Fasten your seat belts...;America is going to hell...and could drag the rest of the world down with it!
The world is only one election away from madness,pandemonium,and chaos!
U.S Republican presidential candidates debase the electoral process by stooping to unprecedented vulgarity and personal attacks
in pursuit of power.
Debate about policy issues degenerates into name-calling and negative attacks
These guys are not worthy to be leaders of a street gang, ...let alone leader of the most powerful country on the planet!
To call their behavior "childish" is to insult all children.
Kasich is the only one among this group who has shown any leadership potential! He has the most experience and the best track record,...and is the most moderate!
john kasich is level-headed;
he has the maturity,the temperament,and the character to be president!
"I will not take the low road to the highest office in the land" -- john kasich
The people who are voting for Donald Trump are not smart enuf to realize that they are being bamboozled.("I love the poorly educated!") Trump is a narcissistic marketing genius who has betrayed everyone he's partnered with. He is policy thin and knowledge thin, and has no substantive solutions. With Trump its not about ideology or principle (he's flexible /facts don't matter/he'll say whatever you want to hear/he is utterly unprincipled)..;it's about winning at all cost!
Not only is Donald Trump bad for America,he is bad for the planet! The whole world recoils at the prospect that Donald Trump might become commander-in-chief of the world's most powerful country. This guy is a horrible human being! Don't put the power of America in this man's control!
Donald Trump has been described as an extremist, wingnut,egomaniac,mentally deranged.
Donald Trump aint no savior!
"Trump: The Deals and the Downfall"
-- Wayne Barrett
the Fifth Estate: "the Fire Breather"
The Republican campaign is based on the politics of fear amd aggression--fear of immigrants,fear of Moslems,fear of government. They construct these "enemies" to project people's anger upon.( telling people that our enemy is either the Muslims or the Mexicans)
ReplyDeleteThe Republicans are opposers/deniers when it comes to climate change... and will not act to address this issue(the most urgent issue of our time)upon wch our survival as a species on the planet depends.
The Republicans are hawks/militarists/warmongers who project all they feel is wrong with their own situation onto an external enemy (pointing fingers at "others" for their problems)who they want to carpet bomb into oblivion. They have no serious thoughtful foreign policy beyond the use of military force.
It is the responsibility of leadership to avoid easy knee-jerk reactions to difficult situations rather than responding with inflammatory rhetoric that fuels/incites anger and hatred and violence. Violence and vulgarity are hallmarks of Trump rallies.("I would bomb the shit out of them!" "I want to punch that guy in the face!")
Get off the tRump bandwagon before it goes over a cliff. ..and takes everyone with it!
Donald Trump personifies everything we teach our children not to be.
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump does not define what it means to be a true conservative.
Lets hope Donald Trump does not repressent the majority of Americans.
john sweeny /bbc/pbs/ donald trump's association with the mafia:
"a realestate empire built on fraud"
There’s evidence which not only casts doubt on Trump’s fabulous wealth claims but also reveals his history of business relationships with figures connected to organised crime.
fear and hatred inundate America
DeleteRacism,misogyny,zenophobia,bigotry are all alive and well in America--and they are all embodied by the frontrunning Republican candidate,Donald Trump!
The people lining up behind Donald Trump are closet racists who have been lurking on the fringe seething with hatred.
The Donald has emboldened them (given them legitimacy)with inflammatory rhetoric and. brought them out of hiding and into the open.
Harumph to Donald Trump
"When we have a candidate for president call for rounding up 12 million immigrants, banning all Muslims from entering United States, when he embraces torture, that doesn't make him strong, it makes him wrong."
It seems we now hear daily stories of how anyone who opposes Trump's political or personal views is threatened,insulted, or beaten at Trump's rallies.
He thinks its a show of strenght.
And its not just Trump's security people who attack those in the audience.
Other supporters hurl insults at those who disagree and those they don't like the look of.
And Trump eggs them on!
Its as if the billionaire businessman appeals to the very worst in those who claim to support him.
"Hilary doesn't have the strenght nor the stamina to be president"
--Donald Trump
subtext: "...because she's a woman!"
