Picasso's "Guarnica"
War is state-sanctioned murder on a mass scale!
Every gun,bomb,tank,and battleship that is made takes away from a human being who needs food,education,medical care,etc. Every dollar spent on the weapons of war is stolen from other more worthy causes toward wch it should have been applied to alleviate social injustice and human suffering and improve the quality of human life.
Instead of training a soldier to "kill and be killed" he could be taught some constructive employment skills that could benefit humanity In 2008 the nations of the world spent 1.5 trillion dollars on weapons! --all of wch is immensely wasteful of the earth's resources!( apart from the horrendous suffering that such weapons inflict)
(43% of global military expenditure is spent by the USA---this is 6X more than China wch is second)
A simple cost/benefit analysis readily demonstrates that the fiscal and human costs of war far outweigh any possible benefit to a society.(1) the military -industrial complex who make the armaments/weapons of war/military hardware,and who promote military action and the glorification of war (the warmongers) ,and the military career professionals) Arms dealers (the suppliers of weapons) fuel armed conflict!
see the movie:Lord of War (2005)An arms supplier confronts the morality of his work as he is being chased by an Interpol agent. Directed by Andrew Niccol. Starring Nicolas Cage,
After 9/11 , funding for the intelligence bureaucracy was doubled!,there was a buildup of weaponry, and two wars drained the US treasury, and squandered the country's resources.
(2)the executive branch of the government and it's associated military "defence"departments(e.g.Pentagon, CIA, NSA,etc.) becuz the constitution gives them more power in the event of war! see the movie:Lord of War (2005)An arms supplier confronts the morality of his work as he is being chased by an Interpol agent. Directed by Andrew Niccol. Starring Nicolas Cage,
After 9/11 , funding for the intelligence bureaucracy was doubled!,there was a buildup of weaponry, and two wars drained the US treasury, and squandered the country's resources.
If the constitution can be suspended in times of war,what laws (if any) are those in power bound by?!
What incentive is there for those in power to adhere to the constitutional constraints (those laws enshrined in the constitution) if they can acquire more power by declaring a de facto state of war/emergency/threat to national security.
An ongoing state of war allows for a de facto declaration of "martial law" or rule by the military (military rulership).
The president is just the president; but the president as "commander-in-chief " is imbued with extraordinary powers. War permits the concentration of power in the presidency.
Seizing "emergency" powers allows those who hold the reigns of power to disregard the principles of democracy as well as civil rights.
The government gives itself the power to listen to every telephone conversation and to read every email message.
When you have an immense military apparatus (the war machine),you can't just have them sitting around with nothing to do. You have to justify their existence-- you have to find a reason for war!
What? No wars to fight? Surely we can do something about dat!!
see "falsely led to war"
see William D. Hartung's 'Prophets of War' wch could have carried an alternate title that sounds the same but carries a different spelling: Profits of War.
When is the use of military force morally justifiable? and when is the cost of peace too high?
Making the case for the use of military force.
We should not minimize the criminality of war, for in every instance it violates the sanctity of life!
Obama gives lip service to the value of proactive nonviolent peace activities, citing Ghandi and King, but then concludes that not taking military action is tantamount to inaction::
“I believe that force can be justified on humanitarian grounds, as it was in the Balkans or in other places that have been scarred by war. Inaction tears at our conscience and can lead to more costly intervention later. That's why all responsible nations must embrace the role that militaries with a clear mandate can play to keep the peace.”
It is my thought, however, that for a fraction of the cost (financial, political, environmental, social, moral) of our military campaigns in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, we could have undertaken nonviolent proactive humanitarian peace-building activities that would have left us with real friends in a genuinely improved world.
This, in contrast to the destruction, misery, anguish, hostility, heightened volatility, heightened polarization and heightened animosity that have been the natural, logical, and predictable consequences of policies of fear,hatred and violence.
see "the normalization of violence"
I agree with the president that peacemaking calls for sacrifice, but why should we think, and be willing to accept, that the only sacrifice we can make, or could have made, for peace, is military action?
Worth Green, Seabrook
U.S. Military recruitment poster:
Having trouble finding a job.
Uncle Sam is hiring!
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to serve your country.
You just have to be willing to die!
P.S. The following job benefits are included: free body bag and funeral ,and your name permanently chiseled on a cenotaph as an eternally honoured hero.
And if you don't like that option ,there's free prostheses and psyhiatric services for a lifetime!
And if you don't like that option ,there's free prostheses and psyhiatric services for a lifetime!
