July 6,2015
Mainers Back Bernie at Big Rally
More than 7,500 people packed an arena here Monday night in another big show of grassroots support for Bernie Sanders.“In case you didn’t notice, this is a big turnout,” Sanders told the placard-waving crowd as they cheered his call to take on the billionaire class and rebuild the American middle class.“From Maine to California, the American people understand that establishment politics and establishment economics are not working for America,” Sanders said. “They understand that the greed of Wall Street and corporate America is destroying the great middle class of this country and people from coast to coast are saying, ‘You can’t keep getting away with it.’”In his fiery speech, Sanders pledged to address gaps in wealth and income inequality that are greater than at any time since the Great Depression. The big turnouts, he said, are sending a powerful message that Americans are tired of a system rigged to help the rich and powerful instead of working families.“It is not acceptable that a handful of billionaires is now controlling our political process and the time is long overdue for the corporate media to start talking about the real issues,” Sanders said. “People are becoming involved in this campaign because they want change – real change – and that is what this campaign is about.”Sanders was introduced by Troy Jackson, a logger from Allagash, Maine, who praised the senator’s willingness to take on “the big corporate structure.” Sanders’ proposals for improving health care, raising the minimum wage and making higher education tuition-free also were cited by the Democratic National Committee member and former Maine Senate majority leader. “What a lot of people are feeling is that there is somebody speaking to their issues,” Jackson told the Portland Press-Herald.“That’s why you’re seeing so many people come out.”He also called for closing tax loopholes that let profitable corporations stash income in the Cayman Islands and other tax havens. He said he would break up the largest financial institutions in the country that are bigger today than before they were bailed out by taxpayers after the 2008 Wall Street crash.The Portland turnout was another in a string of big crowds coming out for Sanders. A 10,000-seat arena in Madison, Wisconsin, was filled to capacity last Wednesday when more people turned out than for any presidential candidate anywhere so far this campaign. On the Friday night before the Fourth of July, more than 2,500 showed up at a convention center in Council Bluffs, Iowa, the biggest Iowa audience for any candidate to date.
Because Bernie Sanders is the only credible Democrat challenging Hillary, he will get more media attention than he would in a more crowded field.
ReplyDeleteAlthough Hillary Clinton has shifted left, her ties to Wall Street—and her need to raise vast sums from it—will keep her from fully assuaging the party’s left. Three weeks into her presidential bid, for instance, she still hasn’t taken a clear position on either the Keystone Pipeline or fast-track authority for the Trans-Atlantic and Trans-Pacific trade deals, even though progressive activists loathe both. While Sanders lacks charisma. he shares a key quality with the successful insurgents of the past: authenticity.
He has held firm to his ideological convictions for decades, despite the mockery of the political mainstream.
And he articulates those convictions bluntly and without artifice.
Asked to explain why he's running for president, Sanders told Stephanopoulos, “I’m the only candidate who is prepared to take on the billionaire class which controls our economy and increasingly controls the political life of this country.”
This guy can't win
ReplyDeleteThe billionnaires can't let this guy win.
He's declared war against them.
It takes a lot of money to fund a competitive run for the highest office. Since he's alienated the people with the money...how will he fund his campaign?!
"The status quo has got to go!"
ReplyDeleteHilary Clinton represents the wealthy and the political establishment in Washington.
Don't expect significant change from her.
The only hope is for Bernie Sanders to ride a wave of grassroots support demanding the desperately needed change to save the
country. ...and the planet.
The people will unite behind their savior!
....otherwise we're all doomed!
The need to change direction
DeleteThere is an urgent need for real change!
Continueing along the same trajectory is not a viable option.
The reason this election is so critical is...if we don't get it together and elect a president with the courage and tbe mandate to make some "inconvenient" decisions, by the time 4 years go by and we get to choose again...it will probably be too late!
DeleteThis may very well be our last chance to change direction,to turn things around,to make things right!
"What kind of animal continues down a path that threatens tha survival of its grandchildren? The survival of humanity depends on our changing course and learning to live in harmony with our environment."
