Wednesday, April 10, 2013

how the wealthy avoid paying their fair share

Amount of wealth sheltered from taxes is staggering

August 17, 2012 7:01 PM By PETER GOLDMARK


Watch W5's 'Tax me if you can'

George Hoff, W5 Producer
Published Friday, April 5, 2013 4:00PM EDT
Last Updated Saturday, April 6, 2013 11:02PM EDT

Benjamin Franklin is famous for declaring that “nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes.” But in some cases there are ways to avoid the latter.
The only question is: who pays?

Al Fulcher and Wally Erickson are two retired Canadians living in British Columbia. They filed their taxes and believed they did everything right. But both ran into auditors from the Canada Revenue Agency who reassessed their claims.

The CRA told Fulcher he owed $217,000 and put a lien on a commercial property he bought to finance his retirement. The CRA maintained that the money Fulcher used after the BC government expropriated his property was subject to capital gains tax. That meant Fulcher couldn’t refinance his mortgage at a normal commercial rate.

Al Fulcher speaks about his ordeal with Canada Revenue Agency after he was told he owed $217,000.

After being told by the CRA that he owed $200,000, Wally Erickson fought back, representing himself before Canada’s tax court.

Liechtenstein is one of the many tax-havens countries Canadians use to avoid paying billions of dollars to the Canada Revenue Agency.

Suddenly Fulcher was facing bankruptcy. Fulcher said the CRA action “ruined my credit rating. It’s ruined my credibility.”

Erickson also got audited. The CRA told him he owed $200,000. Erickson was denied a capital cost allowance and other claims on a boat he purchased after his retirement. He said the audit “has so many errors in it, mathematical errors, calendar years, money was included in both calendar years, it was just ludicrous.”

Erickson fought back representing himself before Canada’s tax court.

They’re two Canadians of limited means, willing to pay their fair share of taxes but not willing to accept rulings by CRA auditors.

But 106 other Canadians, much richer and with more resources, took a different approach to their tax obligations. They put their money, a total of more than $100 million, into 47 accounts in the tiny tax haven principality of Liechtenstein.

The Canada Revenue Agency only found out about the accounts in 2007 after it got the names from files stolen from LGT Trust, a bank owned by the monarch of Liechtenstein.

A data processor, Heinrich Kieber, at a Liechtenstein bank walked out with discs containing all the information of 3,500 accounts. Kieber then traded the information to the German government for millions and a new identity.

Germany and Austria used the Kieber files to prosecute their citizens who were evading taxes. Heinz Frommelt, a former Justice Minister in Liechtenstein and now a tax lawyer, said Kieber’s files “have all the data needed to prosecute.”

Katja Gey, Liechtenstein’s Director of International Financial Affairs confirmed the files “are probably good enough for an investigation or prosecution.”

Canadian funds abroad

What about Canada’s investigation of those Canadians named in Kieber’s files?

W5 asked the CRA about the 106 Canadians. The CRA says all were audited and 25 were reassessed. After those audits were completed, the back taxes, interest and penalties totaled $22 million but so far only $8 million has been collected.

The CRA says its investigation is complete and no tax evasion charges will be laid.

Sen. Percy Downe has followed the Liechtenstein case for six years. He said that “people who hide their money overseas are getting a sweetheart deal and the rest of us have to pay our taxes.”

Downe pointed to CRA’s own documents. He said, “The CRA has proven in their own internal audit that they go after the easier cases.”

“The people who are hiding money overseas are intentionally trying to avoid paying taxes,” Downe said.

After six years, we do not know any of the names of those 106 Canadians who put their money in the LGT Bank. The CRA says privacy laws prevent them from being released.

W5 caught up to Minister of Revenue Gail Shea in her riding in Summerside, Prince Edward Island. We asked her about the decision not to charge any of the 106 Canadians with tax evasion.

“I can’t speak to specifics but I can tell you that since our government came into office we have uncovered $4.6 billion in taxes owed,” Shea said.

In an e-mail to W5, after broadcast of our story, the minister's director of communications added clarification: "Over the last six years, 7,761 Aggressive International Tax Planning cases have been completed with approximately $4.58 billion in additional taxes identified."

Asked to provide a specific figure of how much tax had been collected of the amount "identified" and from those individuals, the CRA claimed it is unable to do so. "Our audit and collection systems are standalone systems that do not interface in a manner that would allow the CRA to track the answer being sought."

Fighting on the home front

Although secrecy surrounds the Liechtenstein cases, we know what happened to Al Fulcher and Wally Erickson in British Columbia.

