Monday, August 12, 2019

UN Report on the impacte of agriculture on climate warming calls for major change in diet

one quarter of greenhouse gas emissions due to food production 

Report calls for change in food production and food consumption patterns

The way the world manages land, produces and eats food has to change to curb global warming or food security, health and biodiversity will be at risk, a United Nations report on the effects of climate change on land said on Thursday.
The report said global population growth and changes in consumption patterns have caused unprecedented rates of land and water use. It called for big changes to farming and eating habits, but stopped short of explicitly advocating going meat-free.
Dietary changes, featuring plant-based foods and sustainable animal-sourced food, could free up several million square kilometres of land by 2050 and potentially cut 0.7 to 8.0 gigatonnes a year of carbon dioxide equivalent, the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said in the report