The first casualty of war is Truth! --WikiLeaks
NThe White Poppy symbolises the belief that there are better ways to resolve conflicts than killing strangers. Our work, primarily ehttp://members.shaw.ca/peacepoppies/du chttp://www.ppu.org.uk/whitepoppy/index.html ational, draws attention to many of From economic reliance on arms sales (Britain is the world's second largest arms exporter) to maintaining manifestly useless nuclear weaweapo9 years after the end of the ‘war to end all wars’ we still have a long way to go to put
I |
Wear a White Poppy...
- to commemorate all victims of war
- to mourn the environmental devastation
it causes - to reject war as a tool for social change
- to call for dialog and peaceful conflict resolution
- to show your commitment to building a
better future
...Because Remembering is Important,
But it Isn't Enough
But it Isn't Enough
War requires a lot of preparation--the most important of wch is preparing the minds of the people!
The creation of an "enemy" is a commonly used political strategy for diverting attention from internal problems by focusing attention externally upon a designated "other"
One is left with the horrible feeling now that war settles nothing;
that to win a war is as disastrous as to lose one.
Agatha Christie (1890-1976)
This commentary reflects a lack of understanding of how the world works!
ReplyDeleteWe should seek to create a world as it should be,rather than settle for the world as it is
DeleteSome men see things as they are and ask "Why";
Others see things as they could be and ask "Why not?"
--robert kennedy
We have been fighting so long
Delete...we think its normal.
How can we hope for peace when we keep spending on armaments for use in war? (Canada has ordered $9 billion in F-35 fighter jets)
ReplyDeleteI believe the F-35s will cost 30 billion!
DeleteCanadian taxpayers conned by US marketing pressure:
DeleteFor an insightful discusion of the F35 procurement process
see W5's episode titled "Runaway Fighter"
The F35 is a "lemon"
Deleteread the comments: spectacular waste of resources!
F35: the most expensive weapons project in history:
Canada finally commits to buyiing 88 F35 fighter jets from Lockheed. Marten for 19 billion dollars. Thats 216 million per plane (.....then theres t he annual operating and maintenance costs!!)
DeleteThese are weapons of mass destruction! Their one and only use is to destroy.!Why not put thhis money instead toward a constructive use like health care,education,and incentiivizing the transition to clean energy!
Delete$30 billion for warplanes,... but no money for health care!
ReplyDelete... money is there for this crap, but not for education. How do these politicians sleep at night.
DeleteIf we can just get along with each other, we dont need to keep wasting money anf resources on warplanes and weaponry!
We vould use some of that billion plus dollars for some good. ...like paying our debt down.
Deleteban all weapons of war!
Deletethese are weapons of mass destruction!
Put the money toward health care, education, and mental health services.
The entire military procurement process has no accountability:
supply ships over budget:
DeleteWatchdog finds shipbuilding costs underestimated by $1.4 billion!
Pentagon unveils 1/2 trillion doller budget for 2015. (down from 527 billlion in 2014)
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron." — Dwight D. Eisenhower, U.S. President, Republican Party"
Delete"The arms race can kill, though the weapons themselves may never be used.... By their cost alone, armaments kill the poor by causing them to starve." — Vatican statement to the U.N., 1976
War stimulates economic growth!
DeleteEverything destroyed has to be replaced/rebuilt.
The best way to jump- start a sluggish depressed economy is to start a war!
This is America's new $13 billion warship
DeleteThe military is eager to have it deployed and put through its paces to showcase what it can do in an actual war! After all they can't justify having spent that sum of money to have it unused!
"we spend more on our military than the next 8 nations combined" (600 billion military budget)
DeleteFormer South African politician and current U.K. corruption researcher Andrew Feinstein argues that the arms trade does not make us more secure. In fact, he contends that it fuels conflict, undermines economic progress and democracy, and — with its unintended consequences — endangers citizens everywhere.
"The shadow world of the world's arms trade": andrew feinstein
US has 11 aircraft carriers, all built and operated through public money-- our tax dollars
As of April 2017, there are 37 active aircraft carriers in the world within twelve navies.The United States Navy has 10 large nuclear-powered fleet carriers (known as supercarriers, carrying up to around 80 fighter jets each), the largest carriers in the world; the total combined deckspace is over twice that of all other nations combined.US Navy has nine amphibious assault ships used primarily for helicopters (sometimes called helicopter carriers), these can carry up to 20 (V/STOL) fighter jets and are similar in size to light fleet carriers
You are right!
ReplyDeleteWar is an excuse to stuff the pockets of the military/security complex with taxpayers’ money...and to bypass the constitution.
It essentially creates a police state (military rule).
Interesting discussion on this subject at:
Can hman beings overcome the reflexes at the core of thrir reptile brain?!