Delete--David Suzuki
"We are the last generation that can do something about it (climate change)"
Delete--Borack Obama
Doing the same thing again and again
Deletewhile expecting a different result...
is the definition of "madness"!
Many things in the world need changing!
DeleteThe best way to do that is to change the leadership.Those comitted to "staying tbe course" and maintaining the status quo are only interested in protecting their own interests.
The status quo has got to go!
That'll be the day when gynophobic Americans choose a woman to be their leader!
ReplyDeleteIsn't this Hilary's sevond kick at the can?
Bernie Sanders is a voice of conscience!
ReplyDeleteBernie Sanders' moral conviction may spark a populist movement.
He shoots from the hip...tells it how it is, rebukes those at fault...and champions the middle class.
At the very least he will push the presumptive Democratic candidate to the left.
Forget Bernie vs. Hillary. Forget the circus-clown-car distractions created by Trump vs. the GOP’s Fab 15.
ReplyDeletePope Francis is the only real political leader that matters this year.
Pope Francis ignites a revolt that will overthrow American capitalism
By Paul B. Farrell
Published: July 21, 2015 11:30 a.m.
Pope Francis undermines conservative policies:
DeleteFrancis’s agenda, which also includes calls to address income inequality and limit climate change, is putting him at odds with Republicans,
“Inequality is the root of social evil,” Francis tweeted in March, after months earlier slamming “trickle-down” economics as a “crude and naïve” theory.
Next year, as part of a speech he’ll give to the United Nations General Assembly, Francis will issue an edict urging the world's 1.2 billion Catholics to do what they can to fight climate change.
Pope vs Trump
Deletepope francis rejects Trump :"not Christian"
Republican candidate calls Pope's comment about "building walls instead of bridges" disgraceful.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAmerica is better than Trump
DeleteTrump personifies the age of greed...and winning at all cost!
He is a vulger,egotistical,bombastic bufoon.
But this bufoon has to be taken seriously...because he is downright dangerous!
Never underestimate the power of money!
This is not someone who should be president.
His campaign behaviour is far from presidential.Donald Trump is unstable and his conduct is not befitting a presidential candidate.
He does not have the intelligence,judgment, and character to be President.
He is the most militaristic of the "gang of nine"...as well as protectionist and exclusionist.
John Kasich is the most sensible of this group!
He is moderate and a uniter!
He has an impressive performance record as governor of Ohio, and he has also run a positive,upbeat campaign.
A society is weakened/fragmented by political and social strife/violence.
Internal inequity/divisiveness is a far greater weakness than an invading army.
The mark of a capable leader is the abilityto unite his people behind common goals and values.
see "The mad world of Donald Trump" on the Passionate Eye:http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2683618206
A British journalist explores the popularity of Donald Trump and the billionaire's bid to become U.S. President.
"Conservative capitalists. ..are on the wrong side of history"
ReplyDelete-- Paul B. Farrell
Donald Trump has said global warming is a hoax created by the Chinese so that the United States would not be competitive in manufacturing.
DeleteThis bufoon has said he is willing to spend
1 billion dollars to buy the office of president!
"Any Republican candidate gets up here and tells you the truth about climate change, on that day he loses his campaign funding."
Delete-- Bernie Sanders
The consciousness of humanity is undergong a transformation.
ReplyDeleteThose who do not embrace this change but resist and rebel against it...will be left behind or cast aside.
America bas become an oligarchy
fewer and fewer people (the wealthy) have more and more control
ReplyDeleteOnly Bernie Sanders has the bold determination to stand up to the corporations (see "Corporatism")and prevent them from trampling us.
Bernie is pretty far out in left field. If he beats Hilary he will pull the Democrats base further left wch will allow the Republicans to claim more of the middle ground.
