Tuesday, July 21, 2009

expansion of space versus contraction of time

distinquishing between the "expansion of space" and the "contraction of time"

The "red shift" need not be interpreted as an
"expansion of space",but rather as a "slowing of time".
Since space and time are concepts that are relative to each other (i.e. are defined in inverse relation to each other), a slowing of time would mean that it would take longer to traverse a fixed spatial distance,and if one were convinced that the movement of time remained fixed/unchanged/constant then one could only account for the fact that the journey took longer by assuming that the other variable(space/distance) had lenghtened or undergone expansion.
Thus the observation of an expanding universe/space could be accounted for with equal validity in terms of a contraction or slowing of time

Velocity or speed is defined as the rate of change in space(distance) as a function of time: V= D/T


The nature of Velocity:
Velocity is the rate of "contraction of space"as a function of "time"
Thus when we say that something ,"C"  travels at 186000 miles a second or 700 million miles an hour
we mean that in one second the spatial distance between object A (source) and object B (destination)
contracts/diminishes by 186,000 km.
If we vary one variable while holding the other constant:
Velocity increases by increasing "d" (the numerator) while keeping "t" constant, or by diminishing "t" (the denominator) while keeping "d" (space) constant.
"C' (the speed of light) is a fixed ratio of  "d/t".
For this ratio to remain constant, any increment or decrement in the numerator must be cancelled by an equivalent change in the denominator. Thus C= d+1/t+1 = C  ; C= d-1/t-1 =C ; d = Ct ; t = d/C
If "d" increased independently of "t",then C could not remain constant,but would increase.
Thus for "C" to remain constant ,there cannot be an "expansion of space" without a corresponding equivalent "expansion of time".
In other words any "expansion of space" must be cancelled out by an equivalent "speeding up of time"!
The "expansion of space" is a consequence of pegging the speed of light as a constant.
But if we instead fix/hold  "distance"/space as constant ,then it is the speed of light that must change with "time"!  C= v = d/t ;d = Ct

If light traveled twice as fast as it does...it would only take four minutes (instead of 8 minutes) to reach us from the sun.But the same effect would be achieved if space contracted by half
In other words, halving the distance between A and B (a contraction of space)is equivalent to doubling the speed of light! The corollary of this is that an expansion of space equal to a doubling of the distance between A and B, would be equivalent to halving the speed of light ...since it would take twice as long to traverse the expanded distance between A and B.


Monday, April 3, 2006 9:21 PM
From: "bill dality"
To: tomas@yahoo.ca

I suppose that's one possibility...if a law of "conservation of space" were in effect
But if space is expanding in all directions equally then the sides BC and AD are also moving away from each other (not towards each other)


Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2006 20:04:18 -0400 (EDT)
From: "tomas " <@yahoo.ca>
To: "bill dality"



Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 12:16:16 -0800 (PST)
From: "bill dality"
Subject: Speed ,distance,time...getting from A to B by the contraction of space
To: tomas@yahoo.ca

Velocity =distance/time

If "space-time" are a single dimension then what does "velocity" mean?
These dimensions must be separated for "velocity" to have any meaning!

Light speed is not the fastest speed there is!
There does not appear to be any limit to the speed at wch space expands. Einstein only placed a limit (light speed)on the velocity at wch an object possessing mass can travel within space. Space is not a substance and theoretically has no mass.Space or volume is derived by cubing a linear dimension.
(see entry under "space,time,etc."
This generates a paradox : How is it possible to distinquish the increasing separation of two objects due to the expansion of space and another kind of motion that is not due to the expansion of space?...The relative motion between the two objects is the same and indistinguishable.
When describing the motion of one object in relation to another could we not say in equivalent terms that the objects themselves remain stationary, and it is the space between them that moves and undergoes expansion/contraction.
We say that the position of an object relative to another object cannot change at the speed of light because the mass of the object would become infinite. Why could we not simply avoid this problem by saying it is the space between the objects wch is expanding at light speed (or greater than light speed)? The objects do not accelerate to light speed(in fact they remain stationary);rather it is the space between the objects wch expands/contracts at light speed.
Are these not in effect equivalent descriptions of the same event?