DeleteFor "defence" contractors and private security contractors like Halliburton ...
ReplyDeletewar is a profitable business!
For them the death of innocent civilians is just so much "collateral damage"!
We make more in one day of war than in a whole year of peace
Delete"we spend more on our military than the next 8 nations combined" (600 billion military budget)
The declaration of "martial law" allows the consolidation of power in the executive branch,the suspension of the constitution and the bill of rights!
ReplyDeleteEvery president who wants more power needs only to orchestrate a threat to national security to justify the invocation of such executive powers.
Obama signs Executive Order of Effective Martial Law
by Dr. Eowyn
March 17, 2012
Friday is typically used by government and politicians to quietly dump a bombshell on which they do not want the media to shine its white-hot spotlight.
Yesterday is just such a Friday.
Obama issued an Executive Order of momentous implications. It is long and I am still digesting it. But from my quick look at it, this is nothing less than a prelude to Martial Law.
In the name of an undefined “national emergency” and the declared imperative to prepare Americans to “respond” to the “national defense needs” of the United States, the Obama administration seizes authority to the President (and the Executive Branch) to commandeer the production, use, and distribution ofallresources in the country, public and private, including agricultural, energy, health, transportation, water, construction, and — just in case something is left out, the catch-all phrase — “all other materials, services, and facilities.”
Climate of fear/paranoia:
ReplyDeleteIf this is true ,then every person who occupies the role of president
needs to create a climate of
"perceived threat to the nation"
in order to maximixe his power.
In other words, the nation needs to be in a perpetual state of war!
war on drugs!
war on terrorism!
If uou want to ruin your brain, fill it with war!!
DeleteWhere then is the incentive for peace?!
ReplyDeleteAuditor general's report states the Conservative govt. misled the public about the cost of the F 35 planes.
ReplyDeleteThe conservatives deliberately misinformed parliament and the Canadian taxpayer about the cost of the plane.--maintaining the cost at 75 million per plane when the actuaL cost had risen to 85 million per plane.
Canadians expect their govt to be truthful and responsible.
When a soldier returns from war, he must battle the invisible wounds to his psyche and soul.
ReplyDeleteThere is no longer an external physical enemy to confront;
now the enemy he must face is within inside himself!
War does not determine who is right,
Deleteit determines who is left.
I read somewhere that each day more than 20 former members of the United State's armed forces commit suicide.
DeleteAnd each month some 950 veterans who are receiving care from the US Dept of Veferans Affairs attempt suicide.
It would be interesting to refine tbese numbers and to compare tbose who are just employed in the armed forces and those who have seen active duty in a military conflict with suicide numbers among the civilian population.
Killing is easy;
Deleteit's living with it that's hard!
report on soldier suicide rate:
"What was statistically significant was the higher rate among men who served in the Army, as opposed to the Navy and Air Force.
The higher (suicide)rates were particularly apparent among men “in the combat arms trades,” who had suicide rates of 30 per 100,000, versus 18 per 100,000 among those who were not in combat arms trades.“Deployment-related trauma (especially that related to the mission in Afghanistan) and resulting mental disorders are plausible mechanisms for these associations,” the report’s authors concluded."
A soldier is just the final link in a long chain who ends up pulling the trigger.
ReplyDeleteBut behind him is the entire "machinery of war".
This "war machine" is the creation of an entire society.
It isn't the soldiers that are to blame for war;
Deleteit is those who give the orders!
How much of our money did the Harper govt. spend in acquiring four C-17 Globemaster military transport planes?
ReplyDeleteDuring the first six years in office Harper increased the military budget from 15 billion to 23 billion, and the number of
troops from 50,000 to 95,000.
The "special forces" which Ottawa can deploy anywhere in total secrecy has been more than doubled!
Increasing the size of the military is preparation for war!
Harper is creating a cultural and idealogical foundation for
exerting global influence and conducting foreign policy
through military force/war!
If the use of military force is justified as a means of advancing
ReplyDeleteone's goals and interests....then we should not be surprised to see an escalation of violence within our society.
Whats good for the goose is good for the gander!
Once you have trained a soldier to achieve goals through the use of weapons and force, ...it is very difficult to unteach him
and re-integrate him into society as a non-violent person.
What is at tbe root of America's "culture of violence"?
DeleteSee Ted Dekker's site for a discussion on America's incarceration complex/industry, and the societal forces that fuel this billion dollar industry. "The statistics of our prison system, right now, are shocking," Dekker declared. According to his research, 1 out of every 100 American citizens will spend time in jail in the next 12 months and, in the last 40 years, the incarceration rate has increased a staggering 700 percent... http://www.teddekker.com/
DeleteSoldiers wbo are trained to become agents of death and destruc tion cannot eazily erase or unlearn that experience.