Erickson got the CRA to knock down the amount owing from $200,000 to just over $51,000. But he still thought that was too high. He went to tax court in 2012. The tax court reduced Erickson’s tax bill another $15,000 to $36,000 including interest and penalties.

Al Fulcher hired a tax expert to prove to the CRA that its own regulations allowed him to use his money from the expropriation and not pay a capital gain. But by the time the CRA withdrew its claim in 2012, Fulcher was left almost bankrupt.

His house is for sale and he is still trying to save the business he bought. Fulcher said he’s trapped.

“I now have to fight the CRA for some kind of compensation…I can’t give up and walk away from this thing, this is just ludicrous.”

It’s worth recalling another famous line about paying taxes. This one is from Leona Helmsley, a billionaire New York property owner.

During her trial for tax evasion in 1983, she was quoted as saying: "We don't pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes."


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  6. US Senate probes Apple,Inc.

    Corporate tax avoidance :

    Corporations employ an army of lawyers
    to find loopholes in tbe tax code in prder to avoid paying .
    bilions in taxes:

    1. Corporate tax avoidance = welfare for the wealthy

      If you want to understand how the unfair tax code preferentially benefits corporations
      watch Bill Moyers interview of Joseph E. Stiglitz:


      Sen. Bernie Sanders this week issued a new report that provides a fresh glimpse into the far-reaching corporate tax avoidance strategies of large and profitable companies represented by the Business Roundtable, including what he calls the "legalized tax fraud” of sheltering profits in offshore tax havens. The report shows for the first time how more than half of the companies represented by the Business Roundtable are collectively holding more than $1 trillion in profits in offshore tax haven countries where money is not subject to U.S. taxes. A number of huge corporations –including General Electric, Boeing, Duke Energy and Verizon –not only have paid nothing in federal income tax in recent years, they received refunds from the IRS.

      “Instead of sheltering profits in the Cayman Islands and other offshore tax havens, the largest corporations in this country must pay their fair share of taxes so that our country has the revenue we need to rebuild America and reduce the deficit,” Bernie said. "At a time when corporations are making record-breaking profits, while the middle class is disappearing and senior poverty is on the rise, the last thing we should be doing is giving huge tax breaks to profitable corporations that don’t need it.” Bernie will soon reintroduce legislation to crack down on corporate tax avoidance by making sure that profits shifted to offshore tax haven subsidiaries are taxed at the top U.S. corporate tax rate.



      By:  Richard Rubin
      Bloomberg Business
      Friday, March 6, 2015

      Eight of the biggest U.S. technology companies added a combined $69 billion to their stockpiled offshore profits over the past year, even as some corporations in other industries felt pressure to bring cash back home.Microsoft Corp., Apple Inc., Google Inc. and five other tech firms now account for more than a fifth of the $2.10 trillion in profits that U.S. companies are holding overseas, according to a Bloomberg News review of the securities filings of 304 corporations. The total amount held outside the U.S. by the companies was up 8 percent from the previous year, though 58 companies reported smaller stockpiles.The money pileup, reflecting companies’ incentives to park profits in low-tax countries, has drawn the attention of President Barack Obama and U.S. lawmakers, who see a chance to tap the funds for spending programs and to revamp the tax code. That effort is stalled in Washington, and there are few signs that tech companies will bring the profits back to the U.S. until Congress gives them an incentive or a mandate.

    4. On April 15, the income tax deadline for most Americans, Bernie Sanders introduced a bill to stop corporations from avoiding their fair share of taxes by stashing profits in the Cayman islands, Bermuda and other tax havens.
      He spoke at a Capitol news conference in front of a photo of the notorious Ugland House, the Cayman Islands office that is the registered address of more than 18,000 companies.
      Yes. There are supposedly 18,000 companies doing business in one small building.
      Needless to say, it's all a scam to avoid paying taxes to the U.S. government. Nobody is really doing business there. It's just a postal address to allow the companies to claim that they do business in the Cayman islands which has no corporate income tax. “At a time when we have an $18.2 trillion national debt; at a time when many of the largest corporations in America are paying no federal income taxes; and at a time when corporate profits are at an all-time high, it is past time for corporate America to pay their fair share in taxes so that we can address the many problems which this country faces," Bernie said.

    5. Apple guilty of tax evasion:

      European Union fines Apple Corporation
      14.5 billion dollars for routing its profits through Ireland in a tax-avoidance scheme.

