Thursday, July 21, 2011

a different way

Living from the inside out

where  true happiness lies

Much of modern life is characterized by "borrowing and spending" in pursuit of endless cravings/desires in the misguided belief that such activity will bring us happiness.
The accumulation of wealth and possesions becomes the gaol of life!
But the more we borrow ,the more we enslave ourselves.
(borrowers are in bondage to lenders; creditors  draw people into indebtedness in order to make slaves of them)
We end up on an endlessly moving treadmill that takes us nowhere fast.
We need to wake up to the realization that what's already available in the "here and now" is sufficient for us to be nourished and to feel fulfilled and happy.
 We exspend so much of our lives focusing our attention on and pursueing what we don’t have and ignoring all that we do have—such as life and breath!
Stop to tell yourself that you already have everything essential—that you are already great!
You are a marvellous and extraordinary creature.
Give yourself the respect and affirmation you deserve!
Everything you need to feel complete and joyful--you already have!
It's already in you!
All things are already complete in us.
There is no greater joy than to be conscious of the goodness and beauty within you/us.
If one strives to treat others as he would be treated by them, one shall not fail to come near the perfect life.
 Indeed the compulsive pursuit of desires only robs us of our sense of contentment and peace
by replacing our sense of joy (gratitude is the mother of joy) with a feeling of deficiency and discontent.
Greed is like drinking salt water--it makes you more thirsty.
If we buy into the "consumption frenzy" we become compulsive shoppers,obsessive consumers--pursuing an endless sequence of desires.
Instead of being their master ,we become their slave.
Such behavior is self-sabotaging to both ourselves and our planet.
The competitive pursuit of finite resources and material possessions , engenders distrust and conflict, poisons all social interactions,and places immense pressure on the environment.
If everyone is in perpetual competition with everyone else ,this generates an environment of distrust.
The erosion of trust destabalizes the social fabric.
Trust is the necessary foundation of all healthy human relationships.
In the absence of trust, all relationships disintegrate!

But you say..."desire energizes and motivates one!"
And this is true, but at some point  they become destructive when they become our master and we become their slave!

see "The manufacture of desire"

Your present life is a slavery, a heavy prison.
Understand your situation and liberate yourself from it.
Throw off your yoke, and  exit from your prison!
It is sad  to see so much deception, so much suffering, much incapacity to understand where one’s true happiness lies.