Did you see yhe outrageous negative ad ridiculing Hilary barking like a dog:
Trump ad: Clinton not tough enough to face Putin, ISIS
Trump juxtaposes footage of tough international leaders–Vladimir Putin practicing martial arts, an Islamic State soldier pointing a gun–with a clip of Hillary Clinton barking like a yappy dog.
the Beast, the lawless One, embodies the forces of darkness
DeleteDaniel 7:25
2 Thessalonians 2:8
Revelations 13:15
Will darkness again triumph in America?
the antichrist will persecute true Christians who follow the commandments of God
a Trump presidency would devastate the global economy.
He is hostile to free trade(protectionist)...and will plunge the USA into military conflict
To allow this greedy hustler to slither into the White House will be America's worst nightmare.
The fate of God's earth is at stake.
"If you take seriously Donald Trump's crackpot proposals, if they were implemented, it would leave America impoverished and isolated.
DeleteHe would actually be far more dangerous than that: He has plainly shown that he does not have either the intellect or the character to be commander in chief.I'm frankly terrified at the notion that somebody as bigoted and ignorant as Donald Trump could possibly wind up in command of the most powerful military force in the world."
--Max Boot
The Making of Donald Trump
Delete--David . Johnston
We realize the importance of light in the face of darkness.
ReplyDeleteIt is precisely at a time of desolation and despair that society undergoes a spiritual and moral awakening...and a leader emerges who is a champion for justice. Most of the problems facing the country are not due to a lack of intelligence, but rather a lack of compassion and moral fiber. The problems are due to greed and avarice,and a lack of morality.
Bernie Sanders champions a revolution.
Bernie calls himself a democratic socialist.
But in America people mistakenly equate socialism with communism.
It would be more accurate to brand him as a "socially responsible capitalist".
A cosmic sign: Mother Nature endorses Bernie.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteBernie wins Alaska,Hawaii,Washington by massive margins.
DeleteBernie has the best chance to defeat Trump.
Join Bernie for world-class compassionate and effective leadership!
Bernie's speech after winning Wisconsin:
Bernie's campaign is the only campaign that is truly "of the people,by the people,for the people"
"Real change comes from the bottom up; not from the top down!"
"When people stand up and say the status quo is not acceptible, change will happen."
"We can form a government that represents all the people...not just a handful of wealthy billionaires."
Spike Lee talks to Peter Mansbridge about Chi-Raq film, Donald Trump and the "state of America"
ReplyDeleteAmerica elects its leader based on his "entertainment value"!
the Bernie Sanders phenomenon:
ReplyDeleteBernie is not a fringe candidate.
This is a grassroots social movement.
People are starting to listen.
the growing gap between the rich and the poor has spawned a revolution.
It was bound to happen.
Alienation causes dissidence and instability in society.
We can bridge the gap and reunify the cointry by reducing the current income disparity, by raising the minimum wage so labourers are not exploited and by enforcing laws wch force corporations to pay their fair share in taxes.
"Bernie Sanders is the real deal!"
--rex murphy
Trump will enact policies wch benefit the 1%
ReplyDeleteBernie thanks Pope Francis while attending social justice conference in Rome:
instilling morality into the global economy
"We discussed issues about the need for an economy based on morality and not on greed" --Bernie Sanders
economic inequality causes alienation,dissidence,and social instability
It would be a dangerous mistake to discount Trump's likelihood to become President!
ReplyDeleteYou might think that Donald Trump has no chance against the qualifications of Hilary Clinton....but don't sell the media mogul short!
....and don't underestimate voter ignorance and their capacity for being duped
The "entertainer-in-chief" is popular and knows how to capture attention: "any publicity is good publicity"!
Trump just might win!
There are plenty of disaffected citizens who will take out their grievances by voting against the party in power.
Hitler gained power by riding a populist wave of discontent!
ReplyDeleteWorld leaders "rattled" by Republican nomineee for President --Borack Obama
ReplyDeleteAn unqualified loose cannon is within reach of the most powerful job in the world --Hilary Clinton
"A small insecure moneygrubber who doesn't care who he hurts as long as he benefits" --Elizabeth Warren *************
This is not entertainment. This is not a reality show. Being leader is a serious job.
Max Boot on BBC:
Donald Trump is unmitigated disaster!
ignorant fascist demagogue unqualified to be president
the impacts of climate change, will include sea-level rise, more extreme weather, food shortages, and increased violent conflicts.
Trump, on the other hand, has said he does not believe climate change exists. Last week, he promised to undo essentially every major climate policy developed in the last decade if elected president.
Can a racist win the race for president?