  7. Secret files reveal how Canadians use tax havens:

  8. Given the widespread abuse of taxpayer's money by politicians,
    who can blame anyone for trying to hide their hard- earned money from the government.

  9. #1 issue in the world threatening disintegration of society is economic inequality

    Extreme "wealth inequality" threatens global social stability.

    1% own as much wealth as the 99% combined

    85 individuals own as much wealth as 3.5 billion of yhe poorest people on the planet

  10. Read it and get angry:

    "Tax Havens: How Globalization Really Works"
    by Ronen Palan

  11. Trailer - THE PRICE WE PAY - a feature documentary by Harold Crooks

    Watch this trailer  on Vimeo:

    "The Price We Pay" | Harold Crooks Documentary 93 minutes

    The documentary "The Price We Pay" says the rich are getting richer by hiding their money in tax havens.

    Director Harold Crooks (Surviving Progress) once again blows the lid off the dirty world of corporate malfeasance with this incendiary documentary about the dark history and dire present-day reality of corporate tax-dodging.
    , The Price We Pay examines the timely issue of tax avoidance — specifically, the widespread use of tax havens by multinational corporations, who have managed to deprive governments of trillions of dollars in corporate-tax revenues by attributing their profits to countries with low or non-existent tax rates rather than the countries where their operations are located. Director Harold Crooks — who previously exposed the world of big-time corporate malfeasance with his work on such key political documentaries as The Corporation and Surviving Progress — takes us on a fascinating journey as he analyzes the origins, damaging repercussions, and complex moral issues arising from corporate tax-dodging, following the thread from the dramatic increase in the off-shoring of corporate assets in the 1970s to the Reagan administration's dismantling of the welfare state in the 1980s and up to the present day, where tax avoidance has directly contributed to the dominance of the "one percent" and further deepened income disparity and wealth inequality. Featuring interviews with leading economists and academics as well as defectors from the world of big finance, The Price We Pay is a compelling, coherent, and forceful call to action.

  12. Wendy Mesley interview with Harold Crooks:

  13. the "Isle of Man" plan

    How an accounting firm helps rich people avoid paying taxes

    KPMG tax planning strategy offered to "high worth" clients is a "tax evasion scheme"

  14. massive leak called "the panama papers" exposes elite taxhavens of the rich

    how the rich (includind 29 billionaires) use foreign offshore taxhaven shell accounts to sequester wealth

    list of panama law firm clients leaked (11 million files)-- include prime ministers of Iceland and Pakistan
    How the rich (including national leaders)hide their money.

    Secrecy and low taxes smacks of corruption and tax evasion.
    Hiding assets is a betrayal of public trust.

    Use of "shell companies" by hundreds of Canadians including RBC, and other corporations... to hide their profits and avoid paying their fair share of taxes.

    "The Panama Papers leak is the most scandalous revelation ever of crap we all pretty much already knew"
    -- JohnFugelsang

    1. how the rich hide their assets from the taxman : They Cheat!!

      the tax laws are full of loopholes wch create a two tiered system. The rich hire lawyers and accountants to avoid and minimize paying their fair share.

  15. How the wealthy hide their money in offshore shell companies to avoid paying their fair share:

    1. Panama papers expose Canada as a tax haven

      Canada's system of corporate registration allows corporations to set up shell companies whose real owners are concealed.
      By allowing this secrecy/opaqueness we invite criminality,money laundering,corruption,tax evasion.
      There are millions of such shell companies in Canada

      "Global financial integrity report"

  16. European Union fines Apple Corporation 14.5 billion dollars for routing its profits through Ireland in a tax-avoidance scheme.

  17. Why not cheat if the law allows it?

    Trump has exposed blatant weaknesses and outright corruptions in the American legal and political system wch he himself has exploited.

    1. availing himself of tax loopholes in order to avoid paying taxes(tax evasion)

    2. buying influence through political campaign contributions(bribery)

    Plug the loopholes! The loopholes create a rigged system...allowing the rich to get richer at the expense of the middle class

    1. Donald Trumps tax reform bill is the biggest act of thievery in the history of America -- --Bernie Sanders


  18. how the wealthy use loopholes in tax law to avoid paying taxes

    KPM G and Tax Havens for the Rich : The Untouchables - Episodes - the fifth estate

    "KP&G tax dodge" exposed march2,2017

  19. 6000 of Canada's highest earners pay no taxes!

    A CBC News analysis of Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) data shows that, between 2011 and 2014, a growing number of Canadians earning a six-figure income or more didn't pay a cent in income tax.

