The Scream
--Artist Edvard Munch
Subject: the orange-brown tide arriveth
To: larry@sympatico.ca
Date: Saturday, June 5, 2010, 1:12 AM
Horrible,Horrific and Horrendous images:
Warning: these heartbreaking images are obscene, and painful to view!
The real cost of America's addiction to oil!

...and this is just the beginning--the tip of the iceberg!!
The effect on lower levels of marine life (whose habitat has been poisoned, and upon wch all others are dependent) is still invisible!!
The secondary and tertiary effects of this environmental and economic disaster will last for decades!
--- On Sat, 5/15/10, bill dality wrote:
From: bill dality
Subject: the black tide cometh
To: larry.@sympatico.ca
Date: Saturday, May 15, 2010, 12:36 AM
Independent scientists now estimate the leak is gushing oil into the ocean at the rate of 70,000 barrels per day!
BP appears to have intentionally lowballed their estimate (of 5000 barrels/day) in an attempt to minimize/downplay the public relations and financial consequences to them.
BP chief executive Tony Hayward told Britain's Guardian newspaper that the spill is "tiny" by comparison with the amount of water in the Gulf of Mexico:
"The Gulf of Mexico is a very big ocean. The amount of volume of oil and dispersant we are putting into it is tiny in relation to the total water volume," Hayward said.
"The techniques we're going to try over the next 24 hours, we need to remember, are about trying to contain this leak. They won't stop it."
A large component of the leak is natural gas wch is 90% methane.
Methane is a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2. Compared with carbon dioxide, it has a high global warming potential of 72 (calculated over a period of 20 years) or 25 (for a time period of 100 yearsMethane in the atmosphere is eventually oxidized, producing carbon dioxide and water
Watch the video of Dr. Gregory Ryskin, Professor of Chemical Engineering at Northwestern University.
In the video, Dr. Ryskin explains how a prehistoric methane gas explosion could explain the Permian-Triassic Extinction Event, a mysterious period in Earth history where 95% of all species went extinct.Given that the amount of methane gas that is leaking from the BP spill site is at least equal to the amount of oil, it would lead one to believe that there is a huge underground pocket of methane gas buried there.
They are spraying tons of chemical "dispersants" onto the oil slicks in order to sink the oil "out of sight and out of mind".
These chemicals are more toxic than the oil! The worst case scenario is that the oil and gas will continue to leak until the entire reservoir (there are no estimates as to the total size of the reservoir) is emptied.
Currents will carry the surface oil out of the gulf , up the eastern coastline ,and into the Atlantic ocean.
More Foul Play:
Monitoring of Canada oil sands impact flawed:
Tue Dec 21, 10:35 am ET
OTTAWA (Reuters) –
Canada must do a much better job of monitoring whether oil sands projects are polluting waterways in the Western province of Alberta since the current system of oversight has major shortcomings, an independent scientific panel said on Tuesday.The panel was set up by the federal government in late September after an academic report concluded oil sands plants were sending toxins, including mercury, arsenic and lead, into the watershed.
"There are significant shortcomings in the monitoring system as a whole," the report concluded, saying the current system is far too fragmented
5 Oct 2010 ... toxic sludge disaster in Hungary --fertile land turned into poisoned wasteland:
A massive spill of toxic (heavy metal oxides) sludge from an Aluminum plant in Hungary
The toxic red tide wch engulfed everything in it's path has reached the Danube...and soon the Black Sea.
Komi republic oil spill/
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