Force and violence inffects tbem to the core (the horrors of war cause tbose who experience tbem to become mentally disturbed)and tbey cannot be rehabilitated or smoothly reintegrated into peaceful society.
Once you've been a wolf, its difficult to go back to being a sheep.
When a man's heart a.d mind are filled with hatred, it haz no room for love or compassion.
DeletePeace does not mean an absence of conflicts; differences will always be there. Peace means solving these differences through peaceful means; through dialogue, education, knowledge; and through humane ways.
DeleteDalai Lama XIV
Conquer the angry one by not getting angry; conquer the wicked by goodness; conquer the stingy by generosity, and the liar by speaking the truth.[Verse 223]
DeleteGautama Buddha, The Dhammapada
A mindset of hatred seeks to destroy.
Delete"We as a country must acknowledge that this kind of mass violence does not happen in other countries".
Delete--Borack Obama in response to the mass shooting at the Emanuel AME church in Charleston.
more guns equals more violence:
Delete“The true hero is one who conquers his own anger and hatred.”
- Dalai Lama XIV
"This quote lauds those who can conquer their inner demons of anger and hatred. In doing so, the quote says that it is both a rare accomplishment and a worthy goal.The term hero is often overused in today’s society. In a stricter sense, the word hero is applied to those who accomplish great feats against tremendous odds.The great feat in this quote is to conquer their anger and hatred. Think about that for a moment. Can you imagine having no more anger or hatred within you? As difficult as it may be to achieve, it is certainly a worthy goal.Why is attempting to conquer your own anger and hatred important? It is my belief that this world has more than enough anger and hatred. Anything that can be done to lessen either of these destructive emotions is a beneficial action. While some will never deliberately attempt to tame these emotions, those of us who do can set an example which some of them might emulate.In addition to the impact on the larger portion of humanity, how will conquering anger and hatred impact your life? Even if you could only diminish anger and hatred within you, would your life be better or worse? I know that as I have made progress in this direction, I have found that it is much easier to maintain my peace of mind.
To those who achieve this, you truly are heros. Achieving such a feat against the odds, well that is truly heroic. For those of us who attempt this great feat and fall short, even then we are successful, for we have improved ourselves in the process."
There are appropriate (morally justifiable)
ReplyDeleteand inappropriate uses of force.
Police have a licence to use appropriate levels of force to apprehend criminals and enforce the law; when they use this power inappropriately they can be charged with abuse.
The Wars We Make
ReplyDelete--Nicholas Peters
I look into the world with sorrowing eyes
and see the wide-abounding fruits of hate.
We fight we say,for peace,and find
the wars we make
to be a spring of hate and source of future wars.
Is thrre no peace for man
no hope that yhid accursed flow
of blood may cease
Is this our destiny: to kill and maim
For peace?
Or is this peace we try to gain
A thin unholy masquerade
which when our pride,our greed,our gain
is touched too far
is shed,and stands uncovered what we are?
Show us your light O God
That we may fight for peace,with peace
and not with war;
To prove our love with love,
and hate no more!
Peters emigrated to Canada from Russia in 1925
He joined the Air Force in 1942
He wrote the poem in 1939 at yhe outbreak of WW2
He died March 7 1945 when his aircraft was hit by enemy fire
This poem is from a collection titled "Another Morn"
watch "Eve of Destruction" :
"Let us not use bombs and guns to overcome.
ReplyDeleteLet us use love and compassion.
Peace begins with a smile--smile five times a day at someone you dont really want to smile at--do it for peace.
So let us radiate peace...and extinquish in tbe world and in the hearts of all men
all hatred and yhe love of power."
--Mother Teresa
"....they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks;
Deletenation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore"
--Isaiah 2:4
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe new nature of warfare:
Boeing has retrofited an F-16 jet to operate without a pilot on board. It can perfom moves that would endanger a human pilot.
Deleteremote-controlled warfare using unmaned drones and robots
Reaper drone
Maars weaponized robot
War is mass murder on an industrial scale!
ReplyDeleteWar is "killing"!
DeleteWar is "dieing"!
In war
the sanctity of life
is routinely violated!
What about the nobility of combat
ReplyDeleteand the glory of war!
There is nothing "noble" about war!
DeleteWar is madness!
Experiencing so much horror and carnage(and perpetrating it even more) twists the mind irrevocably!
Deletethose who kill do so at great cost to their soul!
DeleteThe dead don't leave you!
They haunt you for as long as you live!