  20. NY Times article about BC tax dodge

    interview on CBC/ca/daybreak May 4

    May 4, 2017 Season 2017, Episode 300289271 01:18:51 Motorcycle couple, theme song, New York Times questions B.C. government tax incentives

    Bank of Toronto receives 3 million tax break from B.C. taxpayers through
    "International Business Activity Program"
    --a program shrouded in secrecy

  21. Trudeau said that his was a party that was going to stand up for the middle class against the fat cats. He got a journalist named Chrystia Freeland to run for the party, she had famously written a book called Plutocrats, in which she talked about how easy life was in the United States for the very rich and how hard it was for everybody else and how that gap had been growing. And now we've got a government that isn’t that concerned about bringing the very rich down a notch


  22. how the rich avoid paying their fair share

    the subteranian financial underworld and tax avoidance schemes

    The use of a global network of foreign taxhavens/shelters is far deeper and more extensive than commonly understood or that the rich want you to know.

    This offshore world is a complex tangle of deception and secretive sham/shell  companies.

    Canada losing 6 billion dollars in tax revenue due to these tax-free "trusts" in tax havens.
    This is money deprived from public education, healthcare,  and other public services.


  23. corrupted by the lure of lucre, they have abandoned all moral scruples

    All these cheaters, who like Trump pride themselves on "beating the system" ,are aided and abetted by complicit tax professionals who are lucratively paid with the stolen money that they have "saved" their clients.
    It is not just the principles, but all those who help and protect them who have divested themselves of all moral scruples in the pursuit of wealth.
    I wonder to what extent your comment is intended to assuage your own conscience?

  24. Harry's last stand: "Don't Let My Past be your Future"

    The rich are not paying their fair share to provide the govt with the taxes to help the most needy in society.
    Poverty and income disparity are tearing apart the social fabric.

  25. the corporate welfare state:

    Trump reduces corporate tax frpm 35% to 21%

    That 14% shortfall in tax revenue means that money (wch amounts to $18. billion) is either not available to fund critical infrastructure and social service spending, or it needs to be made up for by increasing taxation of other revenue sources such as the middle and working classes

    How is this a "free market economy" when the corporate sector is subsidized by taxpayers to the tune of $18. billion?! When money that could be used to fund social programs is instead given to corporations....this is immoral and must be called what it is: "corporate welfare" and theft.
    It enriches the rich at the expense of the poor.

    This is just one way that the tax system is systemically and deliberately weighted in favor of the rich.

  26. how yhe wealthy and powerful receive preferential treatment by yhe courts

    How an accounting firm helps rich people avoid paying taxes
    KPMG tax planning strategy offered to "high worth" clients is a "tax evasion scheme"

  27. As It Happens with Carol Off, Chris Howden - Jan. 22, 2020:

    Patriotic Millionaires urge the rich to pay 'higher and fairer taxes'



    Investigation shows years of tax avoidance by Donald Trump – The New York Times
    Donald Trump paid just $750 (£590) in federal income taxes in 2016 – the year he was elected, according to The New York Times.

    An investigation by the newspaper also claimed that he didn’t pay any income tax at all in 10 of the 15 years before he became president.

    The claims come just weeks before a divisive election, with early voting already under way.

    It is also claimed that his tax bill also came to just $750 in 2017 during his first year in office.

    When asked about the report in his daily briefing, Mr Trump said: “It’s totally fake news, made up, fake. Actually I paid tax.”

    Mr Trump insisted his tax details would be released when the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) finishes its audit.

    “They’ve been under audit for some time,” Mr Trump added. “The IRS treat me very badly.”

    A lawyer for the Trump Organisation told the newspaper that “most, if not all, of the facts appear to be inaccurate”.

    In a statement, he said the president “has paid tens of millions of dollars in personal taxes to the federal government, including paying millions in personal taxes since announcing his candidacy in 2015”.

    The NY Times report claims Mr Trump was able to minimise his tax bill by reporting heavy losses across his business empire.

    It said he claimed $47.4m (£37.1m) in losses in 2018, despite saying he had income of at least $434.9m (£340.7m) in a financial disclosure that year.

    The US president’s consistent refusal to release his taxes has been a departure from standard practice for presidential candidates.

    He is currently in a legal battle with New York City prosecutors and congressional Democrats who are seeking to obtain his returns.

    During a presidential debate against Hillary Clinton in 2016, Mrs Clinton said that perhaps Mr Trump was not releasing his tax returns because he had paid nothing in federal taxes.

    Mr Trump interrupted her to say: “That makes me smart.”

