Friday, March 21, 2008

Rumi's Tavern

who can say they are

In the school of love who has learned all the
lessons? Or why would we still be in school?
P.S. Have not read Borges.Do not know Persian.Am
looking for some hardy pistachios and persimmons to grow...
if one ever sobers up.


Dec 6, 2001 11:05 pm
Re: who is not a lover?
Dear Namtoo
Do you know Persian language?
If Yes I invite you to another club of Molana Jalaladin Rumi I found you as a drunkard. beh_yas

Dec 6, 2001 8:50 am
who is not a lover?
Why is this pub empty?Where are all the other drunkards?

Dec 6, 2001 3:29 am
you're not kidding
"Lover's don't meet somewhere along the way They are in each others souls all along."- Rumi

How wonderful that the creator has chosen to reveal some of his beauty and glory to you through the form of this creature!For the qualities you have seen in this person ,are they not the qualities of God? Perhaps it is really He
whom you feel separated from and seek union with--the
Eternal Beloved who is to be found in your own heart.
Who is sick with love will receive the healer.An
unexpected means of fulfilling your need for union(and
relieving the anguish of separation that tears you
apart)will be revealed.The veil of form and multiplicity
will be rent asunder and the secret of oneness will be
revealed.It will be as if your eyes are opened to the essence
that is behind all form. He will show you a way to
love her always--even in her absence.(for how could
she be ever absent/separate?) For is she not in the
clouds and the grass,in the ground that you walk
upon,and in the very air that you breathe?Is she not in
every person that you encounter?Are you not able to
recognize her in every creature that comes to stand before
you? Can you not see that she is everywhere and in all
things --the very essence of all that there is! Knowing
this you will be able to relinquish your attachment to
her physical form,and you will be liberated from the
anquish that has resulted from that attachment. And if
you choose not to relinquish that anquish,then count
it also as joy!
Only in the Infinite is there true joy.

Dec 6, 2001 2:07 am
back to Rumi

Fascinating how Rumi's masterful use of words guides us through the labyrinth of duality and brings us magically to that place of Oneness from which he (and we through him)beholds the grandeur and the glory of what is. His words ring true because they take us to that Truth and give us a momentary glimpse of that
experience which all the scriptures are about.
One senses that here is someone who's been there.

Dec 6, 2001 12:10 am
more than welcome

Jeff,where are you ?.This place isn't the same without you.I miss you already. . . Where does love come from?

Dec 5, 2001 9:23 pm
Re: Can I give enlightenment back ?

Sounds like a pretty far out/in space!Why would anyone want to give it back? Who is there to give anything? Who is ... intoxicated with the words?

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