We can prevent the formation of injurious intent toward us by obeying the Golden Rule and the universal Law of Reciprocity (see, "Be Kinder than Necessary")
"As you sow ,so shall you reap." --Galations 6
One cannot reap without having sown.
One cannot reap before one has sown.(the "sowing" must occur previous to the "reaping" just as the "cause" precedes it's "consequence".Thus a tree's roots precede it's fruit)
One cannot avoid sowing.
One cannot expect to reap other than what one sows.
One cannot avoid reaping what he has sown.
because you must reap what you sow.....
sow only what you would like to reap!
This means that if one chooses to reap a harvest of love,one must sow love,..for only love begets love.
To expect to reap love while sowing hatred is just plain delusional.
To have a friend ,you must first be a friend!
Friendship and trust have to be earned. You cannot win a person's heart by the exercise of physical/military force.
Every prudent investor knows that investing early in the good care of one's body will ensure good health in one's old age. And if one fails in this ,one will suffer the inevitable consequences of one's own negligence.Most disease can be prevented by the proper lifestyle choices.
Be exceedingly careful what you sow ,lest you generate for yourself a bitter harvest.
What kind of harvest are you sowing/planting?
Virtue incurs it's own reward and sin it's own punishment.
"You have heard that it was said "You shall love your neighbor,and hate your enemy."
But I say to you,love your enemies,and pray for those who persecute/injure you,in order that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven;for He causes his sun to shine on the evil and the good,and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
For if you only love those who love you,what reward have you?Do not even the tax-gathereers do the same?
And if you greet your brothers only,what do you do more than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?"
--Mathew 5,43-47
see "the evolutionary advantage of altruism:planning a desired outcome and avoiding undesired consequences"
The real meanying of pre-emption is
ReplyDelete"do unto others before they do it to you!"
To live by such a dictim is to open yje gates of Hell!
DeleteFollowing such a course will yield a bitter harvest indeed!!
DeleteDo unto others what they would do to you. .. ..but do it first!
see "the way to peace,safety and security"
ReplyDeleteSubject: Decreasing the quantity of hate in the world
Overcoming evil with good:
In Romans, Paul talks about how to deal with our enemies and those who have wronged us. He says many wise things about dealing with others in this passage:Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.
On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.Romans 12:17-21
First of all, you need to know that Paul is quoting from the Book of Proverbs. This verse in Romans 12 is really Proverbs 25:21-22
It really has three parts: There is the command, the result, and the reward. http://www.keepbelieving.com/sermon/1995-05-21-Hot-Coals-Loving-Those-Youd-Rather-Hate/ReplyDelete
ReplyDelete"Give a little love" video shows the importance of giving
"If you give a little love, you can get a little love of your
Using this quote as the inspiration for a video that has gone viral, this four-minute clip, which looks to be the work of non-profit Christian organization Křižovatka Olomouc in Czech Republic or talented YouTube user Graham Kervin, shows us the importance of doing good deeds.And a good deed can mean anything from holding the elevator for a stranger, helping your neighbour rake leaves or even cleaning up a spill in the office kitchen.
It seems the perfect time of year to remember that helping others doesn't need to be a huge effort, but only means going out of your way slightly to take others into consideration.Labelled "A few minutes of perfection," by a user on Facebook, it has over 140,000 shares and 45,000 likes.
It follows an average day for a group of strangers, who each get inspired to perform an act of kindness after watching someone else do so — the perfect example of the domino effect. It also mixes in video clips of a young boy who painted over a vandalized wall.
Kenneth Ring's book, "Lessons from the Light",
ReplyDeletecontains this wonderful passage about the "prime directive" from the Light that many of those who have NDEs receive:
Of all the teachings in the world, the greatest is love. And of all the lessons of the NDE, none is greater than the importance, indeed the primacy, of love. And what the NDE teaches about love is that everything is love, and is made of love, and comes from love.
Author says altruism generates true happiness-
ReplyDelete-Paul Latimer
Lake Country Calendar
Published: July 12, 2015 11:00 AMUpdated: July 10, 2015
Happiness is that state of being it seems almost everyone is striving for.
Many people ask me what it takes to be happy, to have a happy life.Of course, the idea of happiness and the experience of it can be different for everyone and there can be significant barriers to happiness including mental and physical health issues, addiction, poverty or abuse to name only a few.I recently read an interesting article about a man scientists have called the happiest in the world. He offers a perspective on happiness I found refreshing.
French biologist-turned Tibetan monk Mattieu Ricard earned his reputation as the happiest man in the world after scans of his brain showed the highest activity ever recorded in areas associated with positive emotion.Ricard has recently published a book called Altruism and claims happiness doesn’t come from the places we typically think it might. The title gives away his direction.Although our North American culture places a high value on personal pleasure as the root of happiness, Ricard argues something different. Rather than focusing on a selfish pursuit of pleasurable experiences, he says true happiness is more readily found in helping and focusing on the needs of others.Ricard’s book looks at scientific data from the fields of neuroscience, economic and psychology to examine what factors combine to cause human happiness. He says altruism and compassion, as well as a clear and stable mind, resilience and feelings of serenity and fulfillment combine to create happiness.Ricard suggests that obsession with self tends to lead to an amplification of hopes and fears and brooding on things that might affect us. As a result, even small events impact our well-being.According to Ricard, it is altruistic love that activates positive emotions in the brain and creates a profound feeling of fullness. He suggests a shift from our current selfish economy to a ‘caring economy’ where we concern ourselves with others and creating a society with good working conditions and social supports with an eye to the well-being of future generations.Ricard believes people are naturally altruistic but bad education can stifle that natural state. If we teach children they are kind, they will behave that way.We are at an important time in history right now. Many people around the world and in our own community are vulnerable because of war, poverty and oppression and our planet is struggling with climate change and its effects. There is no shortage of places to focus our compassion. Not only will an outward focus make a difference in the world, but we may get the added benefit of an improved sense of well-being.
life is a boomerang: what goes around,comes around
ReplyDeleteThe good (and the harm)that you do...will return unto you.
what you don't wish for yourself,do not do to others (the Golden Rule is none other than the law of cause and effect).
Our lives are the product of our choices. We shape our lives by the choices we make. Our choices determine our actions. We must experience the results/consequences of our actions. We must reap what we sow. Therefore sow only what you wish ro reap.
Watch "Genius of the Ancients" about Confucius
We can cultivate goodness through the love of wisdom. We live in a time of moral decay wch threatens not only humanity but the entire planet...and so the message of Confucius is all the more relevant today.
The task of becoming human is a lifelong endeavor that is never fully completed.
" Return to him who does you wrong your purest love,and he will cease from doing wrong; for love will purify the heart of him who is beloved as truely as it purifies the heart of him who loves. "