Friday, February 11, 2011

power of the people, by the people, for the people...

Jubilation celebration!

All of humanity shares the joy of the Egyptian people at  the success of their grassroots revolution.
After decades of repression their united voice has been heard and they have reclaimed their rightful freedom.
We honor  their courage and their determination ,and celebrate their overthrow of a corrupt leadership.
Oppressed people everywhere today have a revitalized confidence in their own power to demand justice ,and in a more hopeful future for themselves.
May they be inspired, emboldened ,and empowered by the example of the people of Tunisia and Egypt!

Leaders of the world take heed.!
Your power is a sacred trust bestowed by the people to be exercised in the service of the people.
It's abuse will not be tolerated!

                                                                Humbled Power
                                                     Mubarek brought to trial