If light waves are also stretched (red-shifted)as space expands then all measurements of spatial distance will be affected/distorted as the measuring rod(light) used to measure distance is itself lengthened!

The "expansion of space" increases the time required to traverse the distance/space between point A and point B.. Conversely ,"spatial contraction" decreases this time, ..and taken to the limit, both distance and time collase to zero! This "spatial collapse" might explain "quantum tunneling" whereby "energy" can traverse space  from point A to point B instantaneously.(without the constraint of the  light speed limit).
A corollary of this thesis follows:
To achieve travel at or greater than light velocity we need to learn how to contract space!
Perhaps changing space is no more an impossibility than breaking the sound barrier!
According to Einstein ,"space" is malleable  ,and can be bent and even collapsed.
 (Incidentally "time" also is not a fixed entity ,but is also influenced by the speed of travel .
The flow of time slows to zero as we approach the speed of light,and at light speed time flow stops altogether.).
According to the Fitzgerald-Lorenz principle ,the dimension of lenght collapses to zero at the speed of light!
That is,at light speed ,space collapses in the direction of motion!
This is equivalent to stating that the spatial distance between A and B becomes zero, or that A and B occupy the same point in space,or that the distance between A and B can be traversed instantaneously.
This suggests that we can travel great distances instantaneosly by manipulating time and space.

Quantum theory casts doubt on the notion that distant objects are really separated since "entangled" particles can act instantaneosly in unison even if separated by the width of a galaxy. The question is ,does this quantum effect also apply to human-scale objects? (see "Quantum entanglement")
If it is not possible for there to be a separation between observor (A) and observed (B),then observor and observed are a unified and inseparable whole/unity (AB)!
see "The concept of Non-dualism (Oneness)"

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Free Press? Why the mainstream media kowtows to those in power

Why we can't trust journalists to hold governments accountable.

In 1953,at a New York Press Club, John Swinton,Chief of Staff for the New York Times made the following statement:

"There is no such thing in America as an independent press. You know it,and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions,and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print.I am paid weekly for keepng my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with.Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things,and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job.If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my newspaper,before twenty four hours my occupation would be gone.
The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth;to lie outright;to pervert;vilify;to fawn at the feet of mammon,and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it,and what folly is this toasting an independent press! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We' re the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents ,our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. we are intellectual prostitutes"

A US Police Action:Operation Vampire Killer,The American Citizens and Laumen Association,pp 18,19

Some of the media's sole purpose is to provide entertainment.
Some of the media are part of the government's intelligence apparatus(Department of Information) whose purpose is to shape public opinion and public perception.
But even the so-called independent mainstream media outlets have co-opted and "toe the line" .They are unwilling to alienate their corporate masters/sponsors/advertizers.
Instead of questioning government policy and holding them accountable ,the media functions to articulate and parrot the gov't storyline as unquestionable truth.
We once imagined the media would guard the hen house.
 Yet that was an anomaly, a freak event around Vietnam and Watergate when it slipped its leash. Since then, sixty independent media outlets have consolidated into five, all retailing the ideology of the powerful, the perpetrators, laundering their lies, covering up the truth, and harassing the truth tellers. The mainstream media have worked to ensure that the people didn't know the truth about the forfeiture of their government, their wealth, their security, and their rights.
It's rather telling that the mainstream media rarely focuses attention upon the motives of the so-called "insurgents".
How do people become radicalized? What desperation makes a person turn as a last resort to violence and even suicide? What makes someone think they are worth more dead than alive? What makes a person willing to sacrifice his own life in order to kill others? Why does someone relinguish the will to live? and what could we do to make them want to live?Why are children taught to hate?
Instead of providing in-depth analysis of the real issues, the media is content with superficial "name-calling" --labelling such persons with stigmatic pejorative words as "evil" or "enemy" or "terrorist" ...as if such labels and hackneyed expressions had some ultimate explanatory power.
Have you ever noticed how the media deliberately avoid discussing the human cost of war.
Sure they keep tabs on the number of American soldiers killed,but they don't mention the far greater number of civilian casualties.They don't care about civilian casualties--.
The media  trumpets the glory and the heroism of war ...not the day-to-day suffering of war.
Where are the monuments to the orphans and the civilian casualties of war?!
Instead of describing such atrocities as "war crimes" ,they use the euphemistic phrase "collateral damage"!
 When people read only what matches their own beliefs ,and alternative views are supressed or go unreported, they are deprived of the Truth.

