A global grassroots popular uprising is sweeping the planet like a tsunami wave!
The common theme of this movement is a demand for fairness and justice
by those who feel abused and exploited by those who wield the reigns of power.
Since intolerable conditions led one Tunisian man to light himself on fire, revolutions have unseated authoritarian leaders/regimes in Tunisia,Egypt and Libya where people sacrificed their lives to gain freedom from oppression
People everywhere are increasingly intolerant of the abuses of governments and the opportunistic, manipulative, and devious ways of politicians.
Inspired and emboldened by the so-called Arab Spring movement they have taken to the streets to speak out against corruption and deception in government.
This movement has gathered momentum and spread around the world like a tsunami,
as disenfranchised and oppressed people everywhere demand the end of corruption in governments ,and seek to take back their power.
The common people empowered by the Arab Spring have awakened to the realization that they do have the power to make a difference ,to change the political system and the world.
(See Jack Layton's "Letter to Canadians" )
The discontented and the dispossesed are taking to the streets to express their anger with governments who are not protecting and serving their needs and their interests.
Instead of fulfilling their role of serving the public good, governments have been hijacked,
their role has been compromised and corrupted so they serve only a small elite group of society.
Governments and political leaders have forgotten that their power is entrusted to them by the people.
Those in public office who betray and breach this trust have been corrupted ,and deserve to be impeached and removed from office.
In America the "government of the people" has been hijacked by corporations ,and the government now serves the interests of Big Business (who engage in the pursuit of profit without accountability) at the expense of the people.
see "the betrayal of democracy"
The "banksters " who plundered the economy and precipitated the global economic collapse received bailouts at taxpayer's expense ,and persist in their irresponsible pursuit of profit without any accountability --screaming "socialism" at any attempt to regulate their behaviour or restrain their greed.
(If adequate regulations had been in place and enforced, the global economic collapse would not have ocurred)
see " Predatory capitalism and unrestrained greed: the pursuit of profit at all cost"
The wealthy and the political elite seek to maintain the status quo and preserve their privileges and entitlements at the expense of the 99% (the working class) who struggle to make an honest living and endure the hardships of bankruptcies, foreclosures, and joblessness; and in extreme cases are deprived of the very means to live!
The insurgents express valid grievances that must be addressed and corrected!
Why are the working class people forced to pay the burden of the economic downturn?!
Why are they unfairly excluded from benefiting from the economy?
The working class people have been made to suffer because of the irresponsible behaviour of the financial institutions ...and the executives of those corporations continue to receive outrageous salaries and obscene bonuses .
There must be a deterrent to such behavior ,so it cannot happen with impunity.
There must be regulations imposed upon behavior motivated by "the pursuit of profit at all costs"
There must be a more equitable distribution of wealth achieved through reforms in taxation (by raising corporate taxes and taxing the wealthy).
But more than laws ,there must be a new adherence to moral principles so that exploitive capitalism will not be tolerated. Exploitation may not be illegal, but it's wrong!!
Profiteering at the expense of other people's misery is immoral.
An uplifting of human consciousness sweeps the planet --triggering a global call for greater equality,an end to war and the desecration/defilement of the biosphere, and a better quality of life for all!
The people seek to reclaim their power, to regain a controlling interest and stake in the role of their government,
in their natural resources,and in the wealth created by the economy --wch in fairness should be for the benefit of all--not just a few!
Ultimately power rests with the the people!
Those who gain power by force or deception,
and exercise it against the will of the people
will be held accountable!
All those elected to public office are entrusted with power by the people.
Those who betray this trust ,abuse this power and use it for self-aggrandizement will answer to the people
with their lives!
see "the government has no clothes!!
"From Dictatorship to Democracy"
--Gene Sharp
"How to start a Revolution"
-Ruaridch Arrow