ReplyDeleteWhoever owns the middle ground wins!
fewer and fewer people (the wealthy) have more and more control
ReplyDeleteBernie can fix it:
Only Bernie Sanders has the bold determination to stand up to the corporations and stop them from trampling/exploiting us. Only Bernie has the will to fight corporatism and restore democracy(government of the people for the people).
people are tired of hearing the traditional political ideology and they are angry with the political establishment
Bernie Sanders' campaign is full of enthusiasm and idealism--a grassroots movement that could snowball. He has captured the people's imagination. There is a sense that Bernie Sanders is what its going to take to redress the endemic injustice of inequality in American society. Bernie will reform the system to enable a more equitable redistribution of wealth so that everyone benefits from resource development and the productivity of the economy....not just a few. Bernie will return power to the people!
*********************** Trump is an egotistical,narcissistic,bombast. His leadership style is that of a tyrant. He has turned the Republican campaign for president into a farcical comedy.
the Republican party is a party of bigotry and intolerance
the fact that Donald Trump leads the polls among the GOP candidates for president indicates that.a lot of the grassroots members of the Republican party support his ideas
It is truely a sad commentary on the quality of conservative leadership when a person like Donald Trump would be considered for President
don't underestimate the power of celebrity and Big Money. That's how Reagan got to be president! "name recognition" (celebrity status) is more important than intelligence and competence in selecting a political leader. In the USA money can buy even the highest political office.
If Trump is chosen as leader it will be a great tragedy not just for America but for the whole of humanity! It will be the death of liberal social democracy in America.
candidates vieing for the highest office descend to new lows: vulgarity,insults,...behavior unbecoming of a president
ReplyDeleteRepublican campaign degenerates into
ad hominem attacks.
Trump has baited the other candidates into stooping to his level. ..and dragged them
into the gutter
the only Republican candidate running a positive, dignified, policy-focused campaign is John Kasich.
He has the character of a leader!
The others are all name-calling and mudslinging in the gutter.
None of them have the maturity to be leader
of the most powerful state in the world.
They are competing for power at any price--including the price of their own dignity.
Lieing,cheating,name-calling--are all acceptible/justified means to the end of acguiring power.
Anyone willing to sacrifice their dignity and their conscience to aquire power,
has sold their soul to the devil!
Republican establishment elder makes blistering attack against Donald Trumf:
ReplyDelete"donald trumpf is a phoney and a fraud"--Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney delivered a sweeping broadside against Donald Trump on Thursday, laying into the Republican presidential front-runner with a sharper attack than any of the party's 2016 contenders have made against the billionaire business mogul."Here's what I know: Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud," Romney said. "His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University. He's playing members of the American public for suckers: He gets a free ride to the White House, and all we get is a lousy hat.
"Romney said that "dishonesty is Donald Trump's hallmark," pointing to his "bullying, the greed, the showing off, the misogyny,
no holds barred in pursuit of power
March 3,2016 Republican debate turns into an outrageous freak show!
Candidates for president exchange insults and disparage each other's body parts.
Kasich shows some presidential class
by staying out of the gutter and focusing on policy.
We realize the importance of light in the face of darkness.
ReplyDeleteIt is precisely at a time of desolation and despair that society undergoes a spiritual and moral awakening...and a leader emerges who is a champion for justice. Most of the problems facing the country are not due to a lack of intelligence, but rather a lack of compassion and moral fiber. The problems are due to greed and avarice,and a lack of morality.
Bernie Sanders champions a revolution.
Bernie calls himself a democratic socialist.
But in America people mistakenly equate socialism with communism.
It would be more accurate to brand him as a "socially responsible capitalist".
A cosmic sign: Mother Nature endorses Bernie.
If "regulation" (of individual and corporate behaviour) is not the role of government,.. what might that be?!
ReplyDeleteIn, Lament for a Nation, Grant states:
"Yet what is socialism if it is not the use of government to restrain greed in the name of the social good"
Unbridled freedom is anarchy:
ReplyDeleteThey want to pursue their profit without restriction or restraint.
But freedom without moral and legal constraints is not freedom but anarchy.
They glorify individual freedom at the expense of individual responsibility.