ReplyDeleteThe state of America today:
If someone with the personal qualities of a Donald Trump(bully,greedy,racist,misogynist) is electable to the office of President in America...what does that say about the character of the country!...and even more importantly, the character of its people who would choose such a person to be their leader!
Donald Trump does not represent the values and promise of America; he represents the nightmare of America! Donald Trump stands for everything thats wrong with America. He embodies the dehumanizing attitudes of prejudice and bigotry (the worst traits in human nature).
America is better than Trump!
Trump is unAmerican!
Lets hope Trump does not personify the values and the qualities of America.
However the idea that Trump could become the president of the USA is not that ridiculous or improbable. It would just be another instance of history repeating itself: Hitler gained power by riding a populist tide of discontent. Trump has tapped into that same pent up anger and fear surging through America today.
Anger needs a legitimate target to be directed against --an external enemy. Trump has provided an outlet for that seething supressed frustration,anger,and hatred by projecting it onto Moslems, Mexicans, tbe same way that Hitler targeted/blamed the Jews.
This media mogul is a master of marketing. By sheer sleight-of-hand he has succeeded in misdirecting people's anger from its legitimate object (namely,Wall Street and capitalist greed wch he personifies), and focusing it upon the "strawmen" of Moslems and immigrants. By misidentifying the real cause of America's problems he distracts people from the real cause.--a meltdown in morality.
Don't discount this vulgar bufoon. He has tapped into an undercurrent of racism and zenophobia thst lies beneath the surface of American society...and wch is represented by the Republican base.
The zeitgeist in America in 2016 is for change. Angry voters will blame the party-in-power for their discontent, and will vote against the Democrats....even if the Republican candidate is a dnk key.
"He is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability and immense responsibility,"
--Hilary Clinton
This new ad portrays Donald Trump as a full-blown sociopath
By Greg Sargent The Plum Lineopinion June 7 (AP Photo/Chris Carlson, File)
One of the assumptions guiding top Democrats as they prepare to face Donald Trump is this: While Trump’s media ubiquity has rendered him highly visible and well known to the American people in a general sense, many voters are not acquainted with the full range of all the specific things he’s said and done, in all their wretched and depraved glory.
With the news dominated by reports that Hillary Clinton is now the presumptive nominee, based on an Associated Press tally of anonymous super-delegates, her Super PAC, Priorities USA, has unleashed a new wave of advertising in swing states that is focused solely on Trump’s belittling of a disabled reporter:
Priorities USA: ‘Grace’ | Campaign 2016
Play Video1:01Super Pac Priorities USA released an ad on June 7 attacking Donald Trump on his remarks regarding the disabled. (Priorities USA)
The ad is running in seven swing states — Ohio, Virginia, Florida, Colorado, Nevada, New Hampshire, and Iowa — and it’s backed by a $4 million buy for its first week, as part of a broader $20 million buy between now and the conventions.Note that this ad doesn’t merely show footage of Trump mocking the reporter. It shows a family with a disabled daughter discussing how hurt and shocked they were to see him abusing someone with a similar disability.The spot is another sign that Democrats think they can render Trump unacceptably toxic before a general election audience by relentlessly spotlighting his profound cruelty — as displayed by Trump himself. This strain runs through much of the evolving Democratic critique of Trump and, more broadly, of Trumpism. In one early tell, the Clinton campaign released a web videorecapping footage of Trump calling for mass deportations and a ban on Muslims, and linking those to his vow to revive torture and take out terrorists’ families. More recently, Elizabeth Warren’s big speech pillorying Trump focused hard on his suggestion that he relished making a profit off a housing crash, but crucially, she argued that his own quotes revealed his cruel, cavalier attitude towards the millions of people who would be badly hurt by it.And in Clinton’s own recent speech, she repeatedly hit Trump as dangerously unfit for the presidency, due to his lack of experience and dangerously incoherent ideas, but she went much further, essentially portraying him as a full blown sociopath. Dems are also circulating new reports that Trump privately urged his surrogates to keep up the bigoted attacks on Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s Mexican-American heritage, and to keep arguing that he is unfit to preside over a case involving Trump, given his pledge to carry out mass deportations. Not to put too fine a point on it, but arguing that Mexican-Americans might be hostile towards Trump because he wants to carry out the forced removal of millions of illegal immigrants is how Trump is defending himself.As I’ve argued, the strategic imperative against Trump is similar to the one Dems faced with Mitt Romney, but with a crucial difference. In 2012, voters seemed inclined to grant Romney the presumption of technocratic ability on the economy. Similarly, some polls now show Trump with an advantage on the economy over Clinton. Then, as now, Dems need to drive home to voters that, whatever economic know-how the GOP nominee possesses, he is not actually on their side. In 2012, they painted Romney as an aloof, plutocratic symbol of the cruelties of outsourcing and globalization. In the case of Trump, their focus is increasingly on Trump’s personal cruelty — not just in business, but also from the perch of his newfound media dominance. The calculation is that once general election voters are fully exposed to Trump’s seeming delight in marginalizing and abusing people —individuals and groups alike — they’ll find it horrifying. His cruel derangement will render him unelectable.******************
The Making of Donald Trump
Delete--David . Johnston
> > > It would be a dangerous mistake to underestimate Donald Trump. > > He will capture the "change vote", tbe "anti-establishment" vote,the anti-immigration vote,and of course the racist vote!
