Thursday, February 11, 2016

Physicists announce the detection of "gravitational waves" for the first time

Today physicists report detecting gravitational waves for the first time!

Although Einstein's Theory of Relativity predicted the existence of gravitational waves, they have thus far not been observed or measured.

The ability to detect gravitational waves opens a new astronomical window on the universe.
We can now see "whats happening out there" through the lense of gravitational waves.
It enables observation of previously
unobservable/ invisible/dark realms of the universe. A "gravitational wave" telescope now possible source=web&cd=10&rct=j&q= gravitational%20waves&ved=0ahUKEwjq-_Lbx_ DKAhUHoZQKHQtmBSwQFghBMAk&url= 2F2016%2F02%2F12%2Fscience%2Fligo-gravitational-waves-black-holes-einstein.html&usg=AFQjCNGkTfN_ hiow0Wxaliv2RAVU9Ys-Wg

Most of "what is" is not visible to the senses.
Our knowledge of the universe is limited by our senses (our ability to perceive).

    It has taken 400 years since the invention of the telescope for us to directly detect other planetary systems; see planets around other stars.
    There is only a very tiny segment of reality that we can access/perceive through our unaided senses;i.e. that we can see,hear, and touch.
   We mistakenly assume that what we can see with our senses is all that there is.
    But in actuality what we are able to detect with our senses is to the whole of reality like a drop is to the ocean.
   Our knowledge of the universe will continuosly expand through the development of sensing instruments of ever-increasing resolution. Such instruments allow us to transcend the limitations inherent in our biological senses. But even the expanded reality that we can apprehend through the use of instruments is only a very tiny segment of the total reality.
We do not know how much of total reality is unobservable to us.

We call this invisible portion of reality "dark matter/energy"!

Monday, February 1, 2016

All the colours of the world are in me.

Kira Willey

I am green today
I chirp with joy like a cricket song.
I am grey today
Gloomy and down like a morning fog.
I am orange today
Loud and messy like finger paint on the wall.
I am red today
Hopping mad like a playground ball.
I am black today
Strong and tall a great big bear.
I am purple today
Bright and happy like a butterfly in the air.

I'm a rainbow today
All the colours of the world.
I'm a rainbow today
All the colours of the world.
I'm a rainbow today
All the colours of the world are in me.

I am yellow today
I shine my light out like the sun.
I am white today
Soft and quite like new snow.
I am blue today
Calm as glass and cool like the sea.

I'm a rainbow today
All the colours of the world.
I'm a rainbow today
All the colours of the world.
I'm a rainbow today
All the colours of the world are in me.
All the colours of the world are in me.