Romeo Dallaire (Part 3)Encore: Romeo DallaireMar 14, 2017
"some gave all" by billy rae cyrus
"some gave all" by billy rae cyrus
Watch "wrong side of hell":
Deletewatch DOA pound out "War"
What does war say about human beings?!
ReplyDeleteLarry johnson's ctv news interview:"the ugly face of war"
Larry Johnson doesn't mince words when talking about the brutality of war :"We do that to people!"
There are two sides to every war...and then there's the Truth! : "War is horrendous!"
ReplyDeleteIs war and violence an integral part of life and the humam condition...or will humanity reach the point of learning to get along in peace?
"A new consciousness is emerging that sees humanity as a single organism...and an organism at war with itself is doomed."
--Carl Sagan
Every primate defends its territory against encroachment from another social group!
DeleteKim Phuc's journey from war to forgiveness:
War is a crime: both sides commit atrocities:
ReplyDeleteUN report said both sides comitted "war crimes" in last summer's Gaza conflict.
when heads of state disagree... they go to war
Deleteits a primitive strategy for resolving conflict.
It has to stop.
And those who continue in this barbaric practice of "making war" must be held accountable and convicted of mass murder. Building armaments in preparation for war is immensely expensive and diverts valuable resources from healthcare,education, infrastructure,etc.
Radko Mladic convicted of war crimes/crimes against humanity/genocide
DeleteWar is still happening.
Wars are still occuring in the world today!
The use of force is still considered a valid means of 'getting what you. want "
Countries are still preparing/planning for war
The costs of war are born by all humanity
Th e term " collateral damage" is a euphemism for the murder of innocent people
"they have guns;but we have flowers!"
America's culture of guns and violence:
ReplyDelete355 mass killing incidents in 2015, 33,000 people killed by guns, 100,000 wounded by guns
inciting fear is a method of "ginning up" demand for guns/armaments for self-protection
ReplyDeleteUniverssl Soldier by Buffy Sainte-Marie
Click the blue-colored lyrics to read explanations.
He's five feet two and he's six feet four
He fights with missiles and with spears
He's all of thirty-one and he's only seventeen
He's been a soldier for a thousand years
He's a catholic, a Hindu, an Atheist, a JainA Buddhist and a Baptist and Jew
And he knows he shouldn't kill and he knows he always will
Kill you for me, my friend, and me for you
And he's fighting for Canada, he's fighting for France
He's fighting for the USA
And he's fighting for the Russians and he's fighting for Japan
And he thinks we'll put an end to war this way
And he's fighting for democracy he's fighting for the reds
He says it's for the peace of all
He's the one who must decide who's to live and who's to die
And he never sees the writing on the wall
But without him how would Hitler have condemned him at Dachau
Without him Caesar would have stood alone
He's the one who gives his body as the weapon of the war
And without him all this killing can't go on
He's the universal soldier and he really is to blame
But his orders come from far away no more
They come from him and you and me and brothers can't you see
This is not the way we put an end to war?
The War Racket by Buffy st. Marie
DeleteThe War Racket:
America is not at war; the marines (the so-called "grunts" who have been indoctrinated into believing that they are fighting for the noble cause of peace)are at war.
ReplyDeleteAmerica is at the mall!
War propoganda and the national security state:
ReplyDeleteMyths on Screen: Hollywood at War, Part 3
Warning: Explicit Content | As the Twin Towers lay in rubble after Sept. 11, former U.S. president George W. Bush's administration leveraged the influence of Hollywood celebrities to sway the public to rally around the flag.
Download Myths on Screen: Hollywood at War, Part 3
[mp3 file: runs 00:54:09]
"Men are living in the lower planes--the planes of greed and selfishness;for self they fight; they conquor with the sword. But the victories won by force of arms are crimes.
ReplyDeleteIn every land the strong enslave and kill the week. All kingdoms rise by force of arms; for force is king
Jesus came to overthrow this iron rule of force,and seat love on the throne of power.
"There are two classes of men; they who would build the human race upon the sure foundation stones of justice,truth,equality, and right. And they who would destroy the holy temple where the spi r it dwells and bring their fellows down to beggary and crime. "
-- page 114' The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ
Cbcradeo/ideas the warfare state. Aired: Jan. 18, 2021
When critiques are made of the military-industrial complex in the U.S., they usually come from left-wing thinkers. But Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, a lifelong Republican and career army officer, believes that military spending has become an ideological article of faith on the political Right. And it's both bankrupting America and making the world a dangerous place
"if anyone asks you why we died,
ReplyDeleteTell them that our fathers lied!"
--Rudyard Kipling
ReplyDelete90% of wartime casualties are civilians!