 If you know anything about how conventional media is being used on a mass scale, you realize that typically someone is trying to sell you on something – an idea, an ideology, a certain mindset, in order to eventually produce a certain behavior.

Beware..., because deception is taking place through coordinated media manipulation.
We are continuously being inundated with commercials,television shows music,books,etc. --telling us what we should believe how we should act, and what we should buy.
To control someone's thoughts is to control their behaviour!
see "Engineering Consent"
It's all a marketing conspiracy!:
see "the manufacture of doubt;the creation of ignorance".
 Also: "Information Management--the manipulation of human thought and belief in the age of persuasion"

Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy --Martin Lindstrom


Injustice is the soil in wch hatred,violence ,and fanaticism germinate and grow!

Injustice & Resistence


A handful of corporations control nearly all news media.
As the consequences of this monopoly on information become apparent ,
dependence on these outlets for relevant and reliable information becomes unacceptable.
With the developement of the internet it has become possible for anyone to bypass  the monopoly of
big media and get the word out on an endless range of issues.
This technology has ignited  a renaissance in freedom of expression.
The internet provides a forum and a platform for all the news and views  not available in the corporate press.
Open source content generation ensures that no one voice or interest group may use money or undue influence to drown out the others.
After all who knows better what information you should or should not be exposed to: a few monolithic corporations? the government?...or You? (see "freedom of information and  the ethics of information access and management)


The mainstream media are "agents/instruments  of the state"  as much as the army,the police,and the judiciary.

In many ways the mainstream media is simply a mirror and a microphone for those who weild the reigns of power.They parrot the official storyline that the government wants the people to believe...rather than informing the people, providing insightful analysis, and above all  holding those in power to account.

Major media bought up to manipulate voters

To the editor:

In the last federal election, voter-turnout at 58.8-percent was the lowest in history. Only one-in-five first-time-eligible voters even bothered;  a recent survey reports only fifteen-percent of Canadians even follow federal politics.

The media—television, radio and newspapers—is the culprit. Deregulation has allowed our once diverse and independent media to merge into near monopolies—as BCE (Bell) buys CTV.  Your government has entrusted the crucial task of keeping the public informed to the greed and goodwill of a handful of businessmen/corporations.

We’re becoming like the US—“the most entertained but least informed people on the planet.”  Here the media is politics. That’s why General Electric—one of the world’s largest weapons manufacturers—buys NBC.  Not because they feel obliged to inform the public, but to win elections. Media owners have already demonstrated they could elect—then re-elect—a moron as their president.

US media have so confused its audience, eighty-percent still believe the deception of the Iraq invasion—which killed over one-million, men, women and children.

Canadians are a little better off because of our publicly owned CBC—and its mandate for truth and balance. Their great work has been hamstrung by partisan appointments and budget slashes. Senior Harper people have hinted of “getting out of the broadcast business” by outright selling the CBC.

“In the public interest” is the reason the Harper-appointed CRTC granted Sun TV News, aka “Fox News North,” a license. This station is owned by media giant Quebecor, who operate some 54 newspapers, 18 TV stations, film studios and more, nationwide—including the Harper propaganda tabloid disguised as a newspaper: Calgary Sun.

And not surprising, the Quebecor chairman, according to Wikipedia, is former PM Brian (Airbus) Mulroney. And the “Fox News North” station-manager is Harper’s  former communications director Kory Teneycke.

Mainstream camera-crews were suspiciously “not there” when Harper storm-troopers attacked the democratic rights and dignities of Canadians at Toronto’s G20.  This brutality—reported online by independent media and civilians with camera-phones—is still being suppressed by corporate media.  See for yourself,  watch the Fifth Estate documentary: “You Should Have Stayed At Home,” (online at cbc.ca/fifth/).

Before the four-hundred channel universe—when folks still talked to their neighbours and thought for themselves—voter turnout hovered around seventy-five percent. We were better entertained and more informed.  Get informed;... cancel your TV subscription.

Bryan Stawychny,