ReplyDeleteEight years of Obama has evoked a lot of antipathy toward the Democrats. There are a lot of disgruntled, angry people who feel they have not benefited and even harmed by the policies enacted by tbe party that has been in power for the last eight years...and they will seek to vote against any Democratic candidate (no matter how outrageous the Republican candidate may be, and despite the fact that historically the Republican party has consistently promoted the interests of the wealthy). Much of the suffering of those who feel they have been let down is due to the recession and subsequent economic stagnation,but those who have been negatively affected will target the "party in power" as the blameworthy cause of their woes. Rightwing sentiment --anti-immigration, protectionism, and isolationism --is on the rise. Fear and hatred are pandemic. The walls are going up everywhere as the self-preservation and self-protection instinct kicks in ever more intensely on this overcrowded planet.
Britain's decision to leave the European Union may be a regressive outcome, but it is a sign of the times.
If absolute independence were desireable, North Korea would be deemed the most successful nation. on the planet
At a time when it has never been more important to work together cooperatively to deal with the crucial challenges facing us, the Brits take a step backwards by "going it alone"
At a time when we need unity and unification, the EU is undergoing fragmentation and disintegration.
When our interdependence has become increasingly evident, "independence" has come to mean "isolation".
By disengaging from the EU and asserting its sovereignty, Britain has essentially imposed isolation upon itself.
#nationalism /internationalism
#no nation is an island...not even an island nation!
"Today a nation ringed by walls would only imprison itself" --Borack Obama
Deleteinside the campaign for president exposed
ReplyDeleteSo you say Bernie lost the Democratic nomination because the American people were not ready for his avant garde socialist policies.
Well just maybe it was the democratic party establishment that "wasn't ready",
and chose to undermine his campaign in favor of Hilary!
They sabotaged Bernie's campaign!
That's what these leaked backroom documents say!
They rigged the election!...and if it weren't for the Russian hack and Wikileaks
no one would have known!
I would say that the Republican Party establishment tried even harder(and not just behind the scenes but quite openly) to stopTrump... but they failed.
ReplyDeleteSo the party's effort to skew the campaign in favor of their own choice isn't always effective.
Still this expose of what happens
in the backrooms of the parties is insightful!
There are no holds barred in the pursuit of power.
In this game "fair play" is for sissies.
Trump: The Deals And The Downfall
ReplyDelete--by Wayne Barrett
Barrett also addresses Trump's emerging national image during this period, as it becomes key to his initial downfall. As he followed his father's career trajectory from development to ownership, he received tens of millions of dollars in loans from banks that he used to go on a massive buying spree. These loans were offered without even a cursory examination of Trump's underlying finances, as bankers were drawn less to a careful assessment of his assets and liabilities than a submission to the power of his personality and the glamour of his public image. The result was that by the end of the 1980s Trump was overleveraged, and Donald entered the new decade facing both the implosion of his heavily indebted empire and an embarrassing and costly divorce from his first wife Ivana.Overall Barrett's book is a damming autopsy of Trump as a person and as a businessman. While the author's biases occasionally shine through, the sheer amount of detail he uses, based on an examination of the enormous amount of filings, financial records, and lawsuits produced over the course of his subject's activities, makes it difficult to disagree with the substance of his assessments. It is a book that should be read by everyone interested in learning about Trump's early career in business, one that offers some food for thought for readers today in considering what he might do should he win the highest office in the land.