Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wisdom Quotes

"... We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking ..."
Albert Einstein

The inhumanity, which is committed to another, destroys the humanity in me.
Immanuel Kant

Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Life does not accommodate you, it shatters you. It is meant to, and it couldn't do it better. Every seed destroys its container or else there would be no fruition." -Florida Scott-Maxwell

"Great love and great achievement involve great risks"

"If it is to be, it's up to me"

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." (Unknown)

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. - Thoreau"

"People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass by themselves without wondering."
St. Augustine, 354 430

"Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you."
-Wayne Dyer

"Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out."
-James Bryant Conant

"And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair."
Kahlil Gibran

“Not everything that is bad comes to hurt us” – Italian Proverb

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.

"A wish changes nothing. A decision changes everything."

"Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors"
-African proverb

“Do not follow where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”

" God determines who walks into your life. It is up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go."Author Unknown

"The great man is he who does not lose his childlike heart." Mencius

"Never close your lips to those to whom you have opened your heart."
Charles Dickens

Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time. ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, a touch that never hurts. ~Charles Dickens

Dare to be imperfect and one day there will tug at your sleeve a soulmate. ~Robert Brault

Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak. Sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go. ~Author Unknown

Life is like riding a bicycle - in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving. ~Albert Einstein

The most valuable lesson man has learned from his dog is to kick a few blades of grass over it and move on. ~Robert Brault

It is better to sleep on things beforehand than lie awake about them afterwards. ~Baltasar Gracian

Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; hate less, love more; and all good things
are yours. - Swedish Proverb

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