editorial Says Joe Arpaio Pardon Shows Institutional Racism Is Trump's Goal

    Sam Levine
    August 26, 2017

    The editorial board of the Arizona Republic blasted President Donald Trump for pardoning Joe Arpaio, the former Maricopa County, Arizona, sheriff who was found guilty of contempt after profiling Latinos.LessThe editorial board of the Arizona Republic blastedPresident Donald Trump for pardoning Joe Arpaio, the former Maricopa County, Arizona, sheriff who was found guilty of contempt after profiling Latinos.Trump on Friday pardoned Arpaio, who notoriously detained inmates under brutal and inhumane conditions. The 85-year-old sheriff was found guilty in July of ignoring a court order prohibiting him from detaining people based solely on suspicions about their immigration status.The Arizona Republic’s editorial board said Trump’s pardon showed the president entirely accepted institutional racism.“By pardoning Arpaio, Trump made it clear that institutional racism is not just OK with him. It is a goal,” the board wrote. The pardon, they wrote “elevates Arpaio once again to the pantheon of those who see institutional racism as something that made America great.”

  18. Two of Trump's closest men are now convicted felons2:

    Trump's lawyer pleads guilty

    Cohen pleaded guilty Tuesday to eight counts that included campaign finance violations spawned from hush money agreements with two women, Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, who claim to have had affairs with Trump, which he has denied. Speaking to a packed federal courthouse in Manhattan, Cohen said he made those payments "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office," referring to then-candidate Donald Trump.

    Ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort guilty on 8 charges

    MATTHEW BARAKAT, CHAD DAY and ERIC TUCKER Associated Press August 22, 2018, 4:05 PM GMTALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) —

    Paul Manafort, the longtime political operative who for months led Donald Trump's successful presidential campaign, was found guilty of eight financial crimes in the first trial victory of the special counsel investigation into the president's associates.

    1. michael cohen sentenced to 3 years in prison

    2. . How long before Trump supporters realize that you don’t surround yourself with dirty guys unless you’re dirty yourself?

    3. Trump interferes with Roger Stone's sentencing:
      Prosecuters resign in protest!

    4. Roger Stone's sentence reduced:

  19. Bob Woodward,who brought down Nixon, has taken on Trump in his new book "Fear Trump".

  20. NY times op-ed:Dissent within Trump's inner circle Tension,division,mutiny within the White House :Trump not fit for office


    It’s Not Just Robert Mueller. President Donald Trump Faces Six Separate Investigations And Lawsuits.

    Paul Blumenthal
    September 2, 2018, 10:48 PM

    1. Mueller Report complete...but to remain secret:
      Trump signs executive order preventing it from being made public:

      The White House invoked executive privilege and ordered former counsel Donald McGahn not to comply with a congressional subpoena for documents related to Robert Mueller's investigation. In a letter to the House Judiciary Committee, White House counsel Pat Cipollone argued that "McGahn does not have the legal right to disclose these documents to third parties" and asked that the committee instead direct the request to the White House, "because they implicate significant Executive Branch confidentiality interests and executive privilege." Trump has also promised to assert executive privilege to block McGahn's testimony to the committee later this month. McGahn spent more than 30 hours speaking to Mueller's investigators, outlining two episodes where Trump asked him to have Mueller fired, and later asking McGahn to deny news reports about that conversation. McGahn rebuffed both requests. (


    James Mattis(US secretary of defence) fired by Trump making way for yet another "yes man"

    without Maddis's restraining influence Trump's militaristic proclivities will be unleashed upon the world.

    read Mattis' letter of resignation:

    All the advisors who had the moral scruples to stand up to Trump have now either resigned or been fired.
    He has now surrounded himself with "advisors" who don't dare disobey.

  23. 6 US Intelligence agency heads contradict Trump

  24. Trump tries to blackmail Ukraine int o digging up dirt on Democr at candidate!
    More grounds for impeachment!


  26. In 2016 this prof predicted Trump's impeachment---"because he cares about